Asking for advice from knowledgeable people. About hedging to avoid MS - page 13

NProgrammer >> :

And two or three moves of 200 pts with rollbacks of 50-60 give a very wounded MK threat. No matter how visionary you are. :))

there's a delayed lock))

Mathemat писал(а) >>

Well, that's a pretty good statement, you know. If this is an average for a hospital with 2000 patients, it is a very representative statistic, which can be analysed(theoretically) and the chances of such a system failing can be estimated. I remember someone (wasn't it you?) wrote here that he has some sort of X-ray that scans any tester report and shows who is who in the strategies...

Yeah, :)) M, I seem to embody the most knowledgeable evil... :)) ha-ha.

Nah, knowing the average deal, you can't really know anything. I can even say that it has to be as I said, otherwise, at the moment it's ...

blend >> :

there is a pending lock))

and actually saving a deposit is an art.

blend писал(а) >>

and there's an art to saving a deposit.

That's what I'm talking about! Fuck... :))


Дык про то и тема! Ёпрст... :))

And it's from the " Profi " Laughter and laughter)))))

BARS писал(а) >>

And this from "The Pro" I can't stop laughing )))))

What's so funny? You're right to think I think I'm all-knowing... ha ha, if I did, I'd probably be... Eh, where would I be.... :))

NProgrammer писал(а) >>

Yeah, :))) M, I seem to embody the most knowledgeable evil... :)) ha-ha.

Nah, knowing the average deal, you don't really know anything.

What kind of evil are you, NP. Yeah, you're hot and cold - there are other examples like that. The main thing is to have something in your head.

But about the average deal ("you will never know"), you were too hasty. For a certain class of strategies(granit77, can you guess which ones?) everything can be digitized and the right conclusion can be drawn.

Mathemat писал(а) >>

It's not evil, come on, NP. Yes, you're hot and irascible - well, there are other examples like that here too. The main thing is to have something in your head.

But about the average deal ("you will never know") you were too hasty. For a certain class of strategies(granit77, can you guess which ones?) everything is quite possible to digitize and draw the right conclusion.

Yes, I trade ONLY intraday. And, moreover, I have a very ( very ) rule - greed has killed the freeman. :))

I'll even add :)) Never pull on an instant move :) :)) I hope you know what I mean :). even :))

NProgrammer >> :

What's so funny? You're right to think I think I'm all-around... ha ha, if I did, I'd probably be... Eh, where would I be.... :))

A trader who has 2k trades with 3 losers won't ask such questions.

>> :

There are dealers who have a margin on the lock...

And at close range they dont want to open with the same deal volume because there is not enough margin for the same position...


NP If you can't get it in your head, here's the deal:

There is a position that is at a loss.

Suppose we buy, the price goes down.

Open a lot with the same volume (as I wrote, if we were allowed to open it), wait until the fall is over and returns to the level of opening locking order. We close the lock and wait for our side.

If the price moves against us, we again lock.

It's easier not to think, close it, and that's it. We all have lots. The blame for big losses lies either on the trader or on Gep.

BARS писал(а) >>

A trader who has 2k trades with 3 losses won't ask such questions.

There are dealers where you need a margin on the lock...

And at close range they won't open with the same deal volume because there's not enough margin for the same position...


NP If you can't get it in your head, here's the deal:

There is a position that is at a loss.

Suppose we buy, the price goes down.

Open a lot with the same volume (as I wrote, if we were allowed to open it), wait until the fall is over and returns to the level of opening locking order. We close the lock and wait for our side.

If the price moves against us, we again lock.

It's easier not to think, close it, and that's it. We all have lots. The blame for big losses lies either on the trader or on Gep.

So what are you saying to ME that's new. :)) Read what I write, maybe you'll wise up...

And I don't have three moose - you're a miracle... No, I'm just mad about the profits and the limits weren't there, so I just closed for "everything"... You know on one move to catch almost 200 pts, what an adrenaline... :))