MTS = profit FALSE ||TRUE - page 4


В итоге имеем : рождаемся без кодов разрушения.спустя годы нас кодит социум и приобретаем с половину перечисленных признаков саморазрушения,

Years later, after becoming part of society, we start coddling others ourselves. It's horrible. How to live...

live thinking, decode yourself first and code intelligently in your descendants :) maybe after a few generations something will work out, but not necessarily :)

scorpionk писал (а) >>

And who do you think paves it?

So we are paving it, only in the aggregate of all those playing and betting one way or the other.

We do not pave it, but, if possible, just float on the waves of the big ocean, trying to breathe in sync with it.

FOREX has a daily turnover of about 170 annual budgets of Russia and our traders, even a few billion dollars does not change anything...

alexx_v писал (а) >>

live thinking, decode yourself first and code intelligently in your descendants :) maybe after a few generations something will work out, but not for sure :)

I suggest we start by banning avatars from smoking.

It's Sherlock, he's allowed ;)
alexx_v писал (а) >>
It's Sherlock, he's allowed ;)

YuraZ писал (а) >>

603 monkeys... :-) ...


no one can say that about monkeys! - and if they do, they can't prove it.

It's exactly the opposite. The monkey trade will be completely random, the tools are known, calculating the probability is no problem. And this probability will not be in favour of the championship participants. It seems so to me for some reason...

timbo писал (а) >>

It is exactly the opposite. The monkey trade will be completely random, the tools are known, calculating the probability is no problem. And this probability will not be in favour of the championship participants. It seems so to me for some reason...

Random strategies have been tried and tested and buried a long time ago.


About monkeys trading at random...

Bettor's Report

Gross Profit, pips 140 427
Gross Loss, pips -147 256
Six weeks of the championship, 12,000 trades. It's all proven by now.

The winner himself with his record-breaking result fits the same theory as a quite probable fluke.

I.e. the championship is not an indicator of anything...

Mischek писал (а) >>

What's more, random strategies have been tried and tested and buried a long time ago.

It's not the strategies, it's the lack of them. What's the point of the thread? The man asked if there are any real working MTS. The championship was pointed out to him as a positive example. I took the liberty of kicking this sacred cow. The championship proves nothing. The positive results available are within the margin of error. The overall result of all participants is worse than would be the result of a crowd of monkeys trading at random.

timbo писал (а) >>

The question is not about strategies, it's about the lack of them. What is the point of the topic? The man asked if there are any real working MTS. The championship was pointed out to him as a positive example. I took the liberty of kicking this sacred cow. The championship proves nothing. The positive results available are within the margin of error. The overall result of all participants is worse than would be the result of a crowd of monkeys trading at random.

90 MTS Championships worked in the plus 100 to 120 000 USD this is one

If they had the ability to optimize at least once a month the figures would be even better this is two

An MTS which does not require periodic optimization is utopia.

Frankly speaking, I was surprised by the results too good, 3 months without access to the code is almost murder

The question comes down to why we need MTS.

If you want to get away from computers, sleep, rest, etc... or to fill up a depot one day and go to the canary... but that's utopia...