AutoGraf Series 4 - MQL features. - page 30

Korey >> :

- where do you see flood?

See the code comments here, see the comments (also on the code) here, and also here. Also look in the present thread two pages earlier. You don't consider that to be flubbing?

I wonder what Wikipedia says:

Flood is the posting of uniform information, a single repeated phrase, identical graphics, or simply short, meaningless messages in web forums, chat rooms, blogs.

The person who spreads the flooding is called a flooder in Internet slang.

In forums, double-posting, or overposting, which means two or more posts in a row, is also considered flooding.

Flooding occurs either as a result of too much free time, or to troll, e.g. to annoy someone. Netiquette condemns flooding and flaming because it makes it difficult to communicate, to help each other, and to share information. Many online forums create special, separate sections and topics "for flooding", to stop flooders from spreading their activities to other sections and topics.

In most forums and chat rooms, IRC etc. The "flooder" will be punished by a ban for a duration specified in the rules.

Types of flooding

Typical message flooding, where large numbers of messages of the same type are sent. The easiest way to do this is to write a sentence and then use Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V to send it to the chat room. In some chat rooms, simply type the phrase and send it to the chat room by pressing the Enter key repeatedly until the message form is cleared.



to zxc.

You see Sergei, to write large and small Software complexes necessarily
It is necessary to take into account psychophysical capabilities and moreover - psychophysical needs of an end user.
Otherwise even an expensive product can't be pushed through by any force.
I, as a developer, producer, etc., what you call the flood from Andi_Kon, has given me a lot of useful information:
In particular the division of meta-software consumers according to the presence/absence of totalitarian character traits is very well revealed.

Andi_Kon's posts in this thread have a high "bit of info/linguistic sema" attitude. This is not flooding, but a constructive discussion.

Korey писал(а) >>

to Rosh

In vain, Andi_Kon wrote about his style, his attitude to MTS, (he basically said that AutoGraf was an antipromotion of MT-4 and its language MQL-4).
I wrote in details, without any flooding, about the situation with the creation of meta-market trading tools for MetaTrader, - where did you see flooding?
Andi_Kon gave his opinion figuratively,
which is very useful for developers,
the opinion is given in the framework of complex business relations in this forum ...


If MetaQuotes bans Andi_Kon for criticism
- it will mean: "things are not going as planned", "i.e. bad", "i.e. as usual".
We traders, we are sensitive to such signals.

Shit, I've been unbanned.... Oooooooo....


So there's absolutely nothing to ban here... And the autograph bouncers should be banned...

Although I personally like this program... But the author's conviction of the opportunity to make money through it, causes a sad smile ... For me, and it really gets on someone's nerves... So then who is to blame? In this? I think it's the methaquoters as usual :))

Give the autograph a commercial status and hang the ad in a prominent place... There won't be any questions from anyone... Yeah - you don't want to? Well, write it like this - welcome all advertisers to our forum - "we won't erase it"... Yeah - don't like it either? Then create a special section of the forum, like "autograph advertising space"... I'm sure no one will even open their mouth... :))

In general, this autograph program is not bad, but a pity that in my humble opinion is not applicable in reality ... BUT THIS IS ONLY my humble opinion. Probably because I've seen more convenient programs with about the same features, OR because I don't need anything better...

But the program is very useful... And you shouldn't swear at it... Let him write, let him PR - variety is always better than a miserable monotony ... What irritates you about his behavior? Is it banal jealousy... I don't believe it, however...

Well then it's "just annoying"... That's not an argument, though... You'll agree...

And if you get banned Andi, what's the big deal - no big deal... ;-)

rsi писал(а) >>

If I am not satisfied with the "linguistic scheme", then the "constructiveness of the discussion" immediately equals zero, and no matter how many bits you multiply it by, you still get zero. Is it really impossible to "inform" with normal Russian words, taking them not only from the right hemisphere.

You are skewed... Dear... The point is that "why are you given the right to define" - "normal/not normal" from the "right/from the middle", etc.

Andi wants to swear, that's his right. We have freedom... Shit. Sabluk can't fucking put up pictures. Andi's not allowed to swear. What the fuck...

:)) You should be banned from criticising Andi too...


to rsi

Tanks don't fear the dirt (C)


Oh the festivities continue. Even the unicellulars are withering and boorish.

1. Reminds me of the ephalters.

2. And the one with the name alex.... realises he's hard to find to unscrew his balls. You can do that too if you want to.

3. ban as much as you want, I'm sick of it here. Have long found other places where there is no idiot chatter, idiots, scumbags, framers - in general there is no filthy slime.

4. The feeding hand doesn't bite. And most of the people here feed from that hand, so they don't bite.

5. The "owners" still can not make a normal forum engine (I spoke about this), well, "very good programmers".

6. So on the eve of the new year once again hanged, goodbye. And you're a slimey alex... see you later.

Andy... you get it, don't you? :)
Andy_Kon писал(а) >>

Oh the festivities continue. Even the unicellulars are withering and boorish.

1. Reminds me of the ephalters.

2. And the one with the name alex.... realises he's hard to find to unscrew his balls. You can do that too if you want to.

3. ban as much as you like, I'm sick of it here. I have long found other places where there is no empty talk, idiots, scumbags, setups - in general there is no filthy slime.

4. The feeding hand doesn't bite. And most of the people here feed from that hand, that's why they don't bite.

5. The "owners" still can't make a proper forum engine (I mentioned that), well "very good programmers".

6. So on the eve of the new year once again hung up, goodbye. And you slime alex... see you later.

HUH, the feeder-non-biteers
don't realize
that they are the ones the supposedly feeding hand is feeding from.
Anyway...eggs in bunches....

rsi писал(а) >>

Andy_Kon, Korey

Can I get in the way? :))

Guys, there's such a great song In the Stone Jungle of New York...

What kind of software is for sale... :)) You clowns. Make some money on forex... Don't mess with people's heads... :))

Damn, I was gonna put the audition link right there... But it didn't work... But never mind... Here's a great radio...

Professional Internet Radio 101.RU - Russian Songs Channel


"We don't need songs, we don't need bread - give us work" (S)
This is the root of the matter - Market Self-Consciousness
- If they gave MT-4 free downloads and showed a big pile of turkeys for free,
So a lot of people here think they should be respected, dreaming of millions for themselves,

They naively think they are masters and believe that everything has been done right for them))))
But what our proletarians don't see is that everything is done for their own pecuniary gains,
- Some are losing money and others are pumping spread with VCs.
When the hops come off,
The question about the quality of MT-x and its derivatives.

Consumer self-consciousness of MTs - where?