[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 768


I just need to call the function, that's all I need is one line "If there is more orders than one .... and that's all" - and you're offering me a whole function

Here is how I store my order data

It's a simple one, put it in the library.

The type of an order to be counted and its master is given as input, it returns the number of open or set orders.

int ChPos( int TypePos,int Magic) 
// возвращает кол-во позицй которые открыты или выставленн отложками с магиком  Magic 
   int i;
   int count=0 ;
   for( i=0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++)         
           if(OrderType()==OP_BUY && TypePos==OP_BUY && Magic==OrderMagicNumber()){count++;}
           if(OrderType()==OP_SELL && TypePos==OP_SELL && Magic==OrderMagicNumber()){count++;}
           if(OrderType()==OP_BUYLIMIT && TypePos==OP_BUYLIMIT && Magic==OrderMagicNumber()){count++;}
           if(OrderType()==OP_BUYSTOP && TypePos==OP_BUYSTOP && Magic==OrderMagicNumber()){count++;}
           if(OrderType()==OP_SELLLIMIT && TypePos==OP_SELLLIMIT && Magic==OrderMagicNumber()){count++;}
           if(OrderType()==OP_SELLSTOP && TypePos==OP_SELLSTOP && Magic==OrderMagicNumber()){count++;}

You can use it in the following way

if ((FastEma - SmallEma) > Compartor*Point && ChPos(OP_BUY,1111) < OpenPosition)


It's not complicated put it in the library .

Input is the type of order to be counted and its master, it returns the number of open or set orders .

This can be used in the following way

if ((FastEma - SmallEma) > Compartor*Point && ChPos(OP_BUY,1111) < OpenPosition)

I have such a function and I don't need it, I just need
just one line "if there are more orders than one .... then" and that's it

my data for the same function you've shown is stored here

int total_order;            // переменная в которой хранится общее количество открытых ордеров в терминале
int my_total_order;         // переменная в которой хранится общее количество открытых ордеров с нашим Magic

and here's what it looks like

void Myorders(){
      int cnt;
      total_order = OrdersTotal();
      my_total_order = 0;
      HaveBuyOrder          = false;
      HaveSellOrder         = false;
      HaveBuyStopOrder      = false;
      HaveSellStopOrder     = false;
      HaveBuyLimitOrder     = false;
      HaveSellLimitOrder    = false;
      HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd  = false;
      HaveSellLimitOrderEnd = false;      
      for(cnt = total_order - 1; cnt >= 0; cnt--) {
      OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
      if (OrderSymbol() == Curr_symb && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic) {
         if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)       {HaveBuyOrder = true;  my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_SELL)      {HaveSellOrder = true; my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP)   {HaveBuyStopOrder = true;  my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP)  {HaveSellStopOrder = true; my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT)  {HaveBuyLimitOrder = true;  my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT) {HaveSellLimitOrder = true; my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT)  {HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd = true;  my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT) {HaveSellLimitOrderEnd = true; my_total_order++;}
} } }

I think I've got it.

static int aaa = OrdersHistoryTotal()+ OrdersTotal()

if (your condition && aaa < OrdersHistoryTotal()+ OrdersTotal() )



aaa=OrdersHistoryTotal()+ OrdersTotal()


If so, it's still better to put it into a function with magicians in mind . Can you tell us what you are working on? Logic is a bit strange if I got it right, when one more order is opened, isn't it easier to open orders no larger than OpenPosition?

Your function returns the total number of open orders and placed pending orders. How many orders OP_BUY, if there is OP_BUYLIMIT OP_SELLLIMIT OP_SELL etc. it does not show.


I've got it figured out, now the problem with the if function is that I don't know what the problem is.

  if (HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd== true) 
  {ModifyBuyStopOrder(PRAskS);  // Выбираем            
  } }          

the point is that the first value is executed.

This one does not work if (HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd== true)
{ModifyBuyStopOrder(PRAskS); // Select
} }

in words, if there is an order HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd, modify it with a price change PRAskS

I can't figure out what's wrong. The value of HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd is taken from void Myorders() in the code above

the value if(bt==1&&bl==7) is main, so if it's true, use all of the following

most likely haveBuyLimitOrderEnd== true because i have set OrderLots()==3*Lot all work only it modifies orders with 0.3 lot

void Myorders(){
      int cnt;
      total_order = OrdersTotal();
      my_total_order = 0;
      HaveBuyOrder          = false;
      HaveSellOrder         = false;
      HaveBuyStopOrder      = false;
      HaveSellStopOrder     = false;
      HaveBuyLimitOrder     = false;
      HaveSellLimitOrder    = false;
      HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd  = false;
      HaveSellLimitOrderEnd = false;      
      for(cnt = total_order - 1; cnt >= 0; cnt--) {
      OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
      if (OrderSymbol() == Curr_symb && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic) {
         if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)       {HaveBuyOrder = true;  my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_SELL)      {HaveSellOrder = true; my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP)   {HaveBuyStopOrder = true;  my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP)  {HaveSellStopOrder = true; my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT)  {HaveBuyLimitOrder = true;  my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT) {HaveSellLimitOrder = true; my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT)  {HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd = true;  my_total_order++;}
         if (OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT) {HaveSellLimitOrderEnd = true; my_total_order++;}
} } }
Please note that it is highlighted in red . The type of trade orders is the same and the variables in the pipe are set differently, this is how it should be .
Notice what is highlighted in red . The type of trade orders is the same and the variables in the pipe are set different, this is how it should be .

Yes, it should be, because there are different opening functions and I do not make a request for OrderType () and requested the flag whether it is open, but the problem is most likely not in this function because the other requests also do not work this I first threw, AND ON THE SAME FUNCTION OPEN NORMALLY



The problem seems to be elsewhere. But you should probably see the code.


The problem seems to be elsewhere. But I think I need to see the code.

It's definitely not elsewhere, everything else works, the problem is that the request (HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd== true) is wrong, so I'm wondering how else to tell it to modify and delete,

or the query itself is wrong


if (HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd== true)

} }


Yes, it should be, because there are different opening functions and I do not make a request for OrderType () and requested the flag whether it is open, but the problem is most likely not in this function because the other requests also do not work this I first threw, AND ON THE SAME FUNCTION OPEN NORMALLY


  if (HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd== true) 
  {ModifyBuyStopOrder(PRAskS);  // Выбираем            
  } }         

I wonder if in functions marked red HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd is set in the pipe. If not, you need to call Myorders() before if. Otherwise you do not know what is there. And just in case, the flags (variables)

HaveBuyOrder = false;
HaveSellOrder = false;
HaveBuyStopOrder = false;
HaveSellStopOrder = false;
HaveBuyLimitOrder = false;
HaveSellLimitOrder = false;
HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd = false;
HaveSellLimitOrderEnd = false;
must be defined at global level .


I wonder if the HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd flag is set in red in the pipe. If not, you need to call Myorders() before if. Otherwise you don't know what is there. And just in case, flags (variables)

HaveBuyOrder = false;
HaveSellOrder = false;
HaveBuyStopOrder = false;
HaveSellStopOrder = false;
HaveBuyLimitOrder = false;
HaveSellLimitOrder = false;
HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd = false;
HaveSellLimitOrderEnd = false;
must be defined globally.

it is at a glabal level

bool HaveBuyOrder; // flag if there are open market buy orders
bool HaveSellOrder; // flag flag of open market orders to sell
bool HaveBuyStopOrder; // flag of open pending Buy orders
bool HaveSellStopOrder; // flag of open pending Sell orders
bool HaveBuyLimitOrder; // flag of open pending Buy orders
bool HaveSellLimitOrder; // flag of open pending Sell orders
bool HaveBuyLimitOrderEnd; // flag of presence of open pending Buy orders
bool HaveSellLimitOrderEnd; // flag pending Sell orders open

it's in the order opening function.

ticket = OrderSend(Curr_symb,OP_BUYSTOP, Lot, PRAskS, Slippage, SL, TP, 0, Magic, 0, CLR_NONE);
if (ticket > 0) {
HaveBuyStopOrder = true;

if (OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)) Print("function to place a BuyStop order : ", OrderOpenPrice())
else Print("Error # ", GetLastError(), " function for placing BuyStop order",MarketInfo(Curr_symb,MODE_ASK));