The law of conservation of the money supply is not a law. - page 7

Choomazik >> :

Why six, if it's no secret? Did you orthogonalise the time series and get 6 significant principal components?

You could, of course, put it that way.

I'm not strong in mathematical terms. I know what needs to be done, but I don't know the scientific name for it. Maybe this problem has already been solved by someone else. I do not know what and where to look for it. It is easier to do it myself than to waste time looking for it.

By measurement I mean a variable whose change leads to a change in the properties of each point in space.

Zhunko >> :

Sergey(Xadviser), I shared this, and you?

Vadim, kudos and respect to you, but let's not measure the merits. I still don't think this is your position.

P.S. It's a pity that we have deviated from the subject again. Does anyone have any substantiated and informed thoughts on money supply preservation?

And where has the author disappeared to?

Xadviser >> :

Vadim, kudos and respect to you, but let's not measure the merits. I still don't think this is your position.

P.S. It's a pity we have strayed from the subject again. Does anybody have any well-founded and substantiated thoughts about the preservation of money supply?

And where has the author of this thread disappeared to?

The thing is that you can't calculate all the money. (You can only approximate it... so it won't be accurate.)

What are we counting? The whole bunch of countries in the domestic market?

The foreign market?

We must look for the money supply in the market. This is where Money sets the price.

In the forex i don't see how you can figure it out... there are different coefficients. But the "peeps" cannot be predicted.

You can stand in a pose, you can stand in a cache.

If this theme is to be dealt with, you have to think about whether we need it?

Zhunko >> :

By a dimension, I mean a permutation whose change results in a change in the properties of each point in space.

MathLog(Signal/Noise); ?

Xadviser >> :

Vadim, kudos and respect to you, but let's not measure the merits. I still don't think that's your position.

P.S. It's a pity that we've strayed from the subject again. Does anyone have any substantiated and well-founded thoughts on the conservation of money supply?

And where did the author of this thread disappear to?

On the merits, I didn't start it. I just replied. We don't have to measure each other :-)


In my opinion, it doesn't matter what the money supply is. What matters is the ratio of currencies. You have already written that somewhere.

I.e. you don't have to measure absolute values, but relative, changes.

kulbas >> :

MathLog(Signal/Noise); ?

I do not understand. What is it about?

For some reason I do not accept the concept of noise in Forex. It's not noise. If the spread does not let you work with small volatility, it does not mean that this volatility is noise.

An example of the first four measurements:

1. Price.

2. Time.

3. Depth of spectrum.

4. Filter selectivity.

Two additional dimensions in close collaboration with Ilnur have emerged. Turns out he and I were doing the same research. We enriched each other's work.

I read about Simons, about Gesell. Something similar was practiced in the 80s on collective farms in what was then the Kuybyshev region. I did not see any principal advantages. It seems to me that it is much easier to set a negative yield on deposits. I believe that the cause of inflationary processes lies in "surplus value", as it contradicts the physical principle of our galaxy - the energy conversion factor is always less than unity. Again, the basis of successful business operation is its closed nature, which is expressed in patent law, quotas, licences, etc. etc. I suggest creating a closed association for those interested, to implement a project like Simons. I regret that my statement is somewhat off-topic.
Zhunko >> :

3. Spectrum depth.

4. Filter selectivity.

I personally do not associate volatility and noise.

what do you mean by depth of spectrum?

and what attenuation (-dB) filters do you apply?

Zhunko >> :

I'll let you in on the "scary" secret of the Yin-Yang emblem and my approach to any problem :-))

>> "Yin-Yang rules.)

It's practically a human model.

anat >> :
I suggest a closed association for those interested, to implement a project similar to Simons. I'm sorry that my statement is somewhat off-topic of the topic of the topicstarter.

Sustained. Do you have the funds to set up a company?
kulbas >> :

I personally do not associate volatility and noise

What do you mean by spectrum depth?

And what attenuation (-dB) do you apply to the filters?

I use the highest selectivity filter in the physical sense. I.e. it selects only one harmonic without phase distortion.

That selectivity indicated in the measurement is not physical, in the general sense, selectivity. I should have called it something. That's a better word.

It's informational selectivity.

The depth of the spectrum, for example, from 50 Hz to 20,000 Hz. That should make sense.


Hertz (vibrations per second) does not apply to the quotation spectrum, it is more correct to estimate wavelengths in bars

but Decibels would be interesting to hear at least the order of numbers if not top secret