The law of conservation of the money supply is not a law. - page 3

Neutron >> :

What, is there inflation there too?

It is not inflation but rather the value of the dollar. In simple currency pairs, the exchange rate of the dollar is affected by two countries at once. And the dollar/gold pair is influenced by the United States on the one hand and by the whole world on the other.

The similarity between the money supply graph and the Gold/Bucks pair exchange rate is probably not a coincidence.


Here's a link to a movie with a little publicity.

The Money Masters (Russian translation) / The Money Mas ters
Can you imagine the Federal Bureau of Investigation - the FBI - turning out to be a private detective agency? Hardly. And rightly so: the FBI is a government agency. Can you imagine the Federal Reserve Bank turning out to be a private bank? You can't either? Well, you'll have to if you watch this movie. At the same time, you have to imagine that not only in the United States, but in all "developed" countries which have the institution of the Central Bank, this bank is a PRIVATE one, and is run in the PRIVATE interests of the descendants of those who established it in its time. The history of the development of the world's banking system, and particularly of the U.S. Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the full extent of the consequences of controlling the issuance of STATE money by PRIVATE central banks everywhere, is the subject of the film by Patrick S. J. Carmack and Bill Still. Although the film was released ten years ago, in 1996, although it is strongly focused on American interests in this matter, although it is mainly devoted to the situation around FX, it is worth anyone to watch it and try to understand what the authors are talking about, because directly or indirectly, money and what happens to it sooner or later begins to affect all of us.
Please do not consider this an advertisement, if anyone pokes his nose in the list of such films, I will be very grateful.
According to the author of the film, too many questions asked are left unanswered, including by the government. I doubt that you and I are independent of the system. And forewarned is forearmed, in principle it is not difficult to exploit the established rules of the game to your own advantage.

If you have a desire, you should look for the film Spirit of Time on this site and see
I was wondering how the evil green man stole all the liquidity in all banks, like in the joke
and these people prohibit picking their noses.
I wonder if there is a limit to cynicism.

After watching it, questions arise about the naturalness or artificiality of the crises. If one accepts the assumption of artificiality, then there must be traces of preparations for this scam, which can be analyzed and the situation can be played in one's favor.

In Investor, a man once said that he predicted the September 11 attacks by traces.


to Neutron

Внимание. Вопрос: куда утекли денежки???

Literally, they burn as much as they need to and print as much as they need to. There is no such thing as an unmanageable crisis, you should have known that by now.


I used to have a publication. Now I have almost all of it, minus a little bit of the ending. Even in this form, the publication gives some idea of what can be done with economics and how far the related research has progressed.

Got it a long time ago, about 13 or 14 years ago. I think you can find it on the internet too. I enclose the article below (in English).

swfqw.rar  18 kb
Mathemat >> :

I used to have a publication. Now there's almost all of it left, minus a little bit of the ending. Even in this form the publication gives some idea of what can be done with economics and how advanced the related research is.

Got it a long time ago, about 13 or 14 years ago. I think you can find it on the internet too. I attach the article below (in English).

>> uh-huh,

Besides, taking into account the fact that Americans have long ago virtually classified the amount of printed money, and the simple fact that all indicators put together and each separately show a hell of a lot, it is not very clear, what "mass" is calculated in the end...


PS: I forgot to add that "The law of conservation of the money supply" cannot be a law by definition. That's obvious.

Mathemat >> :

I had a publication. ... I attach the article below (in English).

You can read the article in Russian here:

Neutron >> :

Assuming that the currency market is a closed system...

Let's look at the sum for 33 instruments:

I think you are mistaken. We should not look at the sum, but at the relationship. After all, the GP is a ratio. And it's more correct to count changes not in pips, but in ratios (or percentages). And if for GBP/AUD 1000 pips is about 4.5% of value, for NZD/JPY the same 1000 pips is about 19%. Translated into real (equivalent) commodities, the difference is obvious. The figure below shows the relative values of the currencies, and all their ratios are respected between them. On the diagram AUD=86.590 GBP=85.247 then 86.590/85.247=1.016 i.e. the pair GBP/AUD has changed (fallen in price) from the beginning of the year 1.016 times 2.2399/1.016=2.2000 The same for EUR/USD 108.88/106.51=1.0222 The value for today 1.4396*1.0222=1.4700 was the rate at the beginning of the year. All 28 ratios (GP) hold in this case.

It seems to me that for you, as an NS specialist, this pattern in the ratios will be a much better estimating factor. Because you can't go all against all :-)

"...if it loses somewhere, it must gain somewhere else...".

Briefly a possible movement pattern and pattern has been outlined in this thread.

In general, it's like in Krylov's fable "The crab, the swan and the pike", everyone is pulling somewhere, while the cart (market) stands still.

Neutron >> :

Another interesting point. Let us take two extreme, mirror symmetrical instruments, in this case EURAUD and AUDJPY (last thousand bars of 1H). We can see that these pairs have a correlation coefficient close to -1, which indicates a strong negative relation between them.

Interesting this.

About the symmetry of the chart. If we take a look at the top figure of the currencies, we see that the main "battles" were between JPY, AUD and NZD (it is clear who is the target), while EUR "behaved" relatively calmly, hence the inverse correlation between all these pairs is observed.


And this is how "normal guys" earn money)

Hypothetical entry on all currencies above 100 versus all currencies below 100 (from the top figure). About 700% and no leverage (1:1)!

By the way, a trend change is possible....

Neutron >> :

A good view of the beginning of the crisis, which is marked by an explosive increase in the volatility of all instruments

You are right about that, although the idea was last year (exactly one year ago, even the dates are the same - 08.08.07 and 08.08.08. I guess I liked the second figure better)