To the site admins - page 2

In my opinion, the most important thing for the site admins now is to create sections in the forum. A solid thread is cool, of course, but it's too inconvenient ... :)
in chrome right-click open in new window always 404 :(

The website search engine has stopped working altogether

And I'm the only problem with this site, when you open a picture in a new window pop up kryakobazybly, annoying terribly:( and when you download the archives the same problem, I always have to click on the link and choose "save as", the picture attached
I'm having a few problems with the forum.
1) After logging in, I click on the forum member's nickname to view all of their comments,
(there is a link there),but no one comment does not appear.
2)And here's where all the hacking: Before you log on to the forum,
Deletes all cookies from my browser, spetsprogoy put in quarantine all the identified possible
Spyware files, check your computer for viruses Kureitom. Then go to the forum,
And what do I see? On the login page automatically still pops up my nickname, and my password,
Although I did not put a tick in the field "Remember me.Log in automatically.
What kind of spy stuff like this, eh?
3) In the subscription checkbox "I want to receive notifications of new articles,
But articles do not come. Although, coming to the forum, I see that new articles appeared.
And for a long time now.
Dear admins, please respond here,
or at least just take note.)
FxPro2 >>:
А у меня только на этом сайте беда такая, при открытии картинки в новом окне вылезают крякозяблы, надоело жуть:( и при скачивании архивов такая же беда, приходится всегда кликать по ссылке правой кнопкой мышки и выбирать "сохранить как", картинку прилагаю

The image in question is normally rendered from the website, has perfectly normal headers and is displayed correctly in browsers.

It's most likely something on your side. Check the behaviour in Internet Explorer, if the same behaviour is repeated there too, then your proxy/antivirus is the problem.

Oper >>:
У меня несколько проблем с форумом.

1) this happens when the website search engine fails, now everything works

2) if automatically appears login and password in the forms, it means they are saved by the browser. the site does not store passwords in any way and does not give them out (in the database passwords in the form of hashes).

3) unfortunately, we have disabled the email notification function completely


Dear Renat, please follow this link:

I haven't seen any comments on this page.

Maybe there really is something wrong with my Firefox?

FxPro2 >>:
А у меня только на этом сайте беда такая, при открытии картинки в новом окне вылезают крякозяблы, надоело жуть:( и при скачивании архивов такая же беда, приходится всегда кликать по ссылке правой кнопкой мышки и выбирать "сохранить как", картинку прилагаю

Same thing. I had to learn Firefox because of it

Renat >>:

Указанная картинка нормально отдается с сайта, имеет абсолютно нормальные заголовки и правильно показывается в броузерах.

Скорее всего что-то на Вашей стороне. Проверьте поведение в Internet Explorer, если и там такое же повторяется, значит проблема в Вашем прокси/антивирусе.

Same thing. This time in Opera 10.53 (in the post above, the image shows Opera 10.10). I can't open pictures in Opera - it's been two years now. Antivirus at me too Avira - now disconnected it and nothing improved. When using Norton antivirus and Kasper it was the same.
In Firefox and IE images open well. The site is not entirely friendly with Opera...