[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 643

I don't understand women. When you start hitting on them, they get offended, like men only want one thing from them. At the same time, they are insulted if they are not interested in them as women. Trying to solve this problem has led to a week-long binge.

))) It's simple. You take what you want to take from them and you don't have to worry.

The main thing is that everything should be easy, natural and beautiful (if possible). )))

Typical double-entry bookkeeping. This psychological trick was also called "Cleopatra's trick" - whatever decision you made, you would always be at fault. For example, your wife's girlfriend comes to visit. If the husband does not pay attention to her, he is guilty of neglecting his wife's friend. If he does, his wife will claim that he is staring at her friend (or flirting). No matter what the man does, he's guilty. He can run away from home (which, by the way, will not save him from his wife's "righteous" wrath either) :)
Typical double-entry bookkeeping. This psychological trick was also called "Cleopatra's trick" - whatever decision you made, you would always be at fault. For example, your wife's girlfriend comes to visit. If the husband does not pay attention to her, he is guilty of neglecting his wife's friend. If he does, his wife will claim that he is staring at her friend (or flirting). No matter what the man does, he's guilty. He can run away from home (which, by the way, will not save him from his wife's "righteous" wrath either) :)

That's because they didn't agree. The husband didn't get his TK.
Беларусь. Весна… 2012 год…
Я начал питаться голубями. Они вкусные и полезные. Кора деревьев пригодна в качестве приправы и заваривания чая. Давно хожу пешком, узнал очень много нового и интересного о своём городе и его архитектуре. На день рождения заколол дворняжку.
На балконе валяется вверх тормашками засоленные воробьи.
Сам себе шью одежду.
Узнал как плести лапти. Моюсь раз в месяц, разжигаем костер во дворе и греем в ведрах воду. Пару раз удалось поймать рыбу. Варю бражку и ставлю квас. Чайный гриб - тоже хорошо. Думаем с женой взять кредит на двоих и купить велосипед. Воздух в городе становится чище, редкие машины удивляют детвору. Город пустеет. Вчера видел, как мимо проезжал президент на
своей карете. Собираемся натаскать с женой земли в квартиру и посадить картохи. Очень хочется картохи... Давно не ел этого изысканного блюда – картоха…. Вареной картохи… жареной… печёной... Говорят президент ест картоху каждый день, но мы с женой не верим, уж больно сказочно это звучит: картоха каждый день. С нетерпением ждем лета…

Тараканов дома нет... Последнего съели еще в сентябре 2011... Комары к нам залетать боятся, наши вены всасывают их через их же хоботок! Перелётные птицы пролетают над моим городом только на высоте 12 000 метров, ниже боятся... народ допрыгивает! Жабы весной квакают только сидя глубоко под водой! Крысы ушли из города навсегда!

Boiled the laces for the first time today, if properly salted - they look like spaghetti (although even old people can't remember what spaghetti is...)

(C) ASNepushkin

For those who do not know, there are now 3 exchange rates in RB


-- NBRB exchange rate 3150

-- bank rate for people 4,500

-- over-the-counter. 7500

Still in the mood for a laugh, so here.

I don't understand women. When you start hitting on them, they get offended, like men only want one thing from them. At the same time, they are insulted if they are not interested in them as women. Trying to solve this problem has led to a week-long binge.
There are two ways to argue with women and both do not help)))

broker forecast

real picture


Truth and lies about pioneering

The future Pioneer was then blindfolded and had to recite the motto of the Pioneer organisation - a poem by Agniya Barto:

As you tie your tie,
Take care of it:
"He's got a red fish on him.

Colours of one.