[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 197


Curious Facts - The origin and name of money.

The first coins in Russia were minted during the period of fragmentation and internecine strife (9th century). So it is not surprising, that on coins there are not only traces of recoining and remaking the portraits of princes, but also insulting inscriptions against the neighboring prince. So sometimes, in order not to provoke neighbours into aggression, some merchants preferred to exchange coins in kind, or at least to use the coins of foreign countries.

10th place: Before metal coins were minted, flax was a kind of coin - an element for mutual settlements: flax was highly valued because it did not grow in Europe. All words with the root "fee" come from the word "linen". And even in German, wages sounds like der Lohn.

Position 9: But the Russian word "gold" comes from the name of very highly valued because of its high quality coins of the Emperor Trajan, who minted golden solids for the barbarians, and the coins were in circulation in Rus' territory.

8 place: One of the oldest Moscow coins - denga, equal to 1/200 ru{censura} received its name from Tatar name of the silver coin "tanga", and they borrowed this word from Greek language during Alexander Macedonian campaign (from Greek danaka - 204,7g coin).

7 place: According to one of the assumptions, the name of Russian ru{censura} is connected with Muslim measure of volume ruby (4l). Under Peter I copper ruble was a square slab of copper weighing more than one and a half kg. By the way, 1 ruble in the old days could buy: 200 squirrel skins (14th century), 27 kg of meat or fish, 48 kg of flour, 41 kg of salt (18th century).

6th place: A mark used to be called not a coin, but half a pound of silver, it was a unit of weight. And the word itself comes from the Latin frontier, as each duchy had its own stamps within it - Bavarian, Baden, etc.

5th place: The Indian rupee owes its name to the word "rupa", which means "cattle", since cattle was almost the only currency for a long time.

Position 4,3: The Chinese yuan and the Japanese yen come from the Chinese and Japanese word for 'round coin'; they were coined in the image of the European thaler and were the first to be circular. Prior to that, coins had the shapes of shovels, hatchets, hoes and the like.

2nd place: The Israeli shekel, already mentioned in the Bible as the Hebrew standard for coinage and weight, is derived from the Babylonian shekel, the earliest unit of currency. Incidentally, the only silver coins in first-century Palestine were the silver shekels of the city of Tyre. So with Judah's infamous 30 pieces of silver, only the poorest of the slaves could be bought back then.

1st place: The quid. In 1776 the first paper dollars were printed in America, which were green in colour. The Americans lovingly nicknamed their money "green backs", which is where the modern nickname "quid" comes from



- What a congregation you have, Father! They stand at the service quietly and magnificently, and before, they used to drive away mosquitoes with their hands.
- And now I put fumitox in the censer, that's why they don't bite!
drknn: [...] money equal to 1/200 ru{censored}
That's right, now it's in Humour. I remember someone suggested putting a bot in the engine to censor the forum. How do you like it?


Adam and Eve are frolicking in the garden and God comes down and says:
-Children, I have two gifts, but you must decide which is which... The first gift is to pee standing up!
Adam shouted the loudest and banged his head against the trees that he wanted to pee standing up, that he had dreamt about it all his life and all that.... Eve relented and Adam ran around the garden, cheering and jumping and shouting and pissing on everything: the trees, the flowers, every bug and just the ground. Eve stood beside God and watched the madness together in silence.
And then Eve asked:
-"Lord, what is the second gift?
And God said:
-"Brains, Eve... Brains! But brains, Eve, you also have to give them to Adam, otherwise he will piss all over the place!


The oligarch's daughter comes to her daddy and says:
- Daddy, Vanya and I love each other and want to get married!
Daddy: Well, call your sweetheart!
A guy in a cassock, a real clerk, walks in.
Dad: -My daughter drives a Lamborghini, she wrecked more than one Ferrari, can you provide for her?
-God help us!
- Young man, do you realize that my daughter is used to living in a fancy house, with a bunch of servants... How do you expect to live with her?
-God help us! -Humbly answers the groom
-Daddy, how do you like my Vanechka?
-Your groom is a total loser, but I like the fact that he calls me God!


In Odessa, a confused man stands at a tram stop and turns to passers-by:
- Tell me, is this Deribasovskaya Street?
- No, why didn't you ask in the tram? You could have gone two stops without any problems.
- I asked and was told it was time to get off.
- Tell me, were you sitting or standing on the tram?
- I was.
- А...


I read Carnegie, decided I'd start the next day with a smile.
I spent the first half of the day smiling at everyone, as sincerely as possible. At lunchtime my boss came up to me and said:
- "If you come to work stoned again, I'll fire you!


A man went to work in America. He comes back a month later, loaded with money, but sad. My friends wonder:
- Why did you come back so soon? Didn't you get a good job?
- Yes, I had a good job. I go to a restaurant, sit down at a table.
They bring me a litre bottle of vodka, a slice of bread and a pickle. I drink it all, have a snack, get in my car and leave. And so I do every night. The crowd swarms to see me, the restaurant owner kicks in half a thousand bucks every night.
a thousand quid every night.
- What's the downside?
- And everything would be fine if it wasn't for the weekend - nowhere to go.


Vovochka, who is very late for class, is standing in front of his teacher:
- What happened?
- I was attacked by an armed bandit!
- Oh, my God! What did he do?
- He took away my homework...