To the site admins - page 3

Happy Holidays everyone!

Renat, since you're browsing the forum on this festive day. A few questions.

1. Why during line feeds (Enter) are inserted by fuzzy logic ))) or <p>, or <br>? The effect is observed in IE, FF, Chrome. It is absolutely impossible, for example, to use the editor in Code Base - I get blank lines, which I can't always get rid of, and I have to "kill" later in HTML. So, I had to type all the text, except Source, in an external HTML-editor.
The same in the branches of the forum, but it is not so principal.

2. Why in Code Base comments there is no possibility to attach files? In general, I think it would be more convenient to have the same structure of posts in the kaments as in forum threads

3. Is it possible (including technical) for the author to moderate comments to his Code Base entry? If trolls in forum threads are more or less necessary (what forum would be without them?)), then in strictly specific brunches, they are clearly not necessary. I do not have to go far to give an example - my last post contains an obvious troll.

4. What are the bugs with uploading pictures to the forum?
Svinozavr >>:
1. Почему при переводе строки (Enter) вставляются по нечеткой логике ))) или тэг конца абзаца <p>, или перевода строки <br>? Эффект наблюдается в IE, FF, Chrome. Совершено невозможно, например, пользоваться редактором в Code Base - лезут пустые строки, от которых не всегда удается избавиться, и которые приходится потом "убивать" в HTML Пришел к тому, что весь текст, кроме Source, набираю в стороннем HTML-редакторе.
It's a bitch. When you start changing, editing the boldness, style, etc., of a font,
the length of the line, you can get all hot and bothered.
zxc >>:

То же самое. На этот раз в Opera 10.53 (в сообщении выше, на картинке Opera 10.10). В Опере не открываются картинки - уже года два как. Антивирус у мну тоже Авира - сейчас его отключил и ничего не улучшилось. При антивирусе Нортон и при Каспере было то-же самое.
В Файрфоксе и IE картинки открываются нормально. Сайт не совсем дружит с Оперой...

I just finally got Opera 10-53 working properly.
As described on its website (see method 2)-I even put a segment question there - the most recent see)
It helped . First, I uninstalled Opera completely (I only kept my bookmarks).
Then installed it again in a new folder, which I created myself (OPERA_Mod)
And now everything seems to work fine (Avast antivirus). Before that I was struggling with it all the time (I wrote it here - see posts
Oper >>:

Уважаемый Renat,зайдите по этой ссылке:

It's the search engine out again - I've already restarted re-indexing.
zxc >>:

То же самое. На этот раз в Opera 10.53 (в сообщении выше, на картинке Opera 10.10). В Опере не открываются картинки - уже года два как. Антивирус у мну тоже Авира - сейчас его отключил и ничего не улучшилось. При антивирусе Нортон и при Каспере было то-же самое.
В Файрфоксе и IE картинки открываются нормально. Сайт не совсем дружит с Оперой...

We'll be sure to check it out.

Svinozavr >>:

1. Почему при переводе строки (Enter) вставляются по нечеткой логике ))) или тэг конца абзаца <p>, или перевода строки <br>? Эффект наблюдается в IE, FF, Chrome. Совершено невозможно, например, пользоваться редактором в Code Base - лезут пустые строки, от которых не всегда удается избавиться, и которые приходится потом "убивать" в HTML Пришел к тому, что весь текст, кроме Source, набираю в стороннем HTML-редакторе.
То же и на ветках форума, но это не так принципиально.
What P or BR is inserted depends on the previous state of the design.

A big problem with visual online editors is that they are based on the RichEdit browser control, which is the basic editing engine. Our own add-on editor is decent enough, although it has some serious problems.

2. Why can't I attach files to my Code Base pins? In my opinion, it would be more convenient to have the same structure of posts in the comments as in the forum threads.
The website has been developing consistently for a long time, and not all the solutions were right. Now we have created a new project,, from scratch, where many of the generic problems of have been solved.

I do not think that it makes sense to revise at the moment, we will do more harm than good.

3) Is it possible (including technical) for the author to moderate the comments to his Code Base entry? If trolls in forum threads are more or less unnecessary (what forum would be without them?)), then in strictly specific brunches, they are not necessary. I do not have to go far to give an example - my last post contains an obvious troll.
It could be done, but I don't think we will.

4. What are the bugs with uploading pictures to the forum?

I don't quite get it - give me examples, please.

If it's Opera, it looks like it has glitches. Use IE/FF for comparison - if it's fine in them, then it's not a problem with the site.

Renat >>:
Что вставляется P или BR, зависит от предыдущего состояния оформления.
In forum threads, yes. In Code Base entries, no. There's a style with paragraphs hanging there initially. Anyway, I don't mind hitting Enter once more to separate a paragraph (insert an empty line), but vice versa...
Can I make it so that it doesn't depend on it? Do you think this position is normal?
A big problem with visual online editors is that they are based on the RichEdit browser control, which is the basic editing kernel. Our own add-on editor is decent enough, although it has some serious problems.
I see. Only there are problems and there are issues. The latter make it impossible to use the editor to properly format entries in the database at all. website has been developing for a long time consistently and not all solutions were correct. Now we have created a new project from scratch, where many of's generic problems have been solved.
I do not think that it makes sense to revise at the moment, we will do more harm than good.
As I understand it, what's grown is grown. It's easier to bring in new ones than to clean up the old ones. I see. But in my opinion, that's not quite the normal state of affairs either. I mean, the approach.

It can be done, but I don't think we will.
Moderation. Understand, I in no way aspire to be a moderator and I'm talking about it purely in the context of Code Base. If a forum is a forum, then comments on a Code Base entry are very specific. Why can't the author take down outright flooding and deliberate spamming? The comment structure is not very good anyway and you will have a hard time finding the most relevant information in the comments. But if you start to see attached "pages" of "correspondence with friends" there... it becomes impossible.
I don't know. I'd think about that possibility again if I were you. Maybe that right has to be earned. Maybe allow those who already have Techsupport.
Please don't dismiss it right away. Think it over, ok?

I'm not quite sure - give me some examples, please.

If it's Opera, it seems to be the one with the glitches. Use IE/FF for comparison - if it's fine in them, then it's not the site that's the problem.

I'm not the only one talking about this. Trying to upload an image sometimes fails. On all browsers. Sometimes it only succeeds at some point. It usually helps (not just me) to reconnect to the forum. Or to the Internet. Although, it might just be the second...tenth attempt. But the problem is there.

I can't normally reply to a post in FF, when I click on [reply], a box appears with a comment and there is no way to leave the box, example here
Urain >>:

Не могу нормально через FF ответить на пост, при нажатии на кнопку [ответить] появляеться поле с коментариями опонента и выйти из этого поля нет возможности, пример тут

А что, напечатать в этом поле цитаты, а потом форматнуть в обычный текст никак?

Urain >>:

I can't normally reply to a post in FF, when I click the [reply] button, a field appears with a comment and I can't get out of it. Example:

And what, to type in this field of quotation, and then format it in a usual text it is impossible?


Well, there you go. I did it...))

Svinozavr wrote(a) >>

Is there no way to type in a quote in this field and then format it into plain text?


Well, there you go. I did it...))

I can not get out of this field.

ps ps psb done. I can't get the styles right, but that's the least of my worries.