[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 58


18.02.2010 23:20:27

Rumour: meeting at the Ministry of Communications with important IT Americans cancelled due to their demand to keep Russians out

Today, Thursday 18.02, Minister of Communications Shegolev was to hold a meeting with the captains of the giants of American IT industry: the heads of eBay, Catalyst, Twitter, Mozilla, Cisco and others. Prominent officials, including the US President's Chief Technology Officer, travelled with them.
Before that, they had visited Surkov and Dvorkovich.
The subject of the meeting at the Ministry of Communications was something like electronic government - how it can be created in Russia by American companies. And also the Russian Silicon Valley with their help and all that.

However the meeting was cancelled within hours, rumour has it the Ministry invited Russian IT too: Volozh, Milner, Kasperskaya, Andreev (ABBYY), Kolpakov (CEO of Rostelecom) and others. But the Americans sharply opposed the presence of Russian companies, saying that they themselves wanted to tell us how to set up here, and they did not need locals at the meeting.
So the minister cancelled the meeting altogether.

( comments )

Serves them right...

Because you shouldn't bend your fingers in someone else's house.

But I can't believe that we cannot build a project with our own hands!

kombat >>:

Ну поделом...

Ибо неча пальцы гнуть в чужом доме.

А вот в то, что проект нельзя поднять своими руками в жисть не поверю!

It's easy! But it will be an order (of magnitude) more expensive and it won't work properly. You'll have to redo it later anyway.

Guess why! No one will give such a big contract to someone else (someone who will not share it). GLONASS is an example for you. Only to drown labradors - instead of a rock on the neck.

kombat >>:

А вот в то, что проект нельзя поднять своими руками в жисть не поверю!

You can't. I have been dabbling in this subject for many years. There are a lot of problems, from the dysfunctional Russian management, to the authorities poking into every barrel and trying to steer, to the zealous dilettantism of our companies. And employees with experience are thrown out on the street. And contracts are handed over to people very close to the body.

But in general, of course it would be better to invite Swedes :) The Americans will really bend their fingers.


Svinozavr писал(а) >>.

Only to drown labradors - instead of a rock around the neck.


I think we're down to the size of a mu-mu now...




.... Well now we await the news of eBay's failure in Russia, and the yellow press headlines "eBay from here"

From Habra:
mt_ : I am a programmer. And would ideally like a compiler to solve this problem for me.
seiros : I am a compiler. And I would ideally have a programmer do it for me.
MefBezTufel : I am a processor. What do you guys mean?
JustLuckyGuy : I'm an electrical charge. You gotta stop shoving me around so I don't get hurt.
konart : I'm a tomato...
FinikWasHere : How long has it been with you?)

Guess who it is!

kombat >>:

Угадай кто это!

Casper ?
Mischek >>:

Каспер ?
