Adaptive digital filters - page 32

"alsu 08.11.2010 03:28

By the way, grpdelay gives a group packet delay, which has nothing to do with the topic at hand".

don't embarrass yourself further. you clearly have a lack of education. What would you say if I told you that the group velocity of a radio wave (packet, group of waves) propagating between your mobile phone and the base station is greater (MORE) than the speed of light (under certain conditions) - and much, if not times greater? Are you going to get hysterical and scream that it can't be? That's because you simply don't understand what we're talking about. It's the same here.



2. ........ don't embarrass yourself any further. you clearly have a lack of education...............

1. What would you say if I told you that the group velocity of a radio wave (packet, group of waves) propagating between your mobile phone and the base station is greater (MORE) than the speed of light (under certain conditions) - and much, if not times greater?

1. Couldn't such speed be adapted to the delivery of quotes from DCs ? ... // Shyutk. Maybe it's time to relax already ? :)

2. Sad. Here I don't like appeals to education. I mean the agitation to look for reasonableness (your own?) in books and courses of study.

I think you have to stretch your brain. Then books will be more understandable. And even without books you can often get the hang of it...

"alsu 08.11.2010 03:28

By the way, grpdelay gives a group packet delay, which has nothing to do with the topic at hand".

Don't embarrass yourself any further. you clearly have a lack of education. What would you say if I told you that the group velocity of a radio wave (packet, group of waves) propagating between your mobile phone and the base station is greater (MORE) than the speed of light (under certain conditions) - and much, if not times greater? Are you going to get hysterical and scream that it can't be? That's because you simply don't understand what we're talking about. It's the same here.

Aye-aye. Make me laugh more and more.

Group velocity mixed up with phase velocity? What you're saying here is about phase velocity. That's a shame. You should at least look in a textbook.

Regarding your drawings - you deliberately did not do what I pointed out. Draw the lag for waves with a period of 10 and 25 on the SMA(100) and you will understand. Or do you think such periods don't exist either, like 2 and 3?

here, at least look at wikipedia if you don't have a textbook, there's a clear moving picture of how group velocity differs from phase velocity.

where did it disappear to?

For those argument fans who have already finished 9th grade, I suggest manually summing sin[wt]+sin[w(t+dt)]+sin[w(t+2dt)] - This will be SMA(3) and see what the delay will be and how it depends on frequency w, as well as just making sure that it depends on it.


where did it disappear to?

How can we discuss with you if the account is in deficit? Sinking on something that's non-reversible, unique, adaptive...

An Alpari demo account was set up to demonstrate trading using the concept outlined using
No Delay & No Redraw Filter

Login: 2763014
Investor Password: 1bafdal
Server: Alpari-Demo

"Aye-aye. Make me laugh more and more.
Have you confused group velocity with phase velocity?"

Fool, I am not confused. Re-read me again, THINK about what you're reading, and don't write nonsense.

"sin[wt]+sin[w(t+dt)]+sin[w(t+2dt)] - That would be SMA(3)" - you are nuts. That's not usually how the SMA is calculated.

"How can we discuss with you if the account is in deficit? Shedding on something non-reversible, unique, adaptive... "

Don't think I'm defending the author of that strategy, but it's initially positioned there as STATISTICAL,

so that to judge on ONE transaction in the minus in this situation can only ... not very smart person, again.


"aye-aye-aye. Make me laugh more and more.
Have you confused group velocity with phase velocity?"

Fool, I am not confused. Re-read me again, THINK about what you're reading, and don't write nonsense.

"sin[wt]+sin[w(t+dt)]+sin[w(t+2dt)] - That would be SMA(3)" - you are nuts. That's not usually how the SMA is calculated.

"How can we discuss with you if the account is in deficit? Shedding on something non-reversible, unique, adaptive... "

Don't think I'm defending the author of that strategy, but it's initially positioned there as STATISTICAL,

so that to judge on ONE transaction in the minus in this situation can only ... not very smart person, again.

Prada gets sad...

Let's have a normal dialogue. If there is a desire to discuss and consult, let us be enriched.

After all, if you do not waste energy on heating the atmosphere, you can generate and test a lot together.

This is not a complaint to you personally, but to the ironic "atmosphere" of the forum - when a "stupid" question causes sincere emotion of those present and real help, while clothed in the aura of mysterious "omniscience" - a reaction is quite the opposite ...

Let's have a friendly rage!


Sorento, well, as a sane person, would you give your opinion on the delay value of SMA(n)? If you call for constructive feedback yourself.
Sorento, well, you as a sane person give your opinion about the delay value of SMA(n)? If you call for a constructive approach.

Not sure...

SMA is simple arithmetic?

is supposed to shift by N/2.

But for lovers of "gattors" and other crocodiles, they can do anything.

I'm really just trying to understand this whole TA cocktail.
