A question for MQL experts

Do you know if it is possible to create a timer with a set of standard functions "start", "stop", "reset" using MQL?
Of course!
Of course!
That's great! What are the options for solving this issue? If you can, please give us more details.

10 ways to ignite a man's fire

- I only know one way

- ¶ What's that? ¶

- ♪ To go on a date ♪

© x.f. 6 days 7 nights


10 ways to ignite a man's fire

- I only know one way

- ¶ What's that? ¶

- ♪ To go on a date ♪

© x.f. 6 days 7 nights

Thank you for the invitation. I agree, but let's answer the question first and then we'll make an appointment...
Yeah, and then like an honest gentleman I'll have to get married) To look for ways to implement the task, the task must be defined, at least in general terms. In my case, for example, the timer function is performed by a vertical line, on which a sound plays when the bar is opened.
there was a forum somewhere... Anyway, now it's working for me:) wrong?
extern int step = 20;
int prevtime = 0;
//таймер пример вызова if(Timer(Period()))
bool Timer(int period)
     prevtime = TimeCurrent();
There are all kinds of timers. For example, there are these
There are all kinds of timers. For example, there are these

or these:

timer.rar  554 kb
There are all kinds of timers. For example, there are these.

Dimitri! I...like it!


Dimach, I'm going down.