withdraw from metatrader 4 - page 2

Askem1976 #:
Hello fernando on meta trader 5 the advertisement i read and became interested in selling it if I deposit $250 they will open up an account and help me trade and I can make all this money within a week etc. etc. etc. and I get a call from my broker and he tells me that my $250 is not a sufficient enough to do anything with and made me feel like garbage and I was really quite upset but was reluctant to return my money to me and said that if I was to deposit more he could help me out. So after I deposited another $110 with all I had my sandwich account at the time with that I don’t make a whole Lotta money and I think this is a way to make a little bit extra cash on the side I was interested in learning about trading and brokers and all this jibber jabber I hear people talking about all the time and making money on all of a sudden he just manages I can’t get a response from anybody and basically I have a training site that I can open up they are called Stock and trade $30 on it and decide whether it goes up for the weather goes down and just take my gamble and so far I’ve lost $300 and I’m not making any money I’m completely beside myself it was the only money I had left to do anything with it and I was just gonna make a break it I figured it’s better than gambling but this certainly does feel like like gambling and I have never been so angry and upset before in my life I want to I need to find somebody who’s in control of all this so I can discuss with him what’s going on I’ve asked for my money back and I’ve had absolutely no reply every time I ask for money back they tell me that I don’t have enough money in my account it’s sitting at $0.00 zero yet I can still trade with the hundred dollars left in there and at the beginning the contract said that at any time I can withdraw all my funds that means all my phone so every single cent that I had transferred to them should be returned to me and that time it was at about $300 so even if I was to each get $50 back because I supposed to keep the 250 in there at least I would be getting $50 back but eventually I just got tired of waiting so I started trying to trade on myself I have learned quite a bit but I keep losing trade after trade after trade after trade and I’m diminishing all my money and basically I just threw a 401 American dollars I am in Canada so that equals Jeremy losing just under $600 is that a person who is very sick with cancer and can’t afford anything with that maybe this will be a covet uplift her and it’s brought me down huge and I’m not trying to be a sob story here but I mean there’s gotta be something out there that can help I tried customer support and they slapped me off every time they say oh awkward deals your ticket right away do you wanna withdraw your funds will do that for you but we can’t do that because you have no money in your account well how can I have no money in my account if I’m still trading with it 

I can’t move the last time I was so frustrated if I can afford to hire a lawyer I would make a lawsuit and see the asses of these people I’m sure I’m not the only person he’s taking a vantage of it I read a lot of messages on this forum and it almost every single message how to do it people withdrawing money not being able to contact my broker is virtually impossible because there’s like 17 number he calls me on it now I try to contact him and there’s no reply and every time he tried to contact me it’s one to 3 o’clock in the morning but I sleep I do have a job I need to go to work I can bother this time today and when I do talk to him he’s a belligerently rude to me talk down to me treats me like I’m out our street bum and I’m really sick and tired of being demeaned for reading an advertisement that I thought would make my life better instead it’s bitch put me into a mode of depression it’s Completely horrible and in my eyes completely unacceptable and I’m sure everybody else has had this problem with truly agree with me something have to be done I don’t have the means I can I can’t get a hold of anybody all I know is I can go onto a site I can trade sometimes it went to dollars sometimes I want to send and her and then sometimes I lose $30 and I’ll lose $.40 and when I hit trade I can look at the trading numbers and the numbers we have a tree that’s a 96.2 I’ll look at the number when I go into my after the trade executed I’ll look at it and it will say that I meant to 94.8 well I would’ve known that I would’ve set my profit margins differently so we’re all definitely getting ripped off here whether you like it or if you feel like it or not or I’m doing something wrong and I probably am doing something wrong but he never told me me anythingHe never taught me how to train all he said was well if you’re not gonna put any more money into your account then there’s nothing I can do you’re on your own goodbye and that’s the last I’ve heard from him I’m sure he’s tried to call me but I’m not gonna wake up at 3 o’clock in the morning answer the phone it’s ridiculous wake me and my whole household up it’s rude it’s belligerent and then when I do talk to him he talk to me like I’m a piece of shit really really sick and tired of it and something you usually get done about this I’m almost thinking about calling the police and Better Business Bureau and maybe like they had a scamming from the government I know something somethings gotta be done ridiculous people are getting really hurt and depression is a killer and it’s really upset me

You didn't see any advertisement of Metatrader 4, Metatrader is the software used for trading, not the broker.

You were approached by a scammer, so called 'agent' that persuaded you to deposit money with them and you've lost it.

Consider yourself very lucky that you got away with a few hundreds lost only, others have lost many thousands.

For future reference search for well known and regulated brokers and have in mind that good brokers never contact you, you contact them.