Random Flow Theory and FOREX - page 85


So, then, there needs to be an explanation of what "the number of buyers and sellers" is. Because logically there is always the same number of buyers and sellers. If they are active, how can their number be decreasing?

And why is the number of buyers sellers weakly related to OM? For example, the sharpest spike on the OI chart does not show up on charts 5 and 6, even though it is supposed to...

Why... honestly -- no options. not much data to analyze.

So if one bought 1M and ten sold 100k, it's logically "the same amount"?

Decided to give another gift to the forum. I know that many people are following my posts. So here's a gift, practically a ready-made TC for Russia.

For completeness of description here is a full screenshot of the screen, what is my screensaver in YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/YouVoin

A little explanation to the screenshot.

On the left is the glass. In the centre is the results of 1 day trading. I took position in three parts of 40 lots (120 lots). Everything is in the screenshot, when I entered, when I left etc. The result is 393200 pips, for those who like to count money (although I strongly recommend not to look at this during trading). The profit was 393200*0.7=275240 rubles.

The most interesting is the chart. There are five of them. Everyone knows that the futures on the RTS Index, is the sum of values of 50 shares expressed in dollars. So. The upper one is MICEX index (the cost of all shares in rubles). The second one is the USD/RUR exchange rate. It is from these charts that the third one is obtained (with small assumptions) - the futures on the RTS index (that is what we trade).

TheXpert - the fourth chart is OM.

But the fifth and sixth are very tasty. This is the number of buyers and sellers. Try to guess three times. Why exactly at 12:56 I started to gain a short position ....

Good luck everyone.

A good trade, Sergey, congratulations. Of course, there is an element of luck, but you need it)). And this is how it looks like in MT5. I advise to add OrdersVolume (2.3 at the bottom of the chart). And instead of two lines use a delta (less artifacts due to clearing and more visible).


You have done a good trade, Sergey, congratulations. (The luck element, of course, is big, but what about without it)). This is how it looks in MT5. I advise to add OrdersVolume (2,3 below the chart) - the "bait" of large traders (excluding RTS, of course) can be seen on it. And instead of two lines use a delta (less artifacts due to clearing and more visible).

That's great.

Dima_S on the subject of luck, I think you'll agree that there's not much of it. The fact that we have poured so much, it's true, I agree. Even on your screenshot it's 100% clear, that it would be suicide to become short at 15:00 (8 August). The long is there and it's luck how long it will last, but the market itself shows that the movement stops around 15:45 ... 15:50.

No forex can give such quality information. It simply does not exist.

Regarding the 2nd and 3rd charts (from below), I thought and experimented with volumes. I gave them up as a result. Note that it lags relative to the 4th chart (TotalOrders). Regarding the 5th delta chart - there is more information on the 4th one, it is more convenient for me to use exactly two candlestick charts.

Z.U. I did not know that MT started to broadcast OI and TotalOrders. Pleasantly surprised. I would definitely add this refinement of MT to your chart as well (hope that in 5 years, they are not "broken" yet)https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/111


Round levels they work in the stock market too, not only in forex ))

Z.I. Here's a link to luck, hope you like it https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/127297/page17#369937

Adding my screenshot from August 8, for comparison

Clarification on it, one of the many entry points 15:12 long.

Z.U. For those who can not see and do not understand why it is there and going long. I am ready to give some training.


That's great.

The fact that they poured so much, yes, I agree.

Well yes - meant exactly that.

Even your screenshot shows that it would be suicide to go short at 15:00 (8 August). The long is there, it's luck how long it will last, but the market shows that around 15:45 ... 15:50 the movement stops.


Regarding the 2nd and 3rd charts (below), I thought I was experimenting with volumes. As a result I gave them up. Note that it lags relative to the 4th chart (TotalOrders).

There, if you look carefully - you can see the doji on OrdersVolume. In real time in the betting market they are seen as orders of very high volume, which are put, then removed. Attempts to provoke. Sometimes they can be useful. I only watch for that.

Regarding the 5th delta chart - there is more information on the 4th one, it is more convenient for me to use exactly two candlestick charts.

I, on the contrary, have abandoned the candlestick in favour of delta.

Z.U. I did not know that MT started to broadcast OI and TotalOrders. Pleasantly surprised. I would definitely add this refinement of MT to your chart (I hope they are not "broken" yet for 5 years)https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/111


This is too optimistic) It broadcasts the current value. I already collect it in the history file and display it.

By the way, in Quicksilver only the last day of history is shown, although all of the necessary options are specified. The history itself is not very good within one day. I do not know what it has to do with it.

The round levels they work in the stock market, not only in Forex )).

Z.I. Here's a link to luck, hope you like it https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/127297/page17#369937

Adding my screenshot from August 8, for comparison

For me the levels are there, they just disappear when the market is closed (my tiny bug).


Cease fire in Ukraine

Finally started making money on the rise.

The developments in the pictures

Only buy entries.

The news has not appeared yet, but the market has already started to work out. You should have seen what was going on in the betting window....

Fulfilled a weekly norm....

HOORAY !!!http://ria.ru/world/20140903/1022552921.html



Sorry for the lamer question, how do I set up the display of OI and number of buyers/sellers in Quik-e?



Sorry for the lamer question, how do I set up the display of OI and number of buyers/sellers in Quik-e?

Look on the Internet. I've posted somewhere. On my channel, search. If you can not configure it, Skype. I'll help.