[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 1063


Hi all ! Please help me with the Expert Advisor Ilan1.6Dynamic.mq4 It seemed to work fine for a while, then it started to write error:0

I don't want to work for 5 minutes, it says uninit 5 or it is not 5 minutes but something else. I am a beginner, but I would like to work as a trader, I don't spare time and money, I want to earn in Forex and not to fail. I would like to work as a trader, I want to earn money in Forex and not to fly away. What should I put in lots: ? and in lotsdemical: ? One man advised lots: 1 and in lotsdemical: -2 ...... Is it a correct value or is he joking? I don't give a fuck about such tricks, we are talking about big money and in a decent society people usually get beaten up for such tricks and usually kicked. :-) For this I thank in advance who will answer all questions to the dummies. And if you advise me that Ilan1.6Dynamic.mq4 will work in the 5-minute mode again and give me profit SLOWLY, I'll compensate materially and substantially! Who got the hint ... Welcome to communication. Give your phone number, ICQ, and any convenient way to pay for services REAL on the performance of the adviser Ilan1.6Dynamic.mq4. Please help . . . Looking forward to it .


Ilan1.6Dynamic.mq4 Help this advisor set up to make profits starting from a hundred dollars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????


Ilan1.6Dynamic.mq4 Help to set up this advisor to bring profit starting from one hundred dollars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????

What tangible appreciation are you talking about then, if you trade on a micro account?

Hi all ! Please help me with the Expert Advisor Ilan1.6Dynamic.mq4 It seemed to work fine for a while, then it started to write error:0

I don't want to work for 5 minutes, it says uninit 5 or it is not 5 minutes but something else. I am a beginner, but I would like to work as a trader, I don't spare time and money, I want to earn in Forex and not to fail. I would like to work as a trader, I want to earn money in Forex and not to fly away. What should I put in lots: ? and in lotsdemical: ? One man advised lots: 1 and in lotsdemical: -2 ...... Is it a correct value or is he joking? I don't give a fuck about such tricks, we are talking about big money and in a decent society people usually get beaten up for such tricks and usually kicked. :-) For this I thank you in advance who will answer all questions dummies. And if you advise me that Ilan1.6Dynamic.mq4 will work in the 5-minute mode again and give me profit SLOWLY, I'll compensate materially and substantially ! Who got the hint . .. Welcome to communication. Give your phone number, ICQ, and any convenient way to pay for services REAL on the performance of the adviser Ilan1.6Dynamic.mq4. Please help . . . Looking forward to it .

can you be "hinting" materially and substantially more specific

you can "hint" materially and substantially more concretely

so the author wrote.

in a decent society they usually kick you for such pranks and usually with their feet.

You get it right, you won't get kicked very hard... and if you don't get it right... then oh...


Hi all ! Please help with the Expert Advisor Ilan1.6Dynamic.mq4 It seemed to work fine for a while, then it started to write error:0

In the Expert Advisor, it is commented out

Print("Error: ", GetLastError());

error:0 means the last error is not an error at all (don't try to trade without testing it on demo for a while... maybe it is stupid ;)).

ERR_NO_ERROR 0 No error

formula: MOMENTUM = CLOSE (i) / CLOSE (i - n) * 100, and I need

MOMENTUM = CLOSE (i) - CLOSE (i - n)

I don't see the point - it turns out the same thing, only with other digits on the right. If you're going to change it, change it so that it matches the number of points:

MOMENTUM = pr(Close[i])-pr(Close[i-n])
          //  9500 - 9520 = -20 пунктов

//функция для приведения цены в целое число:
 int pr(double n)       {
  int p=MathRound(1.0/Point);//  1/0.01 = 100;
 return(MathRound(n*p));}    //  95.00*100=9500;

yes. the difference in values or their ratio looks identical on the graph, but the values are different.

The jobseeker probably needs a different type of graph, but he is silent...

And this momentum is useless. a lot could have happened during these n bars. here rsi shows the result of these changes

to increment the global variable by 1, write

GlobalVariableSet("global", GlobalVariableGet("global")+1);

right? :)