Asking for advice from knowledgeable people. About hedging to avoid MS - page 6

NProgrammer писал(а) >> I can teach a man to trade more profitably in 30 minutes... :)) From scratch.

Oh, we ask you, our lord! ))))

LeoV писал(а) >>

Oh, we ask you, our lord! ))))

What are you doing? I've told you a hundred times - go and learn it yourself... And I'll do my best to make my trading system unclear from my words... :)) Leo, mind you, I'm a pro at this... :))

NP, stop messing around since you're trading successfully. On the other hand, it takes much less than 2 thousand trades to get out of this forex forever somewhere quieter, even if you start with $1K...
Mathemat писал(а) >>
NP, stop messing around since you're trading successfully. On the other hand, it takes a lot less than 2 thousand trades to get out of this forex forever somewhere quieter...

I don't get it, M, I don't get what you mean...

NProgrammer >> :

So... :)) What does this have to do with closing a pose... And I guessed, you discovered that the counter operation is essentially a closing... Only sort of delayed, but... :)) Well, yes, it surprises me at first, but you're stuck with it in every topic. I explain it's a platitude... :)) I explain more - for this, even with some brokers, do not take a deposit ...

Real jerk hangout.... :))

Who said anything about lock :

" Everything is a hedge, only one is popularly called a "lock" :))"

Learn the terms first.

" Real jerk hangout.... :)) "

You hang out with your brothers in common sense, don't mess with us.)

NProgrammer писал(а) >> And in doing so, Leo, notice that I'm a pro at this... :))

>> then it's this way.....))))

Judging from beginners' beloved geometrical MM ("lot/deposit = const"), if average profitability of one trade is 0.3% of deposit, the initial deposit will increase 400 times in 2000 trades: 1.003^2000 ~ 400. Well, that's just kidding.
BARS писал(а) >>

Who said anything about lock :

" Everything is a hedge, only one is popularly called a "lock" :))"

Learn the terms first.

" Real jerk hangout.... :)) "

You hang out with your brothers in common sense and don't mess with us.)

OK, I take your advice, I'll go learn the terms...

Mathemat писал(а) >>
Based on hotly beloved by beginners geometrical MM ("lot/deposit = const"), if average profitability of one deal is 0.3% of deposit, then in 2000 deals initial deposit will be increased 400 times: 1.003^2000 ~ 400. Well, that's just kidding.

:)) :)) Yes ... How super optimistic of you, M, your words to God's ears...


You've made a mess of the subject... I was hoping someone would say something sensible. You're all so egotistical, so complex...

Mathemat's avatar's eye is starting to twitch.