Beta version of the online book on MQL4 programming - by Sergey Kovalev (SK.) - page 4



a big request - to make the book standalone: either as an e-book or as a pdf file. I join those who would like to have this wonderful handbook "at their fingertips".

There is also a small note about the book. It's better to use real-life examples, I mean not to practice on cats, but on money or things related to business...

Actually, that was the original idea. The problem was to calculate profits, which would be formed in the hands of a trader (2nd farm), if his MTS (1st farm) would give a constant, systematic profit. But later, in consultation with the editor, we decided that the trader should not be provoked from the first pages, and so the example was rewritten.

This solution seems to be justified today, especially when you consider that loop operators are used in many other examples, every time "for cause".



a big request - to make the book standalone: either as an e-book or as a pdf file. I join those who would like to have this wonderful handbook "at their fingertips".

I, too, am in favour of doing so. But first we need to identify possible inaccuracies and refine the web version. To that end, the textbook will remain in its current form for some time.

Besides, it is the prerogative ofMetaQuotes Software Corp. to decide on distribution options.

SK. писал (а):

I'm in favour of doing that too.

And I almost did. In the process, I saved the page I read as an html file. I'm doing it for myself so that I don't have to go to the site every time, and it will be easy to search through the book. With the author's permission tomorrow I can put in the CHM format. Although if it is the prerogative of MetaQuotes Software Corp.
Climber писал (а):
With author's permission tomorrow I may lay out in CHM format. However, if this is MetaQuotes Software Corp's prerogative, it is probably not allowed.

All rights belong exclusively to MetaQuotes Software Corp.

If you have any suggestions or questions about distribution, please contact MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Then the matter can be considered closed. Anyone who needs the book "at their fingertips" is waiting for the official release.
Don't worry, first we will test the online version of the book (we will launch the English translation at the same time), fix typos and layout errors, include it in the official sections, integrate it into search and "similar topics" forum, and then release a free PDF or CHM variant.
SK. писал (а):

Yes, the tutorial is aimed at novice traders who do not have programming skills, but want to get involved in autotrading and are willing to spend some time learning the language. The text is written in such a way that no questions arise when reading the next paragraph. For this purpose, all necessary definitions, explanations and examples are given in the previous paragraph. Most of the codes are complete, so it is recommended that you try all the programs presented in the textbook on your computer.

It is believed that after completion of the full course (without skipping and skipping ahead) the reader will be able to write programs of medium complexity on his/her own.

Serguei, bow down for your titanic efforts! :)

I hope to finally be able to implement my strategy on my own in code.

s.w. wishing you all a merry Christmas !


Related question: if I download it with a telport to install it offline, won't my IP get shut down?

They will.

Wow... And the men don't know...

I downloaded it without even thinking about the possible repressive measures. I understand that every hut has its own rattlesnakes. You are the owners here and are free to do what you like, but somehow you have to inform about "step left, step right, jump in place" etc.

With that in mind, a couple or three questions:

1. Nowhere are the conditions for its use published. Would it make sense to do this? For the men who don't know.

2. It is declared that it is a beta. That is, it's a working product, but it's raw. You are going to improve and refine it with the help of users. Can you be more loyal to the access to the product at this time?

2.1 It is clear that changes will be made. How do I find out what has changed, where, why, and decide for myself whether to spend time on this?

3. what do i do with the copy i have already downloaded? I, I repeat, did not know your mise-en-scene.

4. Actually, the IP ban is cool. Gothic, medieval. What if it's a dynamic IP? I mean, because of me, a chillman and an infringer, a second grader and a sophomore, will the good burghers get banned?


I downloaded it without even thinking of the potential retaliation. I realise that every house has its own rattlesnakes.

The IP ban is not for downloading a book, but for mass downloading of something.
"Men" learn about such measures usually by experience ;)