What do you think of the demo report? 330x deposit increase in 2 hours - page 26

Page 7, bottommost post.

Lucky, it is advisable to read the comments (there are refinements there). Probably the most talked about piper on this forum.

ALEX_SPB_RU писал (а) >>

And here are the interbank ticks (the spread jumps from 0.5 to 2 or more).

I did not notice anything particularly fluffy in them, the kotorics are almost the same as alparish ones, only the spread is smaller, but there is a commission, though small.

Below are respectively Alpari ticks for the same time, since there are less of them, I stretched the figure to the same size as the upper one

Don't give away Dukascopi pseudo interbank as a real one

alexsandr11 писал (а) >>

profitability is above 100 per cent.

Per day ? Per hour? In a year? per month ?


Show me a year's worth of real life, otherwise why waste time, could he?

tanaol писал (а) >>

Show me a year's worth of real life, or why don't you just let him do it?

I'm sorry, but your chart looks like a pissing match in the toilet - is it a demo? real? broker? test time?
Half of people from this thread can do better in a couple of hours.

tanaol писал (а) >>

Yeah, I've been painting too... for a few months now... I'm sick of painting with my hands

so, let the others compete in the john

i have a lot of expert advisors i bought from trader i know --- all of them fail on real account

is this a real account or a demo?

>> is there any monitoring or investing?

tanaol писал (а) >>

show me a year's worth of real life, why bother?

>> I'm telling you, mine can't =((( even in 5 years =((

tanaol писал (а) >>

don't pass off Dukascopi's pseudo-interbank as real

Where to find interbank Tenfore?

tanaol писал (а) >>

Don't pass off Dukascopo's pseudo interbank as a real one

tanaol, are these quotes from a real account or from a demo account?