[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 178

Wrong, tweak the post, please. If you just tear it down, the connection of the posts will be lost.

Can't find the post.
I didn't wait for you, I deleted... From now on, please put a note in it.
Ivan goes to Abram and says:
-Listen, Abram, lend me a rouble, and I'll give you two in a month and leave an axe as collateral. Will that do?
Abram: No problem. He takes an axe and gives Ivan a rouble.
Ivan takes a ruble and goes to the door, and then Abram tells him:
-Listen, Ivan, it will be hard for you to pay back two rubles in a month, won't it?
-Yes, it will be hard.
Abram: so you can pay half of it now.
Ivan returns the ruble, goes out and thinks: no ruble, no axe, a ruble is still owed and what the fuck is the point?
Ivan goes to Abram and says:
-Listen, Abram, lend me a rouble and I'll give you two in a month and leave an axe as collateral. Will that do?
Abram: No problem. He takes an axe and gives Ivan a rouble.
Ivan takes a ruble and goes to the door, and then Abram tells him:
-Listen, Ivan, it will be hard for you to pay back two rubles in a month, won't it?
-Yes, it will be hard.
Abram: so you can pay half of it now.
Ivan returns the ruble, goes out and thinks: no ruble, no axe, a ruble is still owed and what the fuck is the point?
All new is well forgotten old, an old anecdote I was told in the 5th grade.
All new is well forgotten old, an accordion I was told in the 5th grade.

With today's technological advances, even the latest news can turn into a mega-bogeyman in five minutes.
I didn't wait for you, deleted... From now on, please put a note in it.

We were on a business trip one day with a group of friends, and we decided to play a joke on one of them and put a pack of condoms in his suitcase before we left.
When we returned home, his wife went through his suitcase and discovered THIS!
A mute question in his wife's eyes, to which our resourceful colleague quickly responded: "Yes, everyone was given these, I just didn't use mine".
The tight military garrison was in a tizzy for a week: the wives questioned their husbands - where were the condoms?

I don't understand how this device works.

Here http://www.ntpo.com/patents_electricity/e lectricity_6/electricity_79.shtml you can find a patent for "apparatus for generating energy from the electrical field of the atmosphere".

