Tester charts of future championship participants - page 29



i.e. almost any councillor will fire at some point...

just where?!

Mathemat >> :

There was also maximich, by the way, with his humblest crossover (11th place):


That's from '99. Including now.

This is now. With the contest close... It's a shame, isn't it?

Once again proves that the tester is a total crock.
If you hammer a f... hit your finger, a hammer in the hands of such a master will look worse than a dud.
goldtrader >> :
If you hit a finger with a fucking hammer... to hit a finger, a hammer in the hands of such a master would look worse than a dud.

It's just a bunch of masters all around. It's scary to be in such company.

sol >> :
Once again proves that the tester is a total crock.

Don't use the tester, you don't have to.

Rosh >> :

Don't use a tester, you don't have to.

Looks like I've hit a major nerve.

sol писал(а) >> the tester is a dud.

The tester isn't bullshit. What's the tester got to do with it? .......

sol писал(а) >>

It's just a bunch of masters all around. It's scary to be in such company.

The tester is a tool, nothing more. And it does its job properly.

But it is not a grail printing machine.

For many, if used properly, it has long since replaced the forward tests.


If through testering and tweaking you have found parameters for MASD that MIGHT have made a profit

. you have found parameters which MIGHT have brought some profit within three months, but today they are gone, it's not the tester's fault.

It's the testing and optimization methodology. Read Mathemat's favourite book Pardo.

sol >> :
>> Once again it proves, that the tester is full of rubbish.

You mean over-optimisation? Quite, except that it would be difficult to over-optimise 9,000 bids.

In the sense of unreliable entries/exits? Easily, but I've checked it, the September forward almost matched the tester, a few points do not count.

To make it worse, I will try to look into it after New Year.

goldtrader >> :
If you hit your finger with a hammer... >> : If you hit your finger with a hammer, it will look worse than a fake in the hands of such master.

I am not a craftsman in the first place, and I have another 500 quid :)