[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 343

So "if the zapyrka is not blowing bubbles, it's not poisoned" is correct ?

We see a dustpan that is NOT bubbling, so it is NOT poisoned, because otherwise it would be bubbling

3. if the dustpan is poisoned, it will immediately start bubbling.
1. if it bubbles, it has been poisoned; (no, it may bubble from something else)
2. if the bubble is not poisoned, it won't bubble (no, it may be bubbling from something else);
3. if the dustpan doesn't blow bubbles, it's not poisoned (since it blows bubbles from being poisoned, if it doesn't blow bubbles, it's definitely not poisoned, correct answer).

Yes, I agree, answer 3 is indisputable

I think this is the right one:

if you don't poison it, it won't bubble up


I think this is the right one:

if you don't poison it, it won't bubble up

It will, it bubbles from overheating too, it's like this
Strong test, well done the author, impressed!

It will, it bubbles from overheating too, that's what it is.
but it turns out it can bubble either way and so there's no right answer.
but it turns out that it can blow bubbles either way and it turns out there is no right answer.

let it bubble anyway, but if it is not bubbling now, it is definitely not poisoned
Strong test, well done the author, impressed!
Yes, it's not you (not specifically you) who are stamping advisors-slitters!...)
but it turns out that it can blow bubbles either way and it turns out there is no right answer.

No. If from A follows B, then from B does not follow A, but from non-B follows non-A. So the 3rd one is correct. :-)

let it bubble anyway, but if it's not bubbling now, it's definitely not poisoned
I agree, although there is no complete information on the dustbin, it could have been poisoned yesterday and stopped bubbling for example.