The effect of algebraic division - page 4

Yes, I forgot, you need a special license to spread all sorts of nonsense in all media, including electronic. If Efald does not have one, he has no moral, ethical and legal right to speak out.

Algebraic division effect.


I was thinking, what if you combine ephald with Regulest123 (remember him?). The most interesting fission effect would come out.

Andy_Kon писал(а) >>
Yes, I forgot, you need a special licence to disseminate all sorts of nonsense in all media, including electronic media. If Efald does not have one, he has no moral, ethical and legal right to speak.
Algebraic division effect.

_You are right, "ephald" the author of "The Algebraic Division Effect" did not give a licence, nor did he give one to anyone.

efald >> :

_You are right, the "ephald" author of "The Algebraic Division Effect" has not been licensed, nor has anyone else.

I have already asked the author of "The Algebraic Division Effect" a license to distribute all kinds of nonsense, if not, there is nothing to talk about.

Besides WHEREAS the AUTHOR'S RIGHTS TO THIS WORD "Algebraic division effect".


If this is the case, then the first thing to do is to define what "division" is. In mathematics, it is an operation between two objects, which can have different meanings and is usually determined by the nature of the "direct" operation - "multiplication" in the structure.

There is integer division, known in programming languages (e.g. 7/3 = 2).

There is "usual" division - in the field of real numbers ( 7.00/3.00 = 2.33... ).

There is more unusual division - in the field of complex numbers ( 5 / (2-i) = 2+i ).

And in the field of quaternions, division is defined even more complicated (there are several complex units).

And there is also division of quadratic matrices of the same order that a schoolboy can't even guess with his fingers.

But what "algebraic division" proper is - I don't understand it very well.

Mathemat >> :

If this is the case, then the first thing to do is to define what "division" is. In mathematics, it is an operation between two objects, which can have different meanings and is usually determined by the nature of the "direct" operation - "multiplication" in the structure.

There is integer division, known in programming languages (e.g. 7/3 = 2).

There is "usual" division - in the field of real numbers ( 7.00/3.00 = 2.33... ).

There is more unusual division - in the field of complex numbers ( 5 / (2-i) = 2+i ).

And in the field of quaternions, division is defined even more complicated (there are several complex units).

And there is also division of quadratic matrices of the same order that a schoolboy can't even guess with his fingers.

But what "algebraic division" as such doesn't mean at all.

No, in simple algebra (itself, itself) is there a division other than 'algebraic' (by belonging to algebra)?

I am not an algebraist, but I suspect that there is no other in simple algebra. Why would there be anything non-algebraic, if the very operation of division in mathematics is already inherently defined as algebraic?
Mathemat >> :
I'm not an algebraist, but I suspect there is no other in simple algebra. Why should there be any non-algebraic one, if the very operation of division in mathematics is already inherently defined as algebraic?

Thus we found out, that in algebra except algebraic division does not exist and the effect of algebraic division in direct sense is meant the result of division itself.

So it turned out: the copyright to "The algebraic division effect" belongs to us, and we can distribute this nonsense, pardon effect, always and everywhere, and ephald should pay us a forfeit.


efald, let's agree this way: for your and our peace of mind, we are ready to stop such shameless and impudent attempts of robbery exploitation of the Copyright Law for commercial gain, and among ourselves we call the phenomenon simply, in clumsy terms - "efalda" (you didn't seem to claim such abbreviation). It will be somehow closer to Russian, and it will be clear to all initiated what we are speaking about (about forbidden, of course). Our claims to you about the above three words and their combinations, we withdraw and from your advance payment if necessary counseling nobly refused.

P.S. We suggest that we do something more constructive and at last we come to an identification of possible directions of researches which can help to obtain the commercial effect from the exploitation of the ephald on the modern financial markets.

Mathemat >> :

efald, let's agree this way: for your and our peace of mind, we are ready to stop such shameless and impudent attempts to exploit the Copyright Law for commercial gain, and among ourselves we call the phenomenon simply, in clumsy terms - "efalda" (you didn't seem to claim this abbreviation). It will be somehow closer to Russian, and it will be clear to all initiated what we are speaking about (about forbidden, of course). We withdraw our claims to you about the above three words and their combinations, and we refuse your advance payment if consultation is necessary.

But for the time being, as VVP said: "for the duration of the crisis, for a period of 9 months".

At the same time, we have to bear in mind that the misuse of the efalda could have catastrophic consequences.


If in fact it's the Great Fool's Day, here's another brilliant diamond:

it's a link to Eduard Ozolin's website .



Do you know the difference between a pigeon and a banker?

- A pigeon can still put off on a Lexus!