Asking for advice from knowledgeable people. About hedging to avoid MS - page 8

paukas >> :

Do you like moose? Would you like to give them to me?)

I have my own zoo

paukas писал(а) >>

Do you like moose? Would you like to give them to me :)

Looks like the man knows what he's talking about. ;)

sabluk писал(а) >>

You're a total sucker and you're inventing some kind of super machine.

Elks don't like to chop a bough underneath themselves.

It's standard dumb. Moose should like small and preferably negative, open-eyed...

Do you even trade in real life with such logic!? Or do you just repeat what the teacher said.

NProgrammer >> :

Stupidity is standard. Moose should like small and preferably negative, open-eyed...

Do you even trade in real life with such logic!? Or do you only repeat what the teacher said?

What teacher?

>> if I catch a few elks, they're small.

concentrating on finding the optimum entry point

granit77 писал(а) >>

1. It would be foolish not to praise yourself.

2. I was referring to you about complexes, too.

3. Bottom line: I've been a dumb shutterbug my whole life, I'll die a dumb shutterbug.


P.S. I asked Rustam about locks, say, I do not understand how to get out of them. So he wiggled his fingers in the air and said that it's elementary. :))

I must have missed something.....

I have not twiddled my thumbs, because I do not have such a habit in principle. Once again, I repeat that all is elementary, is it really so difficult to count the available orders, to determine which of them are profitable, and which have a loss, build priorities for closing, and close at least in part, to zero, while making no profit, but freeing up margin to install new orders?

xrust >> :

Apparently I missed something.....

I have not twiddled my thumbs, because I do not have such a habit in principle. Once again, I repeat that all is elementary, is it really so difficult to count the available orders, to determine which of them are profitable, and which have a loss, build priorities for closing, and close at least partially, to zero, while making no profit, but freeing up margin for setting new orders?

About fingers it is of course an artistic exaggeration (I meant visualization of reflection, not palpation).

Everything else is true. This is the eighth page and it's still there. No one has suggested how to prevent a margin call by locking and how to close with minimal losses. The general conclusion - it will not do anything.

And I've got you pegged as a consistent proponent of locking. Or am I wrong?

granit77 писал(а) >>

The finger thing is, of course, an artistic exaggeration (I didn't mean rasping, but a visualisation of reflection).

But everything else is true. This is the eighth page and we're still here. No one has ever suggested how to prevent a margin call by locking, and how to close with minimal losses. The general conclusion - it will not do anything.

And I've got you pegged as a consistent proponent of locking. Or am I mistaken?

No, you didn't, you asked, I told you, more info in your personal if you want...


the same Munchausen - hedging (loafing)

LeoV писал(а) >>

Then go here.....))))

))) Did you write music for this band too?

Figar0 писал(а) >>

There is a thread on the forum by Yuri Reshetov devoted to his Expert Advisor (I do not remember the name, but it is quite recent), which trades on the brink of MC, and has beensuccessfully delaying the onset of this very MC for quite a long time . Look there.

!!! Oh Ea!!!