[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 172


Ahem. At the time of this story, all stationary tape recorders were powered by AC motors like EDGs and KDs. Constants came later, in portable combi-powered tape recorders, then in high-end tape recorders with electronic speed stabilisation.

To be fair, the motors were still powered from the secondary winding of the mains transformer, and the question of who would burn out first remained open. The transformer was more difficult to find and replace than the motor.

The machines were for rewinding transoms ))

Keep on shitting:

1. tools: flat-tipped pliers, 4 locking bolts

I have to ask you, did someone piss you off today?

Well done drknn. I even saved the page just in case, because I'm still using hypnosis, you know :)))

Seriously, you fight fire with fire. How many decibels are there behind the wall? Then add another 10-15, preferably Rumstein :)))

A very good and harmless way to diversify the life of your "client" is to add litmus or phenolphthalein dissolved in alcohol to his shower tank. If you use soap (containing alkali), you will rub a lovely blue (litmus) or pink (purgene) dye into your skin with a flannel. In other words, a person with a normal 'orientation' will come out of the shower already 'blue'... Or 'pink'...

Well done drknn. I even saved the page just in case, because I'm still using hypnosis, you know :)))

Seriously, you fight fire with fire. How many decibels are there behind the wall? So add another 10-15, preferably Rumstein :)))

I've moved out now and he doesn't live there any more. But at the time, when I first encountered the problem of music blaring in the middle of the night and a drunken neighbour, at the time I just didn't know what to do. A friend of mine used to box professionally. More than once he suggested that I catch the neighbour and punch him in the face. I kept refusing and looked for a more elegant solution. The thing is, the more primitive a person is, the more cruel the punishment they come up with. I did not want to consider myself primitive. The solution came rather unexpectedly - one night he lost the key to the front door and started knocking on the neighbours' windows. I came home from work very tired at the time, and I just did not hear him banging on my window. I woke up to terrible shouting in the hallway - he had broken the glass in the kitchen and was climbing through the window. I came out of the room eerily sleepy, listened to his screams and went to bed. In the morning I woke him up and demanded that he clean up after himself. He sobered up, realised he was wrong, and with the look of a beaten dog, swept up the shards of glass. While he was doing that, I was nibbling on his brains like a real wife - all men know how it affects the psyche when you're wrong. Generally, women have a trick - first make a man feel guilty about something, then rub his nose in it and impose their will. It's a simple woman's trick, but it worked on my neighbour -- he didn't play music too loud anymore.

In general, the arsenal of feminine tricks is quite effective methods that men are quite dangerous not to know - women are manipulators.

Speaking of manipulative tactics. I used to work at a construction site and was the youngest (in terms of age) in my crew. There was a guy working with us who drank vodka every day after work. It is no secret that drinking alcohol often makes a person irritable. At one point (probably due to withdrawal), the guy started picking on me for some minor detail and started messing around. Then I remembered the manipulative tactics I had learned about from the book "The Psychology of Simplification". Instead of getting into a quarrel, in a calm and even voice I asked the man a single question which ended it all. "What do you want?"

My foreman laughed when he heard that. The man was lost - one minute he was the attacker and the next he was put on the defensive. He quickly understood that he should not continue with this conversation, changed his clothes and went home in silence (it was the end of the day). That's how it is...


I'd like to ask you if anyone's giving you a hard time today.

There is a good eastern wisdom - in a state of peace prepare for war. When the rooster bites you in the ass, it's too late to flinch.

No - I haven't been pissed off today :) The subject of how to shut up a noisy neighbour came up. Well, I have posted several methods of such influence - some of them quite funny.


A little trick for builders. If you put a glass of sugar in the concrete when mixing it, there is no way it will harden. Most likely, they will have already put bricks on it or poured it into the foundation. So you'll have to redo the whole thing.

I read this and just waffled from my mind ))))))))))))


Pity the man - it's obvious to the naked eye that his lover is faking an orgasm.


Call the "client" on the landline:
- Hello! Could I speak to Major Ivanov, please?
- This is the flat.
- I know it's not a barracks. Haven't you been searched yet?
- No.
- Well, when they do, have the major call back to the station!