Useful features from KimIV - page 124


Why not? The programmer. I like his logic, but this is how I would write the order counting function:

Well, write it that way. He'll like that.

Why not? The programmer. I like his logic, but that's how I would have written the order counting function:

No arguments about tastes, but I'm more comfortable with his function! But when innovations suddenly break his function, you will have to look for a replacement. In the meantime, it's fine! What's the need for you to show me your function?! It seems to me that such a move doesn't make you look good in my eyes or Igor's.

You have waited so long (and with "fuck") to me to show you the logs, and when I showed you that there is only delay and no error, immediately lost interest. After waiting 24 hours, I scrubbed out what was superfluous and left what I thought was necessary. Self-love is good if it does not interfere, but helps! Good night!


No arguments about taste, but I'm more used to its function! But when the innovations suddenly take its function out of order, I'll have to look for a replacement. In the meantime, it's fine! What's the need for you to show me your function?! It seems to me that such a move doesn't make you look good in my eyes or Igor's.

You have waited so long (and with "fuck") to me to show you the logs, and when I showed you that there is only delay and no error, immediately lost interest. After waiting 24 hours, I scrubbed out what was superfluous and left what I thought was necessary. Self-love is good if it does not interfere, but helps! Good night!

About the function:
YOU ??? You and I have a private resource here? No one else to see? I said I like Igor's logic, but I prefer to get rid of redundancy. If Igor gave me all of his own set of features to look at, believe me, I'm grateful to him for that, and I didn't ask him for a "laugh" - there's a lot of interesting stuff in terms of logical solutions. I mean, I understood his way of thinking, but I'll write myself differently, but using his logical moves (and Igor asked not to share his personal library with anyone, but to use his idea in my own interpretation - for God's sake). You couldn't see anything in my function, though, apart from my supposed bragging to you... And you'd hardly study and compare to broaden your own horizons, thinking that I'm not prompting you, but displaying some lowly sentiment of my own... Bummer...

About the logs:
You didn't show the logs, which you've got terribly bloated (which you've got everyone here worried about)... I'm guessing it's because you want to keep whining about how your new language sucks and won't let you live. What am I supposed to talk to you about? I've kept a non-drawing THEME for you, but you never understood (didn't perceive) my desire to help you. You've decided to pick on me once again.

About my feelings:
You have a strange habit of referring everyone to a (outdated) textbook and documentation, while you yourself have no desire to learn or analyze, and yet you stick a knife into the helping hand unselfishly extended to you. What a child's playground...

Good night. May you dream of pink elephants ;)

Well, then write it down. He'll like it.
Igor is a very nice person to talk to. I don't think he needs flattery.

About the function:
YOU ??? You and I have a closed resource here for two? No one else to see? I said I like Igor's logic, but I prefer to get rid of redundancy. If Igor gave me all of his own set of features to look at, believe me, I'm grateful to him for that, and I didn't ask him for a "laugh" - there's a lot of interesting stuff in terms of logical solutions. I mean, I understood his way of thinking, but I'll write myself differently, but using his logical moves (and Igor asked not to share his personal library with anyone, but to use his idea in my own interpretation - for God's sake). You couldn't see anything in my function, though, apart from my supposed bragging to you... And you'd hardly study and compare to broaden your own horizons, thinking that I'm not prompting you, but displaying some lowly sentiment of my own... Bummer...

About the logs:
You didn't show the logs, which you've got terribly bloated (which you've got everyone here worried about)... I'm guessing it's because you want to keep whining about how your new language sucks and won't let you live. What am I supposed to talk to you about? I've kept a non-drawing THEME for you, but you never understood (didn't perceive) my desire to help you. You've decided to pick on me once again.

About my feelings:
You have a strange habit of referring everyone to a (outdated) textbook and documentation, while you yourself have no desire to learn or analyze, and yet you stick a knife into the helping hand unselfishly extended to you. What a child's playground...

Good night. May you dream of pink elephants ;)

A quality product does not need advertising, only quality instruction to the user! And marketing is manipulation and often deception of the consumer!

The rest, as well as your attempts to justify yourself are somehow of no interest to me, and like any THEM, as I have already passed this topic. My only concern is how far these updates will go, and I regret that there is no alternative to MT4's yet!


Good night. May you dream of pink elephants ;)

Here's a thank you for your efforts to help...

Everyone around is a bastard, stalking and hindering... They slow down the terminal so that it is impossible to make money, or they only give advice for money... In 60 years of my life I've met all kinds of people, but this is the first time I've seen this...


So much for your efforts to help...

Everyone around is a bastard, stalking and hindering... They slow down the terminal so that it is impossible to make money, or they only give advice for money... I have never met anyone in my 60 years of life, but this is the first time I've seen anything like this...

Artem and Renat do not need any help!

A quality product does not need advertising, only quality instructions to the user! And marketing is manipulation and often deception of the consumer!

The rest, as well as your attempts to justify yourself are somehow of no interest to me, and like any THEM, as I have already passed this topic. My only concern is how far these updates will go, and I regret that there is no alternative to MT4's yet!

You don't know, and you don't feel people. I have nothing to justify myself to you. If I ever have to justify myself, I will not do it to you. I can only reveal my soul to the people closest to me. I am happy to help others who need my help.
Artem and Renat don't need sixes!
Alexei is telling the truth. Let's draw conclusions...
Alexei was telling the truth. Conclusions...

Is this true?! "... then the terminal is slowed down so you can't make money..."

It was just about the tester, and the rest is not my words at all. Another fake 6-tenner!

Hello businessmen with conclusions!