Attention: New version of the profile. - page 2

Thank you for the private note :)
make a personal unread message counter to show that there are currently unread messages, such as: Messages (1)
Thank you, very handy.
Thank you
Cool) Can I see the code on how to do it? I want to put it on my website)
And if there was a message in the mail that a private message had arrived or a private message had been replied to by another user
alexx_v писал(а) >>
make a personal unread message counter to show what messages are currently unread, like: Messages (1)

Seconded. You could also put the word "Messages" in bold and colour, e.g.Message 1

olyakish >> :
And I wish I got a message in my mail telling me there's a private message or a reply to a private message from another user

>> Not that...

There's a lot of spam coming in.

it would be helpful if it were possible to delete outdated messages (from whom they came)

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I'm so glad there's a PICTURE,


someone to talk to face-to-face!