[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 798

Eight people disappeared in the taiga while testing a new model of GPS navigator
My wife yesterday: - No, I remember, I remember... I just forgot...
Men hug in two cases: either they're blue or they're blue.
Girl, let's sleep together a couple of times, and then, you know, we'll want to live our lives together! - Maybe we'll have to.....
During an argument in a sex shop, a customer cursed at the shop assistant and listed the shop's entire range of products.
Eighth-grader Liusya, who got a tattoo without asking, was given a belt just below her bowtie at home.
It's bad for your health when you come to a girl with one flower and leave with a whole bouquet.
Breathing heavily of the overbreath, a flock of fifth-graders walked past the head teacher.
The little girl swung so hard on the swing that she could see why her parents had sent her for a walk...
I'm not a chatterbox, I'm a sarafan radio server!
Father Fedor has been collecting donations for the chapel for three years, but so far only enough for an Audi.
If I had the money, I wouldn't have it long ago.
I don't know what's worse: a guy texting "we have to break up" or two minutes later texting "I'm not you."
When you buy a new bag, the salesgirl offers you a bag. It's like when you buy a new car and they offer you a tow truck.
Girl and guy make love. Boyfriend: - Why aren't you kissing me? - I'm waiting for my boyfriend back from the army.
- What are you doing? - Eating cheese with a pigtail, and you? - Drinking tea with my mouth.
Catchy girl. Just begs to be dumped.
Europa +!
Father Fedor has been collecting donations for the chapel for three years, but so far only enough for an Audi.

Father Fyodor should take his example from Father Cyril! You might even be able to afford a two-storey flat...

A favourite school folklore in a modern format :)

Good evening, Lieutenant.))

(Without making the slightest mockery of Oleg Gazmanov's work, which I greatly respect)


Господа программисты, отложивши свой листинг,
Матерясь на пречистом, я ТЗ достаю...
Те кто логику знает, хеш коды вычисляет,
Те поймут и признают, о чем я пою...

Кто учил мат.анализ, в монитор тыкал палец,
Кто фреймфорки не юзал, а писал библы сам,
Я пою программистам, юзверей пожалевших,
Возвратив им кеш-пямять, контроллер, и RAM.

Программисты, программисты, вам твердят пишите быстро,
Что вам стоит, все клиенты мыслят так...
Написать пять строчек кода, подключить простейший модуль,
И программа полетит на всех парах!

Господа программеры, как сберечь вашу веру?
На запиленых билдах, ваши мозги кипят.
Что ж вы братцы скомпилили, что там понаписали,
И теперь эти скрипты спасет disk format.

Вновь мы пишем проекты, создавая объекты,
Расширяемых классов, интерфейс подключив,
В рекурсивном режиме, проверяя константы,
Отдаем элементы в многомерный массив,

Так чего ж вы хотите, наши клиенты,
Если знать вы не знаете, что такое массив!

Программисты, программисты, вам твердят пишите быстро,
Что вам стоит, все клиенты мыслят так...
Написать пять строчек кода, подключить простейший модуль,
И программа полетит на всех парах!


//© Денис Орлов

On a theme, an impromptu...

We walked to the rumble of the martingale,

We faced the trend!

We've been waiting for a pullback,

Avalanche fighters - courageous fighters!


On a theme, an impromptu...

We walked to the rumble of the martingale,

We faced the trend!

We've been waiting for a pullback,

The avalanche fighters - brave fighters!

missing the gloating laugh at the end.


I apologise to all those offended...
I apologise to all those offended...
There, by the way, IMHO, the theme at the end will be not "Avalanche Workers", but "Illancers", because they are just waiting for a pullback to close a bunch of averaging (against the trend initially) orders ... :-)