Non-lagging or low-lagging indicators - page 3


Look at the attached file.

It is in the Code Base - Frama Indicator

If there are no non-delayed ones, maybe there are LOW-delayed ones?

Dear Sir, you have been answered and even given links.
I only answered the questions. Thanks for the answers, I'm off to read and figure it out.

P.S.: But I'll keep asking questions :))
If there are no non-delayed ones, maybe there are LOW-delayed ones?

There are plenty of low-lateliness ones. But "little", how little, is a philosophical question. For everyone, "little" has different meanings. .....

There are non-lagging indicators and there are even leading indicators. But they often predict with unacceptable noise :)

Can you give me an example of a leading indicator?

All indicators produce leading signals. These are divergences and patterns (head-shoulders, etc.). But the problem is that these signals are often not reversed. In other words, the leading signals contain noise.

The intrinsic nature of forex is that it is impossible to create a leading indicator that predicts without noise.

First let's define the term "leading". Does everyone think that the "leading indicator" is the one that always knows the future price movement? Or it has some other meaning, not so direct? Lukyanov, clarify the meaning of this term (or give us a link to its definition) or "non-lagging". Then the conversation will be more focused.

Joe DiNapoli divides all indicators into two classes:
1) Leading indicators;
2) Lagging indicators.


A Lagging Indicator is an indicator that requires market action before it turns on its own. This tool confirms the presence of support or resistance more than it predicts them. In short, it lags behind market events.

Examples of lagging indicators: Offset moving averages, standard moving averages, stochastics, RSI, trend lines, etc. At the risk of confusion, it can be said that some of the above indicators are coincidental indicators, i.e. they give a signal neither before nor after, but at the same time as market action.

A Leading Indicator is an indicator that indicates where support or resistance is likely to appear before the market gets there. ...
Among the available Leading Indicators there are some which are of particular importance. The most important ones are Correction Analysis and Fibonacci Extensions...


This is the Leading Indicator that can be considered as the leading one.


This is the Leading Indicator and can be regarded as leading.

Loud and clear. That's great.
Thank you, nen. Now let's ask Lukyanov: "Which of the named indicators would you be happy with?" Fibs don't count, as they are leading (leading) :)

All indicators are lagged by definition because it is a conversion. Only correctly made TS and .... are not lagged.

So if you have properly made TCs and neural networks, then make a lag-free indicator based on them for everyone's enjoyment.

The leading indicator is the one that detects the end of a trend correction. And by no means a reversal. We bite slowly. Sometimes we catch the 3rd wave. "You walk wide, you'll tear your trousers."

We can discuss the leading indicator MA6Open and MA8Close (crossing).