[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 576


What gender is your computer?

1) Open Notepad

2) Type or copy CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak "I love you".

3) Save it as xyz.vbs.

4) Run If you hear a male voice, congratulations, you have a boy, if female, you have a girl

I suspect the default setting is boy in XP and girl in 7
I suspect we should get a girl now - maybe we'll get a mini-note? :) Or at least a calculator with tetris :)
I suspect we should get a girl now - maybe we'll get a mini-note? :) Or at least a calculator with tetris :)

Long time since I traded a "boy" for a "girl" ;)
I only got a nervous tic from having sex with Windows 7 )))

Control panel - speech, check what's there.

I'm either dumb or old. I'm not a total lamer, but I can't figure out how to run it. It is a text file! How do I start it?
I'm either dumb or old. I'm not a total lamer, but I can't figure out how to run it. It's a text document! How do I start it?
Save it as xyz.vbs.
I'm either stupid or have grown old already. I am not a total lamer, but at least I would not understand how to run it? It is a text file! How do I start it?

This is a VB script, extension, respectively, .vbs, runs the voice engine and reads text.

If it doesn't read it, look for SAPI5.

ZZY on the windup builds, they sometimes delete it because it's not needed.

Yes, yes! Is it a boy or a girl? WIN 7 )))).

Read this. It doesn't make you laugh - it makes you want to take up the cobbles. h ttp://www.open-letter.ru/letter/24055


Read this. It doesn't make you laugh - it makes you want to take up the cobbles. h ttps://www.mql5.com/go?link=http://webvybory2012.ru/

The educators wrote a completely haphazard, talentless letter.

It's a real shame to bring up such a serious, important and relevant topic and screw it up so badly.

The "humour" thread is appropriate for the text