Attention: New version of the profile. - page 8

Xupypr >> :

It would be nice to correct the link that's in someone else's profile.

On which page did you get this link?

dimm >> :

On which page did you get this link?

In your profile, but it's OK now:)


Did I understand correctly that user's posts are searched separately in each language part of the forum? I went to giorgenio's profile in the russian part, it shows that he has 3 comments. Show all comments > shows only 1, in ru part. Switched to en, shows 3 comments. Show all comments > shows only 2, in en section.

is it meant to show comments of that language section only, from which I entered the profile?


I will once again reiterate my (and not only my) previously voiced request in this thread:

Please introduce the ability to ignore certain threads in your profile. This would make the profile not only prettier, but also more functional.

Lately I've started noticing that the first topic I inadvertently open when I come home is a scandalous brawl with the active and clearly PR involvement of a long-known "volnovnik" on the forum.

Previously in this forum I was only interested in technical issues. But now I've got a new pastime - and strange thoughts like "Is this forum what I'm reading, and shouldn't I find a more scandalous forum to satisfy my new needs for strawberries even more?". Maybe I'd be better off consulting a psychologist to help me sort out my new proclivities?

There is an anecdote about two English gentlemen who shared a room. One of them used to smoke a cigar before going to bed every night, and the other one decided to play a prank on him by picking a cigar in a known place. And after that prank succeeded several times, he was surprised to find that he could not go to sleep without picking it in the same place...

To the old-timers (and not only): join in the request if you find it useful.


I fully support Matemat's comment with a small addition that the branch would have an option to ignore viewing by some users...

Mathemat >> :

I will once again reiterate my (and not only my) previously voiced request in this thread:

Please introduce the ability to ignore certain threads in your profile. This would make the profile not only prettier, but also more functional.

Lately I've been noticing that the first topic I open involuntarily when I get home is a scandalous brawl with the active and clearly PR participation of a long-time forum "volnovnik".

Previously in this forum I was only interested in technical issues. But now I've got a new pastime - and strange thoughts like "Is this forum what I'm reading, and shouldn't I find a more scandalous forum to satisfy my new needs for strawberries? ". Maybe I'd be better off consulting a psychologist to help me sort out my new proclivities?

There is an anecdote about two English gentlemen who shared a room. One of them used to smoke a cigar before going to bed every night, and the other one decided to play a prank on him by picking a cigar in a known place. And after that prank succeeded several times, he was surprised to find that he could not go to sleep without picking it in the same place...

To the old timers (and not only): join the request if you find it useful.

Yes, that's probably the way out, you make an impression of a person, put him in your profile without seeing his posts and it's like he's gone,

and if the man writes something good afterwards, people will spread the word by word of mouth. That's a very good idea.

I've been unable to concentrate on my work all last week, like a disease,

I'm tempted to help newbies and learn something new.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

... join the request if you find it useful....

in total solidarity...

we are all human, we are all human... a well known thread is very distracting... I wish I didn't have to check it out sometimes, but it's on top! This is a technical forum, not a psychological one...


I agree!

A necessary option...

Especially since there's plenty of space for the "button".

Moreover, it is possible to further develop the service, organizing for example the blocking of the topic, if it is ignored by N number of users

to prevent it from being shown to guests and "young users" with a "profit" of less than say 100

This is of course also a request for the future mcl5 forum.


I join... sort of... "As if" because I'm not sure this person won't be running from branch to branch. He'll clutter up anything he can. I think it's the personas, not the threads. In general, there is a long overdue need (at least by users) in a fully functional forum with sections, and the top to call on demand.


Well, he doesn't seem to be running: there are enough people willing to keep the branch afloat as it is.

Ignoring the persona is in my opinion an incomplete solution. If a thread is developing, it will be quoted anyway. It means the ignored person's posts will be there too.

But if you ignore a thread, there will be none of that. It won't be a nuisance and the temptation to tickle your slumbering instincts won't be there either.