[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 181

Daddy >> :

Hey, everybody, help me out here.

ObjectCreate("thirteenth "+i,OBJ_TEXT,0,Time[i],High[i]+add);
ObjectSetText("thirteenth "+i, "+13,14, "Arial",Sell);

"so there's still a signal here"

because I can't do it. Thanks in advance.

This must be it:

extern string AlertWav = "alert.wav";

// ----------------------------------------------------------
start() {

if( ShowNumbers) {
   ObjectCreate("thirteenth"+ i,OBJ_TEXT,0,Time[ i],High[ i]+ add);
   ObjectSetText("thirteenth"+ i,""+13,14,"Arial", Sell);

// "чтобы был еще здесь сигнал"
   if( i<=0) {
      if ( AlertSound == true   &&   isNewBar() ) {
         PlaySound( AlertWav);
      } // if (AlertSound == true   &&   isNewBar() ) {
   } // if(i<=0)

} // if(ShowNumbers) {


} // start
// ----------------------------------------------------------

// ----------------------------------------------------------
int expBars;
bool res;

// возвращает true если появлися новый бар, иначе false 
bool isNewBar() {
   bool res = false; 

   if ( expBars != Bars) {
      expBars = Bars;
      res = true;

   return( res);
// ----------------------------------------------------------

Good day to all. Please advise me a good flat indicator. Thank you in advance.
grego >> :
Good day to all. Can you please advise me a good flat indicator. I thank you in advance.

What do you mean - an indicator which works well on flat? Then any oscillator, e.g. RSI or Stochastic.

Yes, to show the flat, and most importantly, to open the flat in time, i.e. to show its end. I just found one with RSI - is that what you mean?
grego >> :
Good day to all. Please advise me a good Flat Rate Indicator. Thanks in advance.

Read about the BOLLINGER BANDS indicator. I think it's the best solution for you.



#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

#define MENUCODE -999

#pragma argsused
int WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinst, unsigned long reason, void* lpReserved)
return 1;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

static double Thresholds[] =

/* layer 1 */
1.2145040659995765, 3.7150897132033802, 0.59454351593610577, 0.31822673978973876,

/* layer 2 */


static double Weights[] =

/* layer 1 */
-1.1141264237664898, -1.5504305146313317, 0.73286159338154766, -1.2788684374991517,
0.69072562217776923, -0.22241781292722679, 0.71682200719453848, 0.0017560026910527838,
-0.99116459059236506, -0.054704110029000053, -1.2382645587627006, -2.9685995454576384,
-0.043297251827266285, -0.066167428785390461, -0.020875395803372929, -0.11405333458161644,

/* layer 2 */
-0.97811177652242753, 2.8971789204781668, -1.8332145813941754, 2.2454948857766635


static double Acts[20];

__declspec(dllexport) double __stdcall Run( double inputs[], double sd, int outputType )
int i, j, k, u;
double *w = Weights, *t = Thresholds;

/* Process inputs - apply pre-processing to each input in turn,
* storing results in the neuron activations array.

/* Input 0: standard numeric pre-processing: linear shift and scale. */
if ( inputs[0] == -9999 )
Acts[0] = 0.35852063342998086;
Acts[0] = inputs[0] * 7.2056492289955321 + -6.0600951145698216;

/* Input 1: standard numeric pre-processing: linear shift and scale. */
if ( inputs[1] == -9999 )
Acts[1] = 0.35857336433909737;
Acts[1] = inputs[1] * 7.204610951008644 + -6.0590778097982696;

/* Input 2: standard numeric pre-processing: linear shift and scale. */
if ( inputs[2] == -9999 )
Acts[2] = 0.35851878147446925;
Acts[2] = inputs[2] * 7.204610951008644 + -6.0590778097982696;

/* Input 3: standard numeric pre-processing: linear shift and scale. */
if ( inputs[3] == -9999 )
Acts[3] = 0.35847796574053348;
Acts[3] = inputs[3] * 7.204610951008644 + -6.0590778097982696;

/* Input 4: standard numeric pre-processing: linear shift and scale. */
if ( inputs[4] == -9999 )
Acts[4] = 0.35964573508254105;
Acts[4] = inputs[4] * 7.231703789412788 + -6.0820075209719429;

* Process layer 1.

/* For each unit in turn */
for ( u=0; u < 4; ++u )
* First, calculate post-synaptic potentials, storing
* these in the Acts array.

/* Initialise hidden unit activation to zero */
Acts[5+u] = 0.0;

/* Accumulate weighted sum from inputs */
for ( i=0; i < 5; ++i )
Acts[5+u] += *w++ * Acts[0+i];

/* Subtract threshold */
Acts[5+u] -= *t++;

/* Now apply the hyperbolic activation function, ( e^x - e^-x ) / ( e^x + e^-x ).
* Deal with overflow and underflow
if ( Acts[5+u] > 100.0 )
Acts[5+u] = 1.0;
else if ( Acts[5+u] < -100.0 )
Acts[5+u] = -1.0;
double e1 = exp( Acts[5+u] ), e2 = exp( -Acts[5+u] );
Acts[5+u] = ( e1 - e2 ) / ( e1 + e2 );

* Process layer 2.

/* For each unit in turn */
for ( u=0; u < 1; ++u )
* First, calculate post-synaptic potentials, storing
* these in the Acts array.

/* Initialise hidden unit activation to zero */
Acts[9+u] = 0.0;

/* Accumulate weighted sum from inputs */
for ( i=0; i < 4; ++i )
Acts[9+u] += *w++ * Acts[5+i];

/* Subtract threshold */
Acts[9+u] -= *t++;

/* Now apply the logistic activation function, 1 / ( 1 + e^-x ).
* Deal with overflow and underflow
if ( Acts[9+u] > 100.0 )
Acts[9+u] = 1.0;
else if ( Acts[9+u] < -100.0 )
Acts[9+u] = 0.0;
Acts[9+u] = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + exp( - Acts[9+u] ) );

/* Type of output required - selected by outputType parameter */
/* Post-process output 0, numeric linear scaling */
sd = ( Acts[9] - -5.4031700288184421 ) / 6.4841498559077788;

return (sd);

this dll code compiles without errors in borlagd 6

//| nero.mq4 |
//| Evgenio |
//| http://www.metaquotes.net |
#property copyright "Evgenio"
#property link "http://www.metaquotes.net"
#import "2.dll"
double Run( double inputs[], double sd, int outputType );
double sd;
int outputType;
double inputs[];
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
double inputs[4]={0.5235,0.3254,0.21422,0.32123,0.32156};
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()

//| expert start function |
int start()

double d=Run( inputs, sd, outputType );
Print (d);


advisor code that calls it

2009.08.07 20:38:48 2009.08.06 00:00 nero EURGBP,M15: cannot call function 'Run' from dll '2.dll' (error 127)

tester log ?


everything compiles without errors, dll loading is enabled everywhere in the terminal

help ********



#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1

#define MENUCODE -999

#pragma argsused
int WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinst, unsigned long reason, void* lpReserved)
return 1;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

static double Thresholds[] =

/* layer 1 */
1.2145040659995765, 3.7150897132033802, 0.59454351593610577, 0.31822673978973876,

/* layer 2 */


static double Weights[] =

/* layer 1 */
-1.1141264237664898, -1.5504305146313317, 0.73286159338154766, -1.2788684374991517,
0.69072562217776923, -0.22241781292722679, 0.71682200719453848, 0.0017560026910527838,
-0.99116459059236506, -0.054704110029000053, -1.2382645587627006, -2.9685995454576384,
-0.043297251827266285, -0.066167428785390461, -0.020875395803372929, -0.11405333458161644,

/* layer 2 */
-0.97811177652242753, 2.8971789204781668, -1.8332145813941754, 2.2454948857766635


static double Acts[20];

__declspec(dllexport) double __stdcall Run( double inputs[], double sd, int outputType )
int i, j, k, u;
double *w = Weights, *t = Thresholds;

/* Process inputs - apply pre-processing to each input in turn,
* storing results in the neuron activations array.

/* Input 0: standard numeric pre-processing: linear shift and scale. */
if ( inputs[0] == -9999 )
Acts[0] = 0.35852063342998086;
Acts[0] = inputs[0] * 7.2056492289955321 + -6.0600951145698216;

/* Input 1: standard numeric pre-processing: linear shift and scale. */
if ( inputs[1] == -9999 )
Acts[1] = 0.35857336433909737;
Acts[1] = inputs[1] * 7.204610951008644 + -6.0590778097982696;

/* Input 2: standard numeric pre-processing: linear shift and scale. */
if ( inputs[2] == -9999 )
Acts[2] = 0.35851878147446925;
Acts[2] = inputs[2] * 7.204610951008644 + -6.0590778097982696;

/* Input 3: standard numeric pre-processing: linear shift and scale. */
if ( inputs[3] == -9999 )
Acts[3] = 0.35847796574053348;
Acts[3] = inputs[3] * 7.204610951008644 + -6.0590778097982696;

/* Input 4: standard numeric pre-processing: linear shift and scale. */
if ( inputs[4] == -9999 )
Acts[4] = 0.35964573508254105;
Acts[4] = inputs[4] * 7.231703789412788 + -6.0820075209719429;

* Process layer 1.

/* For each unit in turn */
for ( u=0; u < 4; ++u )
* First, calculate post-synaptic potentials, storing
* these in the Acts array.

/* Initialise hidden unit activation to zero */
Acts[5+u] = 0.0;

/* Accumulate weighted sum from inputs */
for ( i=0; i < 5; ++i )
Acts[5+u] += *w++ * Acts[0+i];

/* Subtract threshold */
Acts[5+u] -= *t++;

/* Now apply the hyperbolic activation function, ( e^x - e^-x ) / ( e^x + e^-x ).
* Deal with overflow and underflow
if ( Acts[5+u] > 100.0 )
Acts[5+u] = 1.0;
else if ( Acts[5+u] < -100.0 )
Acts[5+u] = -1.0;
double e1 = exp( Acts[5+u] ), e2 = exp( -Acts[5+u] );
Acts[5+u] = ( e1 - e2 ) / ( e1 + e2 );

* Process layer 2.

/* For each unit in turn */
for ( u=0; u < 1; ++u )
* First, calculate post-synaptic potentials, storing
* these in the Acts array.

/* Initialise hidden unit activation to zero */
Acts[9+u] = 0.0;

/* Accumulate weighted sum from inputs */
for ( i=0; i < 4; ++i )
Acts[9+u] += *w++ * Acts[5+i];

/* Subtract threshold */
Acts[9+u] -= *t++;

/* Now apply the logistic activation function, 1 / ( 1 + e^-x ).
* Deal with overflow and underflow
if ( Acts[9+u] > 100.0 )
Acts[9+u] = 1.0;
else if ( Acts[9+u] < -100.0 )
Acts[9+u] = 0.0;
Acts[9+u] = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + exp( - Acts[9+u] ) );

/* Type of output required - selected by outputType parameter */
/* Post-process output 0, numeric linear scaling */
sd = ( Acts[9] - -5.4031700288184421 ) / 6.4841498559077788;

return (sd);

this dll code compiles without errors in borlagd 6

//| nero.mq4 |
//| Evgenio |
//| http://www.metaquotes.net |
#property copyright "Evgenio"
#property link "http://www.metaquotes.net"
#import "2.dll"
double Run( double inputs[], double sd, int outputType );
double sd;
int outputType;
double inputs[];
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
double inputs[4]={0.5235,0.3254,0.21422,0.32123,0.32156};
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()

//| expert start function |
int start()

double d=Run( inputs, sd, outputType );
Print (d);


advisor code that calls it

2009.08.07 20:38:48 2009.08.06 00:00 nero EURGBP,M15: cannot call function 'Run' from dll '2.dll' (error 127)

tester log ?


everything compiles without errors, dll loading is enabled everywhere in the terminal

help ********


I do not see this indicator on the chart, I have tried everything, everyone I contacted displays DT-ZigZag on the chart, please advise what the problem is. Please tell me what the problem is. Thank you.


Koly >> :

I do not see this indicator on the chart, I have tried everything, everyone I contacted displays DT-ZigZag on the chart, please advise what the problem is. Please tell me what the problem is. Thank you.


In the indicator this is "DT-ZigZag: The current timeframe must be less than ", GrossPeriod the only reason it may not be displayed!

chief2000 >> :

Read about the BOLLINGER BANDS indicator. I think this is the best solution for you.

Afternoon. No, not exactly with the Bollinger. I will try to explain the situation on the chart. You see two fractal lines working for breakdown. Everything would be OK if it weren't for the Flat. During the flat, well seen on the chart, then one or the other side returns to the channel and stop plummeting and it is 3-4 times in the flat. I closed one side by Stop when there is more than 80 closed buy and less than 20 closed. Sell, but the other side is open and there is 2-3 times and it will catch. I also need to use indicator that shows flat and both sides close, and better yet I should make re-warning orders at this moment to trade inside the channel. Can someone advise what tool may help to do such a problem?