Casino gambler - page 10

In times of rapid population increase, as has been the case on Earth for the last half century, reincarnations do not happen very often. In many sentient beings, new formative entities begin their journey. As is usual in such circumstances, most of them, then disintegrate. Such disintegration is not due to any action of the "birth controllers" (angels in the Bible) that must collect the entities left behind after death, but mostly due to the creature's own lack of activity during life. However, the entities already formed do not disintegrate.
I want to apologise to ballistics for the inappropriate humour, in fact I enjoyed the essay, not all indicators and furies are to eat, I want a breath of life with literature too, thank you
sabluk >> :
In times of rapid population increase, most of them disintegrate

India, China, the Middle East... >> is that where to look for parts?

ballistika >> :

And the author of the thread doesn't have the time - EARLY - to STUDY the whole mess... Or the result does not meet his expectations.

I often read - that people and 10 points per day glad to madness

By the way, here's the thing about profitability - a very important point. As for the profitability, I'm a little disappointed. I have found three systems from which I can squeeze out a stable income, but the fee for this stable income - profitability 50%-100% per year, and the fact that I have to sit in the market continuously. And so I calculate how much I can earn. What to live a year in Moscow without working should be 24 000 bak (this is only for the roof, coat, bread and water), respectively with the aforementioned yield, it is necessary to have 24000-48000 bak on account and not just to have, and based on the rule that forex is a risky market and it should not trade on the last, I have to have the above-mentioned resource, free, which I am ready to risk even to lose it, which means that I am a wealthy enough person - and I should be interested in sitting in front of the monitor day and night for 2000 a month. It creates a contradiction - I'm rich and I can risk half a hundred thousand bucks - and at the same time I'll be sitting for 2000 a month, which only suffices for toilet paper and a toothbrush in Moscow.

The solution to this contradiction is one - to manage large sums - say, from hundreds of thousands, and that it was the main occupation. Because the yield of 50%-100% per annum as it is considered very high.

Vot and it turns out that because you can never be sure that you at one point will not start to plummet money, and its a few hundred thousand thousand at me nou (otherwise of course did not sit on the forum, and would bathe schtuya in Dubai for example), then we need to find an investor willing to give the management tysch 500 000 plus monthly funding. But the trick is that such an investor as a commercial proposal, I would have to say the following: "you want a friend with some probability that at all see your money, get income of 50%-100% per annum?

The second option would be to have your own and far from last 500K, so that absolute income could be of any interest at all.

So ballistika has very accurately pointed out that not having money will never get you out of the elective category. And I don't have any. And look for the magic formula, bringing 100% a month - I do not want more, life passes.

Essentially, I've noticed parity in forex: our % of profitable trades struggles with the ratio of average loss to average profit. I.e. you can have 80% profitable trades, but the average profit will be 20 pips, and the loss will be 80 - and you are at zero. It turns out that the higher profit probability is, the more it is compensated due to the fact that the average profit decreases to the average loss. For the same reason the averaging does not work, or rather it works, but it is too risky - you need to increase each subsequent position 5-10 times, and the third consecutive minus leads to the fact that you have to expose a hundred contracts and you cannot be sure that the profit will work. This substantially reduces the profitability. Sometimes it is even 25% per annum.

In short, the yield of 50% - 100% per annum cannot be jumped out, and it may be of interest only if there is a large free money.


don't expect an apology from me )))))

I am always very critical of myself and others

antoxa_zelyonyj >> :

Essentially, I've noticed parity in forex: our % of profitable trades struggles with the ratio of average loss to average profit. I.e. you can have 80% profitable trades, but the average profit will be 20 pips, while the loss will be 80 - and you're at zero.

>> read this thread carefully and follow the commandments.

MathRand()' function

sabluk писал(а) >>

don't expect an apology from me )))))

I'm always very critical of myself and others too.

sabluk, I like your snide posts. It's a healthy, robust skepticism without being borderline apathetic/depressive.

Mathemat >> :

sabluk, I like your snide posts. A healthy, robust scepticism that doesn't cross the line into apathy/depression.

>> I was sent down to earth to sneer.)

Mathemat >> :

sabluk, I like your snide posts. A healthy, robust scepticism that doesn't cross the line into apathy/depression.

I suspect it's a communication bot

too simple program, and MQL language is simple...

the bot is in your trousers ))