Market etiquette or good manners in a minefield - page 72


Thank you, but I can't understand this syntax:

If the condition is met, this block (expression) equals 1, if not, it equals 0.

I knew it! -:)

Can you give a little advice on how to build a kagi from minutes? So far, it's clear to me that there is a constant threshold H, but there are questions. On the internet, the focus of people building kagi is mainly on line thickness and different shapes. That's a bit off the mark for me.

You ask!

There are only two types of Kagi builds - H+ for trend market (market parameter H-volatility>2) and H- for counter-trend market(Hvol<2). The quotient breakdown algorithm is the same, the only difference is in the direction of the position to be opened. The essence of the construction comes down to the condition: If the price moves away from its extremum (minimum or maximum) by the value >H, the next reading of the Kagi-build is fixed, etc. Positions are closed/open on each rebound, the strategy is reversed and always in the market. For H+ the direction of the open position coincides with the direction of the quote's duration, for H- it's counter-directional.

This is a classic.

Kagi disguised as a zigzag, or vice versa - 'How to write fast non-drawing zigzags'


I have the whole Kagi-building algorithm for position control fit into 3 MQL lines.

Shall we check it out?

So we take minutes, but what exactly - a candlestick in its entirety or a series Open is enough?

Then we look for the first (historical) extremum, and use it as a base: if the price went up or down from that extremum by H points, then we add one count. It is clear so far.

But how exactly do we add this count (see figure)? According to option A or option B ?

In option A I am confused by the resulting duplication of extrema.

Regarding H+/H-: if H is a number of points (i.e. the value is positive and > 1), its product of volatility will always be >2

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Can we check?

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Paralocus wrote >>

About H+/H-: if H is a number of pips (i.e. positive and > 1), then its product of volatility will always be >2

Let's reason by looking at this figure, shall we? Because I'm getting confused about the dice.

Hvol, it is dimensionless value defined as mean length (projection on ordinate axis) between counts of Cagi-construction (red circles) related to the step of division H. The length of arrows in points in Fig. is different, but not less than H.