[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 499

gvi2504 >>:
Добрый день.
Может кто нибудь уже спрашивал, но я поискал и не нашел ответ вот на такой вопрос. С понедельника при включении терминала приходит обновление на новый 226 build. Запускаю загрузку, и когда начинаю устанавливать начинает матерится антивирусник. Чтоб не делал все равно не пропускает. Даже если загружаю без антивирусника он потом чикает это обновление. Как справится с этой напастью.

Something is missing here, probably the name and version of the antivirus. If you download, install and run it without antivirus, does it work OK? What does the antivirus swear at?

I had the same thing. I had Kaspersky, it said terminal.exe didn't have some sort of electronic certificate or something, I don't remember exactly.
But Kaspersky gives me the option to continue.
splxgf >>:

Чего-то здесь не хватает, наверное названия и версии антивирусника. Если скачать, установить и запустить без антивируса работает нормально? антивирус на что ругается?

The antivirus is AVG. All right, if without antivirus, everything works, but as soon as you connect the antivirus, it immediately writes "Detected virus Win32/Themida. Detected on opening" And any further action leads only to the deletion of the update.


Good afternoon. Could you please tell me if there is an EA that hangs all the time and runs a certain script when any operation with orders (manually) takes place. For example, it counts and prints the number of open orders.

You can write whatever you want.
zhuki писал(а) >>
You can write whatever you want.

If there is something ready in the library, please recommend it.
int start ()
 int B=0,S=0,BS=0,SS=0,BL=0,SL=0;    
      for(int r=0;r<OrdersTotal();r++) //  
      if(OrderSelect(r,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false)    continue;
      if (OrderType()==OP_BUY) B++;
      if (OrderType()==OP_SELL) S++;
      if (OrderType()==OP_BUYSTOP) BS++;
      if (OrderType()==OP_SELLSTOP) SS++;
      if (OrderType()==OP_BUYLIMIT) BL++;
      if (OrderType()==OP_SELLLIMIT) SL++;
Comment("Позиции BUY  ",B,"\n","Позиции SELL ",S,"\n","Ордера BUYSTOP ",BS,"\n","Ордера BUYLIMIT ",BL,"\n",
            "Ордера SELLSTOP ",SS,"\n","Ордера SELLLIMIT ",SL); 
Here, use this.
zhuki писал(а) >>
Here's the use.


zhuki писал(а) >>
Here's the use.

Got it. We rewrite the script into the EA folder and it starts working as an EA. On every tick, instead of running it manually. Thank you!
Please advise how to place a StopLos pending order

1 Place a Bay order and an SL (Sell) pending order
2 If SL is triggered, then Sell and an SL (Bay) pending order

with each lot of the pending order being doubled. Please write a logical scheme and add one pending order to the code for example
int start()
// ------------
if(OrdersTotal() == 0)
Alert("BUY order opened successfully!");
// -------------