[WARNING CLOSED!] Any newbie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't go by. Can't go anywhere without you. - page 175

gentlemen, can you tell me... if i want to test the inputs separately in a system... so i should aim for 51% of hits or higher in the result to consider that these inputs will work well in combination with the rest of the system? well, obviously there should be SL=TP in the inputs operation.

Is it possible to declare an array with a set of different data types? Apparently not. "Test" question... so to speak...

DDFedor писал(а) >>

Is it possible to declare an array with a set of different data types? Apparently not. "Test" question... so to speak...

Check answer. No.

Folks, help me find a bug. Why isn't the buzzer working in the turkey? It is there as far as I understand. I've got Alert on in the settings but no beep. The arrow appears on the whole indyuk works fine but the beeper for some reason that glitches((( Thanks in advance all!
roperty indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 Yellow
#property indicator_color2 Green
#property indicator_color3 Red
#property indicator_color4 Yellow
#property indicator_color5 Aqua

extern bool Crash = FALSE;
extern int TimeFrame = 60;
extern int Length = 7;
extern int Method = 3;
extern int Smoothing = 2;
extern int Filter = 2;
extern bool RealTime = TRUE;
extern bool Steady = FALSE;
extern bool Color = TRUE;
extern bool Alerts = TRUE;
extern bool EmailON = FALSE;
extern bool SignalPrice = TRUE;
extern color SignalPriceBUY = Yellow;
extern color SignalPriceSELL = Aqua;
extern int CountBars = 1485;
double g_ibuf_136[];
double g_ibuf_140[];
double g_ibuf_144[];
double g_ibuf_148[];
double g_ibuf_152[];
double g_ibuf_156[];
double g_ibuf_160[];
double g_ibuf_164[];
bool gi_168 = TRUE;
bool gi_172 = TRUE;
int g_datetime_176 = 0;
int g_datetime_180 = 0;
int gi_184 = 0;

int init() {
   string ls_0;
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID);
   SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_140);
   SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID);
   SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_152);
   SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID);
   SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_156);
   SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_ARROW);
   SetIndexArrow(3, 233);
   SetIndexBuffer(3, g_ibuf_160);
   SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_ARROW);
   SetIndexArrow(4, 234);
   SetIndexBuffer(4, g_ibuf_164);
   SetIndexBuffer(5, g_ibuf_136);
   SetIndexBuffer(6, g_ibuf_148);
   SetIndexBuffer(7, g_ibuf_144);
   if ( Length < 2) Length = 2;
   if ( Method < MODE_SMA) Method = 0;
   if ( Method > MODE_LWMA) Method = 3;
   if ( Smoothing < 0) Smoothing = 0;
   if ( Filter < 0) Filter = 0;
   if ( TimeFrame < Period() && TimeFrame != 0) TimeFrame = Period();
   switch ( TimeFrame) {
   case 1:
      ls_0 = "M1";
   case 5:
      ls_0 = "M5";
   case 15:
      ls_0 = "M15";
   case 30:
      ls_0 = "M30";
   case 60:
      ls_0 = "H1";
   case 240:
      ls_0 = "H4";
   case 1440:
      ls_0 = "D1";
   case 10080:
      ls_0 = "W1";
   case 43200:
      ls_0 = "MN1";
      ls_0 = "";
   string ls_12 = "pfd_snake_trend" + ls_0 + " |  " + Length + " , " + Method + " , " + Smoothing + " , " + Filter + "  | ";
   IndicatorShortName( ls_12);
   return (0);

int start() {
   int lia_0[];
   int li_4;
   int l_index_8;
   string ls_12;
   if (Time[0] > StrToTime("01.02.2010 23:59")) return (0);
   if (Bars < 100) {
      IndicatorShortName("Bars less than 100");
      return (0);
   if ( g_datetime_176 < iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, 0)) {
      gi_172 = FALSE;
      gi_168 = FALSE;
      g_datetime_176 = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, 0);
   if (! RealTime) {
      if ( g_datetime_180 == iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, 0)) return (0);
      g_datetime_180 = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, 0);
      gi_184 = TimeFrame / Period() + 1;
      if ( gi_184 == 0) gi_184 = 1;
   double ld_unused_20 = 0;
   double l_ima_28 = 0;
   double l_ima_36 = 0;
   double l_ima_44 = 0;
   double l_ima_52 = 0;
   double l_ima_60 = 0;
   if ( CountBars > iBars(NULL, TimeFrame) || CountBars > Bars - Length - 1) CountBars = MathMin(Bars - Length - 1, iBars(NULL, TimeFrame) - Length - 1);
   if ( Crash && CountBars > 0) {
      CountBars -= 10;
      IndicatorShortName("Crash: " + CountBars + "     ");
   if ( Crash && CountBars < 0) IndicatorShortName("Crash");
   int li_68 = CountBars;
   g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1] = Close[ li_68 + 1];
   g_ibuf_144[ li_68 + 1] = Close[ li_68 + 1];
   while ( li_68 >= 0) {
      l_ima_28 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_HIGH, li_68);
      l_ima_36 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_LOW, li_68);
      l_ima_44 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_OPEN, li_68);
      l_ima_52 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_CLOSE, li_68);
      l_ima_60 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_CLOSE, li_68 + Smoothing);
      if ( Steady == TRUE) {
         l_ima_52 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_MEDIAN, li_68);
         l_ima_60 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_MEDIAN, li_68 + Smoothing);
      g_ibuf_136[ li_68] = MathAbs((( l_ima_52 - l_ima_60) / MathMax( l_ima_28 - l_ima_36, MathMax( l_ima_28 - l_ima_60, l_ima_60 - l_ima_36)) + ( l_ima_52 - l_ima_44) / ( l_ima_28 - l_ima_36)) / 2.0) * (( l_ima_52 - l_ima_60 +
         ( l_ima_52 - l_ima_44)) / 2.0);
      g_ibuf_140[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1] + g_ibuf_136[ li_68];
      if ( Filter > 0)
         if (MathAbs( g_ibuf_140[ li_68] - ( g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1])) < Filter * Point) g_ibuf_140[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1];
      if ( TimeFrame > Period()) g_ibuf_144[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68];
   if ( TimeFrame > Period()) {
      ArrayCopySeries( lia_0, 5, Symbol(), TimeFrame);
      li_4 = CountBars + TimeFrame / Period();
      li_68 = 0;
      l_index_8 = 0;
      while ( li_68 < li_4) {
         if (Time[ li_68] < lia_0[ l_index_8]) l_index_8++;
         g_ibuf_140[ li_68] = g_ibuf_144[ l_index_8];
   for ( li_68 = CountBars; li_68 >= 0; li_68--) {
      g_ibuf_148[ li_68] = g_ibuf_148[ li_68 + 1];
      if ( g_ibuf_140[ li_68] - ( g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1]) > 0.0) g_ibuf_148[ li_68] = 1;
      if ( g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1] - g_ibuf_140[ li_68] > 0.0) g_ibuf_148[ li_68] = -1;
      if ( Color == TRUE) {
         if ( g_ibuf_148[ li_68] > 0.0) {
            g_ibuf_152[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68];
            if ( g_ibuf_148[ li_68 + 1] < 0.0) g_ibuf_152[ li_68 + 1] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1];
            g_ibuf_156[ li_68] = EMPTY_VALUE;
         } else {
            if ( g_ibuf_148[ li_68] < 0.0) {
               g_ibuf_156[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68];
               if ( g_ibuf_148[ li_68 + 1] > 0.0) g_ibuf_156[ li_68 + 1] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1];
               g_ibuf_152[ li_68] = EMPTY_VALUE;
      if ( Alerts == TRUE)
         g_ibuf_160[ li_68] = EMPTY_VALUE;
         g_ibuf_164[ li_68] = EMPTY_VALUE;
         if ( g_ibuf_148[ li_68] == 1.0 && g_ibuf_148[ li_68 + 1] == -1.0) g_ibuf_160[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1] - (Ask - Bid);
         if ( g_ibuf_148[ li_68] == -1.0 && g_ibuf_148[ li_68 + 1] == 1.0) g_ibuf_164[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1] + (Ask - Bid);
   if ( Alerts == TRUE)
      if ( g_ibuf_160[ gi_184 + 0] != EMPTY_VALUE && gi_168 == FALSE)
         if ( SignalPrice == TRUE)
            ObjectCreate("BUY SIGNAL: " + DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0), OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], Close[0]);
            ObjectSet("BUY SIGNAL: " + DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0), OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, SYMBOL_LEFTPRICE);
            ObjectSet("BUY SIGNAL: " + DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0), OBJPROP_COLOR, SignalPriceBUY);
         gi_172 = FALSE;
         gi_168 = TRUE;
      if ( g_ibuf_164[ gi_184 + 0] != EMPTY_VALUE && gi_172 == FALSE)
         if ( SignalPrice == TRUE)
            ObjectCreate("SELL SIGNAL: " + DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0), OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], Close[0]);
            ObjectSet("SELL SIGNAL: " + DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0), OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, SYMBOL_LEFTPRICE);
            ObjectSet("SELL SIGNAL: " + DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0), OBJPROP_COLOR, SignalPriceSELL);
         gi_168 = FALSE;
         gi_172 = TRUE;
   return (0);
Folks, help me find a bug. Why isn't the buzzer working in the turkey? It is there as far as I understand. I've got Alert on in the settings but no beep. The arrow appears on the whole indyuk works fine but the beeper for some reason that glitches((( Thanks in advance all!
roperty indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 Yellow
#property indicator_color2 Green
#property indicator_color3 Red
#property indicator_color4 Yellow
#property indicator_color5 Aqua

extern bool Crash = FALSE;
extern int TimeFrame = 60;
extern int Length = 7;
extern int Method = 3;
extern int Smoothing = 2;
extern int Filter = 2;
extern bool RealTime = TRUE;
extern bool Steady = FALSE;
extern bool Color = TRUE;
extern bool Alerts = TRUE;
extern bool EmailON = FALSE;
extern bool SignalPrice = TRUE;
extern color SignalPriceBUY = Yellow;
extern color SignalPriceSELL = Aqua;
extern int CountBars = 1485;
double g_ibuf_136[];
double g_ibuf_140[];
double g_ibuf_144[];
double g_ibuf_148[];
double g_ibuf_152[];
double g_ibuf_156[];
double g_ibuf_160[];
double g_ibuf_164[];
bool gi_168 = TRUE;
bool gi_172 = TRUE;
int g_datetime_176 = 0;
int g_datetime_180 = 0;
int gi_184 = 0;

int init() {
   string ls_0;
   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID);
   SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_140);
   SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID);
   SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_152);
   SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_SOLID);
   SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_156);
   SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_ARROW);
   SetIndexArrow(3, 233);
   SetIndexBuffer(3, g_ibuf_160);
   SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_ARROW);
   SetIndexArrow(4, 234);
   SetIndexBuffer(4, g_ibuf_164);
   SetIndexBuffer(5, g_ibuf_136);
   SetIndexBuffer(6, g_ibuf_148);
   SetIndexBuffer(7, g_ibuf_144);
   if ( Length < 2) Length = 2;
   if ( Method < MODE_SMA) Method = 0;
   if ( Method > MODE_LWMA) Method = 3;
   if ( Smoothing < 0) Smoothing = 0;
   if ( Filter < 0) Filter = 0;
   if ( TimeFrame < Period() && TimeFrame != 0) TimeFrame = Period();
   switch ( TimeFrame) {
   case 1:
      ls_0 = "M1";
   case 5:
      ls_0 = "M5";
   case 15:
      ls_0 = "M15";
   case 30:
      ls_0 = "M30";
   case 60:
      ls_0 = "H1";
   case 240:
      ls_0 = "H4";
   case 1440:
      ls_0 = "D1";
   case 10080:
      ls_0 = "W1";
   case 43200:
      ls_0 = "MN1";
      ls_0 = "";
   string ls_12 = "pfd_snake_trend" + ls_0 + " |  " + Length + " , " + Method + " , " + Smoothing + " , " + Filter + "  | ";
   IndicatorShortName( ls_12);
   return (0);

int start() {
   int lia_0[];
   int li_4;
   int l_index_8;
   string ls_12;
   if (Time[0] > StrToTime("01.02.2010 23:59")) return (0);
   if (Bars < 100) {
      IndicatorShortName("Bars less than 100");
      return (0);
   if ( g_datetime_176 < iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, 0)) {
      gi_172 = FALSE;
      gi_168 = FALSE;
      g_datetime_176 = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, 0);
   if (! RealTime) {
      if ( g_datetime_180 == iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, 0)) return (0);
      g_datetime_180 = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, 0);
      gi_184 = TimeFrame / Period() + 1;
      if ( gi_184 == 0) gi_184 = 1;
   double ld_unused_20 = 0;
   double l_ima_28 = 0;
   double l_ima_36 = 0;
   double l_ima_44 = 0;
   double l_ima_52 = 0;
   double l_ima_60 = 0;
   if ( CountBars > iBars(NULL, TimeFrame) || CountBars > Bars - Length - 1) CountBars = MathMin(Bars - Length - 1, iBars(NULL, TimeFrame) - Length - 1);
   if ( Crash && CountBars > 0) {
      CountBars -= 10;
      IndicatorShortName("Crash: " + CountBars + "     ");
   if ( Crash && CountBars < 0) IndicatorShortName("Crash");
   int li_68 = CountBars;
   g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1] = Close[ li_68 + 1];
   g_ibuf_144[ li_68 + 1] = Close[ li_68 + 1];
   while ( li_68 >= 0) {
      l_ima_28 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_HIGH, li_68);
      l_ima_36 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_LOW, li_68);
      l_ima_44 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_OPEN, li_68);
      l_ima_52 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_CLOSE, li_68);
      l_ima_60 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_CLOSE, li_68 + Smoothing);
      if ( Steady == TRUE) {
         l_ima_52 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_MEDIAN, li_68);
         l_ima_60 = iMA(NULL, TimeFrame, Length, 0, Method, PRICE_MEDIAN, li_68 + Smoothing);
      g_ibuf_136[ li_68] = MathAbs((( l_ima_52 - l_ima_60) / MathMax( l_ima_28 - l_ima_36, MathMax( l_ima_28 - l_ima_60, l_ima_60 - l_ima_36)) + ( l_ima_52 - l_ima_44) / ( l_ima_28 - l_ima_36)) / 2.0) * (( l_ima_52 - l_ima_60 +
         ( l_ima_52 - l_ima_44)) / 2.0);
      g_ibuf_140[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1] + g_ibuf_136[ li_68];
      if ( Filter > 0)
         if (MathAbs( g_ibuf_140[ li_68] - ( g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1])) < Filter * Point) g_ibuf_140[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1];
      if ( TimeFrame > Period()) g_ibuf_144[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68];
   if ( TimeFrame > Period()) {
      ArrayCopySeries( lia_0, 5, Symbol(), TimeFrame);
      li_4 = CountBars + TimeFrame / Period();
      li_68 = 0;
      l_index_8 = 0;
      while ( li_68 < li_4) {
         if (Time[ li_68] < lia_0[ l_index_8]) l_index_8++;
         g_ibuf_140[ li_68] = g_ibuf_144[ l_index_8];
   for ( li_68 = CountBars; li_68 >= 0; li_68--) {
      g_ibuf_148[ li_68] = g_ibuf_148[ li_68 + 1];
      if ( g_ibuf_140[ li_68] - ( g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1]) > 0.0) g_ibuf_148[ li_68] = 1;
      if ( g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1] - g_ibuf_140[ li_68] > 0.0) g_ibuf_148[ li_68] = -1;
      if ( Color == TRUE) {
         if ( g_ibuf_148[ li_68] > 0.0) {
            g_ibuf_152[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68];
            if ( g_ibuf_148[ li_68 + 1] < 0.0) g_ibuf_152[ li_68 + 1] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1];
            g_ibuf_156[ li_68] = EMPTY_VALUE;
         } else {
            if ( g_ibuf_148[ li_68] < 0.0) {
               g_ibuf_156[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68];
               if ( g_ibuf_148[ li_68 + 1] > 0.0) g_ibuf_156[ li_68 + 1] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1];
               g_ibuf_152[ li_68] = EMPTY_VALUE;
      if ( Alerts == TRUE)
         g_ibuf_160[ li_68] = EMPTY_VALUE;
         g_ibuf_164[ li_68] = EMPTY_VALUE;
         if ( g_ibuf_148[ li_68] == 1.0 && g_ibuf_148[ li_68 + 1] == -1.0) g_ibuf_160[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1] - (Ask - Bid);
         if ( g_ibuf_148[ li_68] == -1.0 && g_ibuf_148[ li_68 + 1] == 1.0) g_ibuf_164[ li_68] = g_ibuf_140[ li_68 + 1] + (Ask - Bid);
   if ( Alerts == TRUE)
      if ( g_ibuf_160[ gi_184 + 0] != EMPTY_VALUE && gi_168 == FALSE)
         if ( SignalPrice == TRUE)
            ObjectCreate("BUY SIGNAL: " + DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0), OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], Close[0]);
            ObjectSet("BUY SIGNAL: " + DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0), OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, SYMBOL_LEFTPRICE);
            ObjectSet("BUY SIGNAL: " + DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0), OBJPROP_COLOR, SignalPriceBUY);
         gi_172 = FALSE;
         gi_168 = TRUE;
      if ( g_ibuf_164[ gi_184 + 0] != EMPTY_VALUE && gi_172 == FALSE)
         if ( SignalPrice == TRUE)
            ObjectCreate("SELL SIGNAL: " + DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0), OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], Close[0]);
            ObjectSet("SELL SIGNAL: " + DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0), OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, SYMBOL_LEFTPRICE);
            ObjectSet("SELL SIGNAL: " + DoubleToStr(Time[0], 0), OBJPROP_COLOR, SignalPriceSELL);
         gi_168 = FALSE;
         gi_172 = TRUE;
   return (0);
Holy crap...everything is glitchy)))) I've posted twice... It just popped up a message that - you can't add a comment because there's too much text))) But it did add))

How can I get the owl to work only at the times specified, i.e. from T1 to T2?

Sta2066 писал(а) >>

How can I get the owl to work only at the specified times, i.e. from T1 to T2?

extern int     StartHour      =       -1;
extern int     StopHour       =       -1;
extern int     StartWeek      =       -1;
extern int     StopWeek       =       -1;

int start(){
   if (! CheckWeek()) return(0);
   if (! CheckHour()) return(0);

bool CheckHour(){
   if ( StartHour==-1 || StopHour==-1) return(true);
   if ( StartHour== StopHour && TimeHour(Time[0])== StartHour) return(true);
   if ( StartHour< StopHour){
      if ( StartHour<=TimeHour(Time[0]) && TimeHour(Time[0])<= StopHour) return(true);
   if ( StartHour> StopHour){
      if ( StartHour>=TimeHour(Time[0]) || TimeHour(Time[0])>= StopHour) return(true);

bool CheckWeek(){
   if ( StartWeek==-1 || StopWeek==-1) return(true);
   if (TimeDayOfWeek(Time[0]) == 1 && TimeHour(Time[0])< StartWeek ) return(false);
   if (TimeDayOfWeek(Time[0]) == 5 && TimeHour(Time[0])> StopWeek ) return(false);
CheckHour() to monitor working hours
Sta2066 писал(а) >>

How can I get the owl to work only at the times specified, i.e. from T1 to T2?

Also here... >> 'MetaEditor: Relying on the power of templates'.


What's the problem?

//| ad+muv.mq4 |
//| Evgenio |
//| http://www.metaquotes.net |
#property copyright "Evgenio"
#property link "http://www.metaquotes.net"

//---- input parameters
extern int period_ma=21;
extern int period_adx=10;
extern int filt=5;
double muv;
int t;
//| expert initialization function |
int init()

//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()

//| expert start function |
int start()
if (OrdersTotal()==0)
double adx_main=iADX(Symbol(),PERIOD_M15,period_adx,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MAIN,0);
double adx_min=iADX(Symbol(),PERIOD_M15,period_adx,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_MINUSDI,0);
double adx_plus=iADX(Symbol(),PERIOD_M15,period_adx,PRICE_CLOSE,MODE_PLUSDI,0);
if (muv<0 && MathAbs(muv)>0.1 && adx_main>adx_min && adx_min>adx_plus)
t=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,0.1,Bid,3,NULL,NULL,"My order #",16384,0,Green);
Print (GetLastError());

if (OrdersTotal()>0)
if (muv>0)
Print (GetLastError());

should close here