[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 353


I love space and everything to do with it, so I guess yours truly isn't from that planet:)

There's no one from Earth on this forum.)

There's no one from earth on our forum.)


I watched it for 5 hours and realized I don't want to be an astronaut, not at all, I mean no way, I'd rather kill it on the ground
but the moose is far away and doesn't trigger as often, but if it does, it will.)
but the moose is far away and doesn't work that often, but if it does, it'll work.)

I do not know, I do not know, now Marina ( land ), explains Fedor ( ISS ), that with ZIP on board asshole, there all is old and there is no need even to look, they have problems with some light, the camera of the main compartment

The American's got a handkerchief on, going to sleep, it's fun.


........................................, cool

Michael, distract yourself, there's a screen saver right now...

but I'm almost always watching... there's also https://www.mql5.com/go?link=https://kosmos-x.net.ru// a great website about everything interesting, videos...

I love space and everything to do with it, I guess your humble servant isn't from this planet:)

I prefer this one: https: //www.nasa.gov/

