Help me learn how to trade! - page 13

sllawa3 >> :

It's roulette... it's up to everyone to play it or not... but beginners, like the girls above, should be prepared for it... so as not to be disillusioned...

When the money comes in, you'll find out who's in the way...

The same DEA and K6.

>> Can you give a good example that the market (any. Forex, stock...) is roulette?

BARS >> :

When the money comes in, you'll find out who's in the way...

The same DEA and K6.

Can you give me a good example that the market (any market. Forex, stock market...) is roulette?

today, dealing services as well as the entire forex market in russia is absolutely unregulated by....niki and no one... As for the roulette, I can answer ... the market is spontaneous ... just like the ball from the dealer's hand on the roulette wheel ...

If I live outside Russia, it is clear that we have our own "uncles" and our own problems. but if there is profit, all problems can also be solved. It's understandable that they are not represented in our country. But which of them to choose.
azik1111 >> :
I have my own problems. but if i make a profit, i can solve all my problems. I do not know which brokerage companies to approach. It's understandable that the ones that are not represented in our country.

it would be "help the american way" ... ( in one pocket ) ... so i guess it's better to start on your own... ( at least find a programmer in your community )

sllawa3 >> :

today dealing services as well as the whole forex market in russia are completely unregulated.... nobody and nothing...

What do regulations and roulette have to do with it?

As for the stock ( Regulations and other ... ) as for the forex, the same bars ! So you explain why it's roulette ?!? You don't just say that it's roulette, that's all ! If you call forex a roulette, then it's applicable to the other markets, again the reason: Bars in both markets.


The regulations are not... when the accounts are worth a lot of money, the risk increases. The prosecutor will catch you and find out... and he will, because whoever needs to find out...

azik1111 >> :
I don't live in Russia, it's understandable that we have our own "majors" and our own problems. but if a profit is made then all the problems can be solved. But it's important to ask which brokerage companies they should contact.

It depends on the area.

If the city is normal, with at least 350-400 people, they will consider it. Again WARNING!

All costs of the representative is purely his expenses ! i.e. rent and other ...

DoC will only cover the advertising and that as agreed. (There will be censorship through them).

Now just calculate and think: Is it necessary? Will that part of the spread cover all the costs?

The question of who to contact is the main factor here so that people would receive payments and would cheat less... ...because sometimes there are violent clients.


Money is first and foremost nerves, and you have to take it very seriously. Nobody knows how people in town are gonna go. That's why it's worth it if you have a clear plan and enough money to wait it out without people...

BARS >> :

What do regulations and roulette have to do with it?

As for the stock ( Regulations and other ... ) as for the forex, the same bars ! So you explain why it's roulette ?!? You don't just say that it's roulette, that's all ! If you call forex a roulette, then this is applicable to the other markets, again the reason: There and there bars.


Regulations are not regulations... when there are decent money accounts, the risk of various outlaws grows. When the prosecutor catches you and finds out... he will find out... who needs to find out...

first of all ... the international equity, stock, futures markets and contracts, as opposed to FOREX in Russia are strictly regulated by law and legally and are protected by the respective fiscal institutions ...

yes... the issue of advertising - ( attracting traders and capital ) is probably the main one....

sllawa3 >> :

First of all ... international stock, stock, futures markets and contracts, as opposed to FOREX in russia are strictly regulated by law and legally and protected by the appropriate fiscal institutions ...



DON'T GO OFF TOPIC WE ARE DISCUSSING ROULETTE NOT REGULATIONS ! Why the MARKETS ARE RULE? Give me one good reason why Forex etc. financial markets are roulette. (Cheating is not an option ... as they say "It happens").

sllawa3 >> :

today, dealing services as well as the entire forex market in russia is completely unregulated by....nique and no one... And about roulette I can answer ... that the market is spontaneous ... like the ball from the dealer's hand on the roulette wheel ...

isn't that my answer?


Who has spent sleepless nights in anticipation of a grail? I'm having one of those nights.

I mean, just a little bit in order.

The fact is that I'm one of those who raised dough on forex (long time ago, though without MTS), but here it happened that I decided to remember everything that I did two weeks ago. I mean, not the rules of entry, but the way of trading... it seems to have worked out....

i meant i'm going to use this program to raise deposit. program main goal is to withdraw less than 500p otherwise i'll get rid of it - 70p (maybe more). i need markets to open soon.......