Question for MATHEMATICS - page 11

timbo >> :

"One should not multiply a thing unnecessarily."

The system is profitable if the profit factor is greater than one, if the expectation is positive. Another question is what is the real value of this profitability. But there is nothing non-trivial here either.

It's not about real value, it's about robustness. We need to prove why the system should work in the future, but it won't lose its sustainability. In short, we need a physical reason for the existence of the idea.

FOXXXi >> :

You're contradicting yourself. And what about: "95% of programmer's work is ready-made blocks".

Creating the blocks and combining them correctly is also serious work that has to be paid for. Plus there is another 5% to implement the idea itself.

Consideration: if the author believes in his idea, he can borrow money and pay the programmer to implement it, a working idea will pay off. However, the author does not do that. Does this mean that he himself does not believe in his idea, because he knows that under it there is no long observation, no manual testing on the history and online, or at least a dissertation of the author in the field of financial mathematics, ie the author knows in advance that his idea is of no value. So offering such an idea as payment, he goes on to deceive the programmer - a typical scam.


60-70% of the work is transcribing terms of reference, and only 30-40% is programming itself.

The fact that the programmer uses his or her own libraries, which he or she created based on his or her experience, should be of no concern to anyone.

timbo >> :

Creating the blocks and combining them correctly is also serious work, which has to be paid for. Plus there is another 5% to implement the idea itself.

Consideration: if the author believes in his idea, he can borrow money and pay the programmer to implement it, a working idea will pay off. However, the author does not do that. Does this mean that he himself does not believe in his idea, because he knows that under it there is no long observation, no manual testing on the history and online, or at least a dissertation of the author in the field of financial mathematics, ie the author knows in advance that his idea is of no value. So offering such an idea as a payment, he goes on to deceive the programmer - a typical scam.

It is difficult to formalise the system, as it is not based on technical indicators, but on the price itself.


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Dear mathematicians! Can you tell me if it's possible to solve the following problem...

You need to find some inverse percentage distribution of numbers, although there is probably no such term.

For example, there are three numbers: 34, 6, 112. The percentage distribution would be 22, 4 and 74 respectively (out of 100%).

Is it possible to find the inverse percentage distribution?

That is, so that the smallest number gets the largest percentage, and the largest number gets the smallest,

i.e. the relationship is inversely proportional.



Dear mathematicians! Can you tell me if it's possible to solve the following problem...

You need to find some inverse percentage distribution of numbers, although there is probably no such term.

For example, there are three numbers: 34, 6, 112. The percentage distribution would be 22, 4 and 74 respectively (out of 100%).

Is it possible to find the inverse percentage distribution?

That is, so that the smallest number gets the largest percentage, and the largest number gets the smallest,

that is, the relationship is inversely proportional.

Simply put numbers 34 6 and 112 in an array. Then run it through ArraySort() and generate the output sequence 112 34 and 6. You can first convert it into percentages and then run it through ArraySort().




after manipulation




the solution lies in the order. see

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

As you can see, one has turned into an eight, just like you wanted.

If you need to remember the order of the original numbers before computing, these numbers need to be indexed. After the calculations, the index will help restore the sequence.

For example, in your case, after calculations with order preservation, the sequence will be 34 112 6



That's not what I meant. I don't even know how to phrase it properly and I'm not sure it's even possible.

The idea is there, the meaning is there, but it's hard to put it into words. I'll try to use an example:

At this point in the "normal" percentage distribution, number 6 gets as much of the total sum of the numbers as it gets of how small it is (4%)

A 112 gets as much of the total sum of numbers as it is large relative to the other numbers (or relative to the sum of all numbers) (74%)

A "reverse" distribution requires that number 6 gets as large a share of the sum of numbers as that number is small relative to the sum.

Similarly, you want number 112 to get as small a proportion of the total sum of numbers as it is large relative to that sum.

In other words, in a direct percentage distribution:

the smallest number gets the smallest share (according to how small it is relative to the sum of all the numbers)

The biggest number gets the biggest share (according to how big it is relative to the sum of all numbers)

In a reverse percentage distribution, vice versa:

the smallest number should getthe biggest share

the largest number should get the smallest share

Question to all who read this: is the wording of the problem clear, and if so, is it possible to solve it?



That's not what I meant. I don't even know how to phrase it properly and I'm not sure it's even possible.

The idea is there, the meaning is there, but it's hard to put it into words. I'll try to use an example:

At this point in the "normal" percentage distribution, number 6 gets as much of the total sum of the numbers as it gets of how small it is (4%)

And 112 gets as much of the total sum of numbers as it is large relative to the other numbers (or relative to the sum of all numbers) (74%)

A "reverse" distribution requires that number 6 gets as large a share of the sum of numbers as that number is small relative to the sum.

Similarly, you want number 112 to get as small a proportion of the sum of numbers as it is large relative to the sum.

Question to all who read this: is the wording of the problem clear, and if so, is it possible to solve it?

If I understand correctly, you need the sequence 34 112 and 6 with the order preserved, and if the percentages are 22 74 4.

But first you may need a mathematical formula which will allow you to calculate the right number in one line.

for example, number 6 is completely indifferent to what numbers make up the sum. it knows only the sum by which it will be divided. in short, it needs a parser which will work with a set of numbers obtained in the calculation of the straight-line proportionality, compare and rearrange, and group them together again into the original sequence. that is, this is machine work.