Dedicated to co-founders and beginners - page 28

Shniperson >> :

Zhunko Since neither books nor personal experience have been able to kill the scientific approach in me (and I have never left my body, but I have experienced many similar things in dreams and trips). Then again... Please - Prove your capabilities/powers...

I already ordered it... while he sleeps and the americans are awake watching live on CNN and FoxNews ))

Shniperson >> :

Zhunko Since neither books nor personal experience have been able to kill the scientific approach in me (and I have never left my body, but I have experienced many similar things in dreams and trips). Then again... request - Prove your capabilities/ abilities...

None of my acquaintances have been able to... and they described the "picture of the world" in different ways, just like the authors of Monroe, Webster, Castaneda, Blavatsky, etc. by the way in the scientologist sect too something similar...

If you don't mind, state your "picture of the world", who is We, the Soul, God, what is it all for... that is, state your "Concept of Modern Natural Science".

(I have already outlined mine (description of the trip).

"Have you read A Course in Miracles? If not, I highly recommend it. Very many books on esoterics etc. refer to "Course in Miracles".

This mysterious work is one of the most curious phenomena of recent decades. Its author, New York psychologist Helen Schuman, attributes the credit for the creation of The Course not to herself, but to a force that communicated with her telepathically. In this case it was an inner voice calling itself Jesus Christ.

In my opinion it is the most interesting book, revealing a lot. Download can be found on this website Cube - e-library.


Scientology Axiom No. 1:

1. The basis of life is statics.

Definition: The statics of life has no mass, no motion, wave qualities, location in space and time. It can postulate and perceive.

I'm not into Scientology and have a cold (with a Chilling Chill) attitude towards sects.... The only thing I know about Scientology is that they also believe in the rebirth of the soul and that the Earth is a cosmic prison and we are exiled here by the servants of a Cosmic Monster (or civilization). They keep this doctrine very quiet and hesitate to talk about it (because it is nonsense... fantasy of R. Habard) (Wikipedia)

Scientology is not a sect, but a doctrine. The sect is only the "official" part of it, which has called itself the Church of Scientology and is charging people a lot of money for the corresponding spiritual procedures. The reason for all the negativity about Scientology is precisely the working methods of that very sect.

But there is also the Free Zone (FZ), a community of Scientologists who have broken away from the official sect (there is definitely an FZ in Russia). And this quote from the Wiki is, to put it mildly, not entirely true.

that the individual personality can fly out, into the plane, into space, into the world of appearances and of appearances, as well as into the other world, and into the world of childhood,
to fly, and even to fly through.
- no one has cared or cared about that for a long time,
it's personal qualities it's personal freedoms
even orientation doesn't bother anyone nowadays
as long as they don't crowd together
and don't mess with the electricity there,
or else it's disgusting to scrape it off.
Shniperson >> :

Zhunko Since neither books nor personal experience have been able to kill the scientific approach in me (and I have never left my body, but I have experienced many similar things in dreams and trips). Then again... request - Prove your capabilities/ abilities...

None of my acquaintances have been able to... and they described the "picture of the world" in different ways, just like the authors of Monroe, Webster, Castaneda, Blavatsky, etc. by the way in the scientologist sect too something similar...

If you don't mind, state your "picture of the world", who is We, the Soul, God, what is it all for... that is, state your "Concept of Modern Natural Science".

(I have already stated mine (description of a trip).

There is no need to prove anything. For it makes no sense. Everybody has their own picture of the world and their own feelings conditioned by upbringing (psychoblocks).

All this has a place in the world, every concept, all this is real, all is possible. The limitations are imposed on oneself by the individual.

Zhunko >> :

There is no need to prove anything. For it makes no sense. Everyone has their own picture of the world and their own experiences due to their upbringing (psychoblocks).

All this has a place in the world, any concept, all this is real, all is possible. It is a human being who imposes restrictions on himself.



wow, what a side everyone has opened up)

heel turns out to be a teenager, now wondering what teenagers are like for a bot (not to be confused with god)

Math is a scientologist, Junko is almost a ghost.

Only Korey didn't give away his memes.

The rest eat mushrooms, read esotericism, but I'm not very familiar with them yet))

blend >> :

wow, what a side everyone has opened up)

heel turns out to be a teenager, now wondering what it's like to be a teenager for a bot (not to be confused with god)

Math is a scientologist, Junko is almost a ghost.

Only Korey didn't give away his memes.

the rest eat mushrooms, read esotericism, but I'm not very familiar with them yet))


I'm not a bot - said the bot. This is what the NTP has come to...