Gentlemen, where should the money go? - page 5

timbo писал (а) >>

Apply Occam's razor. Consider any statement in terms of common sense. For example, compare the budgets of Russia and the US and think what effect a very good or very bad development in Russia would have on the US economy and finances. The answer is none in any scenario. Russia is a third world country equal in every way to Nigeria -

Would destabilising Nigeria help the US in any way? Then why would it be expected to destabilize Russia?

And they do not need Russia's resources! ( they do not care about our destabilization and will not bankrupt their banks )

that economist is a moron

sabluk писал (а) >>

The timeline is wrong.

The company started before the banks went bankrupt.

we are not talking about bank failures

look at the euro/dollar chart from August until today, it is clear that the objective of the company is being realized (strengthening of the dollar)

and the ruble is down against the dollar too.

what's the timeline?


the speech was originally in response to the U.S. Ostensibly created a crisis to destabilize russia

I say that's bullshit!


they had a great depression in response to the creation of the USSR ! apparently .... ( by that economist's logic )

timbo >> :

Apply Occam's razor. Consider any statement in terms of common sense. For example, compare the budgets of Russia and the United States and think what effect a very good or very bad development in Russia would have on the US economy and finances. The answer is none in any scenario. Russia is a third world country equal in every way to Nigeria -

Would destabilising Nigeria help the US in any way? Then why would it be expected to destabilize Russia?

>> First of all I was referring to the Eurozone in the first place and Russia in the second.

Secondly, Russia is a member of BRIC (what the fuck is Nigeria to compare with)

sabluk писал (а) >>

First of all, I was talking about the eurozone first and Russia second.

secondly, russia is a member of BRIC (what the heck is nigeria to compare)

I think the comparison is in terms of influence


how can a raw material base not have an impact on high tech manufacturing!

only the cost of raw materials


we are the raw material base of the world (not the entire world, but part of it)

YuraZ >> :

>> and they don't want Russia's resources!

>> so why are they afraid of creating a gas OPEC?

sabluk писал (а) >>

why are they afraid of the creation of gas OPEC?

They are right (from their point of view) - because Russia will begin to have a stronger influence in the political arena, and they do not need it in the BSE.

The raw material base - to raise their heads


They do not care about Russia these last few years.

Balkans Iraq Afghanistan Iran is next

In those years, they sat quietly and did not make a big deal out of it! FEARFUL!


YuraZ >> :

but the yen is strengthening ! surprisingly !

He's supposed to be going down!

The fall is not far off.

sabluk >> :

look at the euro/dollar chart from august to today, you can see that the company's goal (strengthening of the dollar) is being achieved

and the ruble against the dollar has also fallen.

timbo >> :

Apply Occam's razor.

Of course the conspiracy theory is quite controversial :), but it does give the impression of a panic attempt now. Maybe Occam would like this explanation: someone thinks that after the elections in the states the current trend of the dollar will be over and we need to take the maximum amount of time off.

Yes, things are really bad in Ukraine. Political instability, attacks on Russia (and the West looks back on Russia in Ukrainian affairs anyway), IMF loan requests, and the price of gas is a terrible problem. Somewhere I have seen that Ukraine is in the third place according to Credit Default Swap, after Argentina and Paraguay. I wonder where Russia is?