[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 771


I've glanced at the code - I'd highly recommend you to take Kim's ready-made order management functions, and simplify the code a lot, then it will be easier to understand.



I do not ask anything of anyone, just what was the question as they say was the answer, the man writes his statement, even without bothering to read the last post, but this is the business of each and I'm not going to teach anyone communication ethics, I have just started to learn the language, and all from a textbook on this site, but maybe someone does it differently and more accurately, that's why I ask what's wrong, because surely there is a solution to the problem in another way, which I can only learn about in a forum post for newbies, people are willing to help, not to explain...... okay, so instead of giving your opinion on what is wrong, I am not asking you to give me advice, but to help me solve the problem!!!!!!! and if I did not write something nice, it is not difficult to make clear what is unclear.

I am giving you my first suggestion.




I'm giving you my first notice.



on what?


over what?

Your claims and provocations.

The issue is not even that you don't want to listen. You think that everyone here is obliged to compete in a contest to help you!

And that only depends on your ability, with or without a twist, to formulate a question, to facilitate access to all the necessary materials...

If I didn't know the answer and was looking for it, I would behave differently.

Good luck my friend. I wanted to understand and help - I used to spend three hours on warrants myself, but something inside me just snapped - I'm going to bed.



Your claims and provocations.

The issue is not even that you don't want to listen. You think that everyone here is obliged to compete in a contest to help you!

And that only depends on your ability, with or without a twist, to formulate a question, to facilitate access to all the necessary materials...

If I didn't know the answer and was looking for it, I would behave differently.

Good luck my friend. Wanted to understand and help - I myself spent three hours fiddling with warrants once, but something inside me has broken down - I'm going to bed.


Good night, p.s. I ask a simple question and want a simple answer and am not going to get anyone interested in my question, and if someone does not want to bother or just does not understand the question, I do not insist! I am very grateful to xrust, who without extra pathos and clever accusations on his face gave me the answer that I was looking for, so you need to think about whether you have a branch of the forum! no offense really prvada


Good night, p.s. I ask a simple question and want a simple answer and am not going to get anyone interested in my question, and if someone never wants to bother or just does not understand the question, I do not insist! I am very grateful to xrust, who without extra pathos and clever accusations gave me the answer, so you need to think about whether you have come to the branch of the forum! no offense really on the sidelines

Nighty-night! So great!

Is there an answer?

Yes?! Thanks to the forum and Crunch!

Glad. Sorry, no desire/opportunity to read 377 pages...

Note withdrawn! ;)

I'm doing it myself - "hot", I'm doing it.


Good night, p.s. I ask a simple question and want a simple answer and am not going to get anyone interested in my question, and if someone never wants to bother or just does not understand the question, I do not insist! I am very grateful to xrust, who without extra pathos and clever accusations gave me the answer that I was looking for, so you need to think about whether you come in the right forum thread! no offense really on the sidelines

I'll come back from work (summer cottage) to see if I can. At first glance, your positioning and deposit taking look very strange, if you can give a couple of comments on what an expert should do.

is it so complicated and highly proficient that we haven't got to this point yet?

More like the opposite... Your code is completely uncommented and looks like a maze. Do you understand the construction below?

if (OtOrBNePr(0,1,-1)) {FlOtOrBdlOtOrSl = 1;} ???????????????

... and this one?

if (isCloseLastPosByStop(NULL, OP_SELL, -1)) {TradeBuy = true;} ????????????????

Which of the above examples without comments provides more information?

Why should everyone else guess variable names which are not informative at all and find errors in the maze of your logic?

Comment on your code in detail and thoroughly, the names of variables should also be meaningful. Half a year later, when you see your code, you'll ask - what idiot wrote it!!!?
I don't want to offend you - it's just that everyone ... well, almost everyone, has gone through it.

When asking for help don't forget about those who will have to parse your code's abracadabra... Give all the code, give a description of what you want from it.

Make people's job easier and everything will be much faster.

SZY. All IMPO, of course... :)


Comment on your code in detail and thoroughly, the names of variables must also be meaningful. Half a year later, when you see your code, you'll ask - what idiot wrote it!!!?
I don't want to offend you - it's just that everyone... well, almost everyone, has gone through it.

When asking for help, don't forget those who have to parse the abracadabra of your code... Give the whole code, give a description of what you want it to do.

Make people's job easier and everything will be much faster.

ZS. All of this is IMHO, of course... :)

Yes, I think I'm all in Russian may be in something wrong, but here's a clipping from the previous posts 30.07.2010 20:32 https://forum.mql4.com/ru/15972/page768

the point is that the first value works fine.

but this one won't work if (HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd== true)

{ModifyBuyStopOrder(PRAskS); // checkout

} }

if there is an order HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd, then modify it with the price change PRAskS

here is something wrong. i can't figure out what it is. i take the value of HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd from void Myorders() in the code above

the value if(bt==1&&bl==7) is main, so if it is true, use all of the following

most likely haveBuyLimitOrderEnd== true because i have returned OrderLots()==3*Lot all work only it modifies orders with 0.3 lot

I know programmers are busy, i don't want to read all 370 pages looking for my description, but if you have to write please read the beginning of the post, i don't want to or don't have time, i just want a simple explanation before making comments that are not about you, people just write too loud and meaningless.


it reminds me of a real story: two friends are talking about their own things and then a grandmother walks by and hears about the death and her husband and three hours later one of the friends comes home with the money from the house for the funeral and offers to help with the funeral, "nice, human? yes!" but the funny thing is that the husband just went to the funeral of a relative and not dead himself! so what's my point? don't jump to conclusions if you don't understand something and don't have time to read the beginning just ask !!!! before you draw any conclusions.