[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 558

This classic expression underscores the indestructible elements of stupidity and incompetence traditionally offset by the heroism of the masses.
Met in the context of rosy fantasies about real invincibility. Therefore, having heard from a respected person, it hurt.
Without sneering, after such news: http://rodonews.ru/news_1259967846.html reading these maxims is at least strange.
Everyone has their own weaknesses. Alexander Revva on Millionaire could not answer what a soldier's overcoat, rolled up for marching wear (roll-up), is called.

It's not about the player, it's about the audience vote - 57% think it's the sun that revolves around the earth
Nibbler: 57% think it's the sun that revolves around the earth
Well it is clear: Galileo suffered for nothing and founded modern science. Copernicus died for his heliocentric system for nothing. Demos in the end does not give a damn about all this from a high bell tower.

I'll say no more about politics in this thread - it's not my business and whose business it is, let them laugh about it ((

))))), a miracle of Indian technology, SUPER, Godzilla, Terminator, Matrix, nothing close )
The SUKA Chinese are unbeatable: http://www.plomo.ru/myths/557


"Pet the doggie..."