[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 2

Korey >> :
MT-4 is constantly being finalised, it's already build 218 and they're still sending fixes and, tellingly, in serious places - memory allocation.
(something - either runs or leaks))))
so no one has time to take responsibility for a buggy OS))
at least everything would work under the wind.

I heard that MT4 was designed for DT. I wonder what brokerage companies use it?

PLUT >> :

I've heard that MT4 is designed for brokerage companies. I wonder, what brokerage companies use it?

If MetaTrader 4 terminal was designed for brokerage companies, as you say, it would not be so popular among traders. They can only spread such rumours to justify their own software.

PLUT >> :

I heard that MT4 was designed for brokerage companies. I want to know what brokerage companies use it.

And Quip... is the software for the MICEX.

Many people use it too.)

It's just that when a brokerage house (or a broker) opens

There are several variants: With your own efforts to write a trading platform or take a ready-made solution, especially broker will buy a ready and tested solution, rather than create a terminal by yourself ... Only the costs (programmers / hours / salary / time ...) will be enormous.

>>Mt4 for currency is very handy as a terminal and a server (probably for this reason and uses it most, it is EASY to work), but only build 218, I have constantly stalls...


2 AleXX78

take it easy,

This is where the trade is done,
IMHO the problems of unix are below par...

Similar problem. Working in MS-DOS v.6.0. Metatrader doesn't want to react to mouse. Maybe you need to download something?

2 AleXX78

how to send you a positive message...
like this!
go like you to the championship and look - who needs you with your Crooked Axis!)))



Something stupid... or where...

1. Trying to draw a horizontal line. It doesn't draw it.

2. how to get the right window number to create an object (line)

"WindowFind() returns -1 if custom indicator looks for itself during init () initialization. "

How should I do it?

I throw another indicator on the price chart, which like the previous ones is drawn in a separate sub-window.

How can I know the number of this new subwindow, which should be passed as a parameter in the

ObjectCreate("ZeroLevel", OBJ_HLINE, number of the new subwindow, D'2004.02.20 12:30', 0.00))

Maybe use WindowsTotal() ?


#property indicator_separate_window  //indicator_chart_window

//---- indicator parameters
extern int Hlevel=1;
extern int Llevel=-1;
extern int ZeroLevel=0;

int windex;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()

string short_name;
Comment ("windex=",windex);
// ObjectsDeleteAll(windex);             // удаляются все объекты с графика.
// объекты создаются один раз
// STYLE_SOLID 0 Сплошная линия 
// STYLE_DASH 1 Штриховая линия 
// STYLE_DOT 2 Пунктирная линия 
// STYLE_DASHDOT 3 Штрих-пунктирная линия 
// STYLE_DASHDOTDOT 4 Штрих-пунктирная линия с двойными точками 

int errcode;

if (ObjectFind("ZeroLevel")<0) 
   if (!ObjectCreate("ZeroLevel", OBJ_HLINE, 1,  D'2004.02.20 12:30', 0.00))
   Print( "error: Не могу нарисовать линию ZeroLevel ! ",ErrorDescription(errcode));
ObjectSet("ZeroLevel", OBJPROP_COLOR, White);
ObjectSet("ZeroLevel", OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
ObjectSet("ZeroLevel", OBJPROP_STYLE, 1);

//---- initialization done

//|                                                                  |
int start()



//|                                                                  |
int deinit()
  ObjectsDeleteAll();             // удаляются все объекты с графика.
PLUT писал (а) >>

I am not fully acquainted with MT4, could you suggest a tick indicator in the main window where candlesticks, bars, lines are?

I saw a tick indicator somewhere!

Go to www.masterforex-v.org

I think there is a tick indicator there!

not bad in general

My head is not thinking straight, how do I make a variable like EURUSD60.txt ?
   string filename=Symbol+Period+".txt";
if you're not joking...
string filename=Symbol()+Period()+".txt";
   Alert ( filename);