Help me learn how to trade! - page 12

azik1111 >> :

>>This link was given to me by SK and I don't think it's his site:). can you give me some information as well? thanks in advance.

Every website ( dealing ) provides so called "affiliate" services ... and it is easy to guess whose interests are primarily served by such "affiliate" programs ...

Mathemat писал(а) >>

And it's not the 19th, it's the 21st (and the girls are different, and the boys aren't so chauvinistic anymore). Yes, I understand, the boys here are tough - too naive newcomers just like that, snout on the table, not even a puff. And still the forum is very popular - at least in terms of automation of trader's tasks and direct contact with developers. I have seen the level of discussion on other forums. Not the same.

Next. Those girls who have already chosen Forex, surely they must have laid on these risks accompanying the process of becoming a lady trader as well? I mean, they are much higher in their "quality" in the female masses than the boys are in theirs. By the way, there are already a few girls here who didn't say "fi" after the kicking and stayed.

Here's a question for you, Lena: have you seen a single girl on this forum posting a picture of another grail missile from the pipsqueak/martin series? Why?

Yes, about the demand for the forum I agree, it is in demand. As for "against the table"... I remember, I remember, there were attempts... Both the desk and the kicking... There was no naive novelty, but there were attempts... But, here, the authorities somehow didn't really show up near the tabletop and wrap their pant legs around it. I didn't notice them in the oppression. By the way, yes, on other forums the local "authorities" are at the forefront of remote self-assertion.

A pipsqueak/martinist? Cool! No I haven't and I don't know why. Pips/Martin... something...

azik1111 21.12.2008 21:49

That's crazy. The man asked: how to trade and where have you all gone. I'm a newcomer myself . I thought it would be possible to read something useful here. As always, a mistake. I thought it would be useful to read here. It's always a mistake. Why should a forum on a certain topic turn into a polemic on some other one? All the threads are alike in this sense. And it becomes interesting: maybe it is done on purpose? I personally do not find any other explanation.

With respect and a sincere desire to improve things, Azer.

Everything written here applies not only directly to Fora, but also to the creation of MTS, IMHO. You are probably aware by now that the psychological factor is not something to be neglected. It has been discussed. Many believe that psychology is 90% of success on Forex. I do not agree, but there is such an opinion. Imagine if a man has written an MTS, but it turned out (as it turned out in real time) not corresponding to his temperament or, in general, his trading psychology? Losing! A guarantee! He will kill it with his hands. Somewhere I even saw an article something like "The Psychology of Making MTS". Maybe they can tell me.
In general, only the psychological aspect could be discussed in this thread. IMHO. All the rest - technique, literature - fits into several links. And then you have to wander through the rest of the threads. And again - IMHO.
sllawa3 писал(а) >>

Each website ( dealing ) provides so-called "affiliate" services ... and it's easy to guess whose interests are primarily served by such "affiliate" programmes ...

I had no other information. Thanks SK for giving me this link as at least some information. Could you explain to me how it can actually work? If it's not difficult, please elaborate.

Helen писал(а) >>

All that has been written here applies not only directly to Fora but also to the creation of the MTS, IMHO. You are probably aware by now that the psychological factor is not something to be neglected. It has been discussed. Many believe that psychology is 90% of success on Forex. I do not agree, but there is such an opinion. Imagine if a man has written an MTS, but it turned out (as it turned out in real time) not corresponding to his temperament or, in general, his trading psychology? Losing! A guarantee! He will kill it with his hands. Somewhere I even saw an article something like "The Psychology of Making MTS". Maybe they can tell me.

In general, in this thread and could only discuss the psychological aspect. IMHO. All the rest - the technique, the literature fit into a few links. And then we have to wander through all the other threads. And again, IMHO.

1. The thread about the psychological aspect could have been named appropriately.

2. A person can only write such an MTS, which corresponds to his psychology.

3. That is why I wrote all this, to express my attitude to such discussions. And I do not want to join them.

Also - IMHO.

azik1111 >> :

I didn't have any other information. Thank you SK for giving me this link as at least some information. this question really interests me. Could you please explain to me how this can actually be accomplished? If it's not difficult, please elaborate.

If you want a different approach, you need to be knowledgeable in programming (related fields ...including web programming)... choose a work terminal (e.g. MT4) and fill in your data (IP. Server...etc.) to supply it to your traders... look for a quotes provider... (this can also be done ...) and broadcast them through your server ... and purely advertising and financial work ... ( collect and place deposits and manage to pick up the ones you lose ... )

sllawa3 >> :

The main thing is to have programming skills (in related areas ... including web programming)... choose a work terminal (e.g. MT4) and fill in your data (IP. Server... etc... to supply your traders)... look for a quotes provider... ( this is also solvable ...) and broadcast them through your server ... and purely advertising and financial work ... ( collect and place deposits and manage to pick up the ones you lose ... )

And don't forget about the "roofs", the guys who can kick you in the head for tampering with someone else's plate.

As I understand it from the link, it's just a representative office of a brokerage house.

So they get a cut of the spread from the volume.

And do not forget that customers are not rubber ones...


Time passes and such types start to appear who declare that it's roulette and so on.... "getting on my nerves."


I'm not gonna say anything about the promotion... it's easier to cover yourself with a big shot than to start doing it yourself. Advertising alone will only sting a decent amount, and who wants to go to the office X, which opened a week, a month ago.

BARS >> :

And don't forget about the "roofs", the guys who can kick you in the head for tampering with someone else's plate.

As I understand it from the link, it's just a representative office of a brokerage house.

So they get a cut of the spread from the volume.

And do not forget that customers are not rubber ones...


time passes and these types start to appear who say that it's roulette and so on....

Who's stopping it? Yes... it's roulette... and it's up to everyone to play it or not... and beginners, like the girls above, should be prepared for it... lest they be cruelly disappointed later...

sllawa3 писал(а) >>

You need programming skills ( in related areas ...including web programming)... choose a work terminal ( for example MT4 ) then copy your data into it ( IP... server... etc.. to supply it to traders ) ... look for a quotes provider... ( this is also solvable ...) and broadcast them through your server ... and purely advertising and financial work ... ( collect and place deposits and manage to pick up the ones you lose ... )

I don't have a programmer. Question: Can't I try to go under the wing of an existing brokerage company? Maybe they will be interested in my area? We already have 3 brokers. Anyway, thanks for the information.

azik1111 >> :

But I am not a programmer. hence the question: can't I try to get under the wing of an existing brokerage company? maybe they will be interested in my region of residence? considering that we already have 3 brokers. in any case, thanks for the information.

You will be regarded by brokerage companies as an extra source of income and not as a partner... As for you, you would do the same ( as any other brokerage company ).

azik1111 >> :

I am not a programmer. hence the question: can't I try to get under the wing of an existing dc? maybe they will be interested in my region of residence? considering that we already have three brokers. in any case, thanks for the information.

If you have already got 3 brokers, you may try to enter the brokerage market through one of our existing brokerages.

You may see an affiliate program.

The usual terms and conditions:

1. Ltd.

2. computers and peripherals

3. Premises (at least for rent).

A lot of people nowadays divide the advertising costs 50/50.

They usually pay 50% of the spread of a full lot. (The trader will wrap 1 lot on a micro. you will be paid...)