[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 759

This is not humour, this is Belarusian life. Don't you get it? They do not have enough calculators to calculate wages for a year. (And this is no humour.)

It's not Belarus, it's Russian roubles, if in American dollars then 800,000.00 is almost a million.

The first delivery of the TV set to Russia took place in December! And already ordered 2 pcs more, though by the same customer :)
This is a milestone event for Panasonic company, a lot of fuss and happiness!)) Big problem with delivery as the matrix is very fragile! Panasonic assigns specially trained people from Japan to supervise the unloading and installation!
A total of 12 such miracle machines have been produced in the world so far



It's not Belarus, it's Russian roubles, if in American dollars then 800,000.00 is almost a million.

I can now throw a headline "Overspending on the Olympics is 5 times the estimate!!!".
People will come running at once (there is one here) screaming that this is corruption, that everything is bad, etc.

Everything is OK... corruption... only in the UK ))).

Keep it simple - a new house should be built around such a TV
I recently bought a 50" for 900 quid, very different perception, I recommend it.
I recently bought a 50" for 900 quid, totally different perception, I recommend it.

If you didn't want to donate to build a hydropower plant...! Shame on you, mate. And then you complain about power outages.



If you didn't want to donate to build a hydropower plant...! Shame on you, mate. And then you complain about power outages.


I've already invested 600 quid, I think this is just the beginning, the investment will increase manifold, but we are determined to finally build it!

People are getting ready for April 1:

One of the companies that I am developing is doing similar businesses like Google, Facebook, Twitter, AOL, Yahoo, etc. They are launching very soon at the beginning of this April, 2012.

So, during this pre-launch time, any new members who join will enjoy FOREVER PROFITS with the company, and especially, NO NEED TO INVEST A SINGLE DOLLAR. So good, right ? They need users to mouth-spread their website so that they will soon become very popular like Google, Facebook, Yahoo, AOL, Twitter, etc.

So, I suggest that you should sign up, and invite all your friends to sign up BEFORE THE LAUNCHING TIME at the beginning of APRIL, 2012.

All new members will need Referral link to sign up, like Google did for their gmail at the beginning. It is easier than create an email account with Google, or Yahoo, because all you need is an email account and name to sign up and everything is FREE.

All members who join BEFORE APRIL 1ST, 2012 will enjoy 50% of the company's total profits every month.