What is this programming for? - page 2

Prival писал (а) >>

The process, the unique feeling of finding, creating, not taking someone else's, the ecstasy of new knowledge. I hope you have heard the catchphrase - it is the process that counts, not the winning. And all new is well forgotten old.

My purely personal opinion if a person his whole life and not working with his head (brain), he atrophies over time as an unnecessary organ.

You know, I kind of agree... BUT TIME IS NOT WARNING and learning programming (it took me three months, maybe there are those who can handle a day XZ) ordinary people (although we all think that we are smarter only ourselves) IS NOT Worth it, but it's MYTHOUSE.

LeoV писал (а) >>

On the gates of Buchenwald (I think) it was written -


One can think of an even darker one:
"The end of the world will come when disciples come to the Gurus that no one sent."


(so send them hard and far away) :))


sayfuji писал (а) >>
Ключевым моментом в вашем посте является то, что это ваше ИМХО, хотя скорее это крик души. Моё же ИМХО состоит в протом примере. Скажите, спустя месяц вы хорошо водили автомобиль? Рынок суть нечто более неоднозначное чем полторы тонны металла. К тому же программирование это инструмент(!), а ключ в вашей успешности состоит именно в творчесокм процессе, полёте мысли, идее. Я, скажем, учился mql4 не месяц, но не перестаю и сейчас. Всё мне кажется, что знаю мало. Не ставьте себе преград самолично. Рынок-непаханое поле. И если вы изобретаете велосипед - это значит, что есть потенциал создать мотоцикл.

There's no shouting, it's just commonplace rationality... Just my IMHO, yes need to know, but at the primary level ... and this is enough "for dummies" to read the article, I think better than the author wrote (well, there were 4 in the articles) no one will explain, it's enough ... and spend a lot of time, effort and energy to then ... I don't know, I think it's easier to pay... I myself have learned how to write normally (not super-but will do), but still sometimes order, because there is no time to write ... And the prices are not as huge as they say here: 3000 USD is too much. For me it takes more than a day or two to write a decent advisor, and I'd rather make some money and order an advisor, and then I'll make some profit... It's not worth it. Of course, if you are a technician or a programmer, it's good to be able to do it all, but if you are a doctor or a psychologist. YOU DON'T NEED IT. Programmer (a real one) will write in two hours what I will write in two days, the main thing is to give them a good explanation and they will do everything themselves... And there are not many smart guys who catch it from the summer and don't take much.

SK. писал (а) >>

You've asked some very good questions!)

What do you think about it? I mean, in general.

Well, let's say you paid for the idea and the programme and earned an island with a castle, a plane, a yacht and a submarine. And even an army of tough-guy guards... Well, let's assume for a second that it all worked out.

Now there's no programming, no thinking, no worrying about anything. It's all there. Everything you wish for. There's nothing left to wish for. It's all there.

What are you going to do with it all?)

Use it till you're blue in the face, except for the guards of course =))

Korey писал (а) >>

One could think of an even darker one:
"The end of the world will come when disciples come to the Gurus that no one sent."


(so send harder and farther away) :))

That's not what I meant at all when I wrote that. That would have been too gloomy and dystopian. I am an optimist by nature. What I meant was that -

1. Someone doesn't know how to program and orders advisors on the side, using their ideas.

2. Someone is not very good at programming and makes up EAs from various EAs and pieces of code to implement his or her idea.

3. Someone is good at programming and implements his/her own ideas.

4. Someone does not have ideas and cannot program and buys ready-made EAs or downloads them for free trying to find a profitable one.

5. Someone studies MQL in order to finally make his or her own grail. 6.

6. And someone just enjoys looking at the Equity indicator resting in the sky of overoptimized or fitted to the history EAs, dreaming of what it would be like ..........

Generally speaking, life is very diverse to fit all the rules. You can write your own version, which I have missed. Unfortunately there is no formula for success, so everyone chooses his own way to find that one, unique, only he knows the secret of success. That's why I wrote, "To each his own.

SK. писал (а) >>

Well, let's say you paid for the idea, for the programme and earned an island with a castle, a plane, a yacht and a submarine. And even an army of tough-guy guards... Well, let's assume for a second that it all worked out.

It's called financial freedom. You seem to have no idea what a vast and beautiful world opens up outside the gates of a "work for a living/life" prison. By the way, a castle and guards aren't necessary at all. You have to be sure that you don't have to work again and that your standard of living will not suffer. It is important that you do it because you want to and not because you have to.

A simple example: you wrote a MQL tutorial because you felt like it, you liked it. But you wrote it long enough, because you were distracted by things you had to do, how much more interesting your life would be if there were much less of these "needs".


I join those who have said that knowledge of programming is just the next level of freedom. You come up with an idea, you implement it and check it out straight away. It's not much, but it's not little either.


I join in the opinion of most respondents, for IMHO man was created by the Creator, in his image and likeness, and its main task - to create. After all, if someone had not created all these yachts, planes, castles, what would the topikstarter "uslali until blue in the face"? Regarding professionalism - I agree, but even the most professional professionals, were once lamers, and amateurs, and judge the efforts of beginners at least incorrectly, as the saying goes - "bad that soldier ...".

And in general. In general, the topicstarter great respect, and a request - distribute this message to all trading sites with a direct link, so that those more often visited, and gave those who want to earn money. :)

xrust писал (а) >>

1.I join, to opinion of the majority of respondents, for IMHO the person has been created by the Creator, in its image and likeness, and its main task - to create. After all, if someone had not created all these yachts, planes, castles, what would the topikstarter "yuzal till blue in the face"?

2.Concerning professionalism - I agree, but even the most professional professionals, were once lamers, and amateurs, and judge the efforts of beginners at the very least incorrect, as they say, "bad that soldier ...".

3.......to those who come more often, and give those who want to earn it. :)

1. I agree completely, you have the time and interest to learn sit-net and do not overdo it. And as for someone who then yuzhal, it would not hurt, because then no one would be, and so ... How am I any worse than, say, Abramovich? He was also born in a small town and didn't know programming, while I had learned how to program and sort of understood Fourier, but all the same from paycheck to paycheck ... =((

2. Am I arguing? I'm just saying that the ability to program - yes, it's fine and just f... Good, but the inability to program is not something worse (maybe a little) in any case, this much (well, dramatically) on the quality of his trade ...

3- Now you're insinuating that I did it with intention, I didn't have any intention at all...

I apologise if I have offended you in any way, I assure you I was not implying anything and I did not see any intent. It just made me smile, so I wrote. And about merits, ability or inability to do something has no effect on those same merits, you can do a lot without skills or knowledge, and still be a worthy man. And about Abramovich and so on, everyone chooses the life he deserves or "everyone deserves the life he has chosen.