Advisor based on fundamental analysis - page 2

it would be interesting to work on this topic.
You need several years of data: dates of news release, type of FA indicator, its value. the rest is not a problem, you can at least start by looking at the arrows on the chart.

Look at the link I posted at the beginning -

There is an archive from 2006 onwards (you can set the parameters in the calendar and see the indices).

Although it is not known how reliable this data is.

To be more precise,

History since 2006 can be found at in the calendar section.
You can also find a deeper history if you wish (yahoo finance,

Found an interesting link. 'Displaying the news calendar'.

It shows economic events. But it doesn't analyze them.
But that's the work of developers.


Found an interesting link. 'Displaying the news calendar'.

It shows economic events. But it doesn't analyze them.
But that's the work of developers.

I like the indicator in the last comment much better.
Anyway, the examples are there. It remains to apply analysis to FA indices. I think you can even try to apply conventional TA principles to fundamental indicator charts. first, you need to identify statistical patterns of FA indexes influence on price chart. And then it would be interesting to try to apply technical analysis to the analysis of FA indexes charts. That is, maybe it is even possible to predict the tendency of FA indexes movement and make additional forecasts concerning price movement on their basis? Although, it may be a delirious idea. Well at least the influence of fundamental factors changing can be studied and I think there is the sense even without using the devices like AI and neural networks.

Look at the link I posted at the beginning -

There is an archive from 2006 onwards (you can set the parameters in the calendar and see the indices).

Although it is not known how reliable this data is.

More precisely,


It's not the only calendar, there are more than enough, but who will work with your hands, select the main fundamentals and sift out the "Treasury Secretary Paulson Speaks"?


Found an interesting link. 'Displaying the news calendar'.

It shows economic events. But it doesn't analyze them.
But that's the work of developers.

and I have something similar, only sometimes I am too lazy to fill it up with data once a week for the current week.

the task so far comes down to:

1. make a list of fundamentals.

2. using a calendar, make a text file with these indicators, or in Excel. We still need to agree on the format.

3. And then it is a matter of technique