[Archive c 17.03.2008] Humour [Archive to 28.04.2012] - page 40

In a black-black city, in a black-black street, in a black-black house, in a black-black flat, a black-black man sits and says:
- I'm never going to refill my own cartridges again!
DDFedor писал(а) >>
Read carefully and follow the thought
The blonde girl decided to go to the shop. She went to her friend's house and borrowed 100 rubles from her.
While she was walking to the shop, she lost it.
She went to her second friend and borrowed 50 rubles from her.
In the shop, she bought two chocolate bars for 10 roubles each.
She gave the remaining 30 rubles to the first friend as part of the debt repayment.
In total:
the first friend owed 70 rubles
the second 50 rubles
The total is 120 rubles
plus two chocolates in her pocket - 10 rubles each
the total is 140 rubles
Where's another 10 rubles?

It's simple. I borrowed 150 roubles (that's a liability or credit, to put it in accounting terms). I paid back 30 - the credit is reduced to 120. As you know, according to balance sheet and double-entry rules, credit must be covered by a debit or an asset. So it is - the debit is 120 (100 roubles lost + 20 roubles spent on chocolates). She has to return the chocolates to the shop and find the missing money.

...What if she had bought one chocolate bar?
Then the tritz would have been lost:)
Run писал(а) >>
...what if she had bought one chocolate bar?
Then the tritz would have been lost:)

That's what most businesses are built on.

>> in fact, she only borrowed 100, not 150.

Vinin >>:

Мультфильм про деньги



French cartoons are a thing !

405862 [ 3411 ] funny / [:||||:] / not funny / approved 2010-02-17 at 09:11
From a programming forum:
Kitty: I need a programmer urgently! Not some rubbish but a grmotny in his work! I am exhausted by the idiots. They know nothing, and make fools of me.
AlexWest: How can I help you, girl? :)
Kitty: Well, here's the deal. I downloaded a program which allows you to control ANYONE's computer from my computer but it doesn't work.
Craig: So how do you use it?
Kitty : What stupid questions! There are some foreign fields in there. I enter the name "Denis Sokolov", his home address, phone number, age, but for some reason it does not enter into the computer!!!
xxx: rode a small lift. asked to be told when to unhook, unhooked early and drove back.
xxx: crashed into another lift, then another one caught up with me, just as I was in the crouch position, clinging to the snow with my hands...
xxx: hit someone's boot, lost one ski and rolled into the woods on one ski.
xxx: and the ranger in boots and earflaps ran after me shouting: "Girl, you can't go into the woods," and I almost sobbed and shouted: "I don't want to go there"... and I drove and drove and drove...

- I can not set the time in the bios instead of days are months, and vice versa, that is, the days are only up to number 12 and the months to 31, tried to reset and a jumper battery and no effect.


- That's it! You have until I'm 25 years old to think about the nature of our relationship!
Pulsar: and then you self-destruct?


- I've been punishing my cat for a fortnight for puddling in the toilet and it turns out the tank is leaking.


- xxx: yeeh! I caught another bug in my program! )
xxx: using only my brain
yyy: as bait?



That's funny :) but doubtful - about going into the woods on one ski...

An acquaintance of mine, when skiing, used to spontaneously turn around with his back to the piste and go like that until he fell. It looked great :).

By the way, it's much nicer to ride in the woods than on the track... I'm not agitating, just sharing my impressions.