[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 442

the disease is called Judo
Ha ha ha...... funny. but I don't think he's done judo for a long time now.....
Ha ha ha...... funny. but i think he hasn't done judo for a long time now.....

I don't believe his bodyguards let anyone within arm's length of him.

I believe even less that the bodyguards let anyone within arm's length of him.

how about a paddle?

maybe with a paddle?
the nurse glitched.
Mishek, give me 1 more post - it'll be exactly 5k!!!
Well he's gaunt, maybe he's really sick........ The planet is ruled by bacteria and neither status nor power will save you from it....
the nurse glitched.
Mishek, give me 1 more post - it'll be exactly 5k!!!

at 4,999 a strong resistance line, now it's going to be 4,999 for a long time

at 4,999 a strong line of resistance, now it's going to be 4,999 for a long time
deleting one post each time before writing a new one....
what's the point?
the disease is called Judo
I don't think a man in his right mind frolicking on the tatami at the age of 60...
I don't think a man in his right mind would be frolicking on the tatami at the age of 60...
ha! with his medicine...

How about a paddle?
